View Full Version : Rear Door popper

10/05/2010, 01:27 AM
I just went and bought these two items
We sell them in our retail shop for various apps
(which we sell now on our website, pretty nice stuff)
and installation took a few hours.
Mounted the selenoid
ran the wires
wired up the box for the antenna and mounted it
I just use remote that came in the kit to pop the rear door
when I need to.
It also came with a button to mount inside to pop it which Ive
yet installed, not sure where I want to put it yet.
One final thing, I went to Ace hardware and pick up a spring and
washer, for now I mocked up a basic set up and easily installed it
behind the door. It helps push the door out when I pop it.



Mile High VX
10/05/2010, 05:38 AM
Nice job!

Still lovin' my VX logos...:yeso::yesb::yesgray::yesy:

10/05/2010, 11:30 AM
I have some more pics of the install


10/05/2010, 12:05 PM
Where does the spring go? I know I occasionally have issues with the door not popping all the way open, usually if I'm parked on anything more than a slight downhill incline. Sounds like a well placed spring might help.

10/05/2010, 03:47 PM
Has anyone ever hooked up the solenoid control to the OPTION button on the VX remote?

10/05/2010, 04:31 PM
Sort of yes, sort of no.

The "Option" button on the stock Isuzu remote is meant to run an Isuzu garage door opener, and I don't think anyone has figured out how to link the option button to the rear door popper.

On the other hand a member here, I think it was Raque Thomas, figured out how to rewire the stock remote door lock release to pop the rear door. His final configuration had it so that when you pushed the unlock button on the remote once BOTH doors would unlock, and then when you pushed the unlock button on the remote a second time it would pop the rear door (if you already have a rear door popper installed). I have his instructions printed out at home, but I can't seem to find them right now on the site. I'll keep looking.

Got it - http://www.vehicross.info/forums/showthread.php?t=2069&highlight=WORKS%21%21%21%21%21

10/05/2010, 09:40 PM
this seemed to be the most logical place to mount one
this is a mock up for test reasons, I took a spring
tack welded a washer to the bottom, then found the mounting
spot. I then drilled a 1/8" hole in the body panel and sctewed
the unit onto the body. done.
1 thing I will say, Im going to add a longer, maybe even a little
stronger spring then the one pictured.


10/06/2010, 07:46 AM
I have Tone's door popper installed in my VX and his kit came with a rubber bumper, or sorts, with a contained spring so it wouldn't mess up the finish on the door. I don't have the spring installed in the VX, but I do still have it at home if you'd like me to take a picture of it so you can get an idea for your kit.

The raw spring would scare me a bit as I would be afraid that it would scratch the paint or plastic (depending on what it is pushing on). That's just my two cents.

10/06/2010, 08:12 AM
I have Tone's door popper installed in my VX and his kit came with a rubber bumper, or sorts, with a contained spring so it wouldn't mess up the finish on the door.

This pusher works very well. I would suggest however using with a backing plate since it is mounted in plastic panel.

10/06/2010, 11:28 AM
I have Tone's door popper installed in my VX and his kit came with a rubber bumper, or sorts, with a contained spring so it wouldn't mess up the finish on the door. I don't have the spring installed in the VX, but I do still have it at home if you'd like me to take a picture of it so you can get an idea for your kit.

The raw spring would scare me a bit as I would be afraid that it would scratch the paint or plastic (depending on what it is pushing on). That's just my two cents.

Mine is mounted to the solid metal part of the body
no chance of that area getting messed up
but would like to see how he did his rubber bumper
Where mine actually hits the door now, had a rubber bumper
but it was too small and the spring sometimes would hang up on it.
My other option is to put install a taller, larger diameter rubber
bumper on the door and I think that would be fine too.
Lets see what yours looks like .

10/07/2010, 08:27 AM
Here is the bumper/ spring that came with Tone's popper kit. As you can see it's all self contained and it's pretty strong. You really have to push on it to get it to budge, so I'm sure it would push the rear door open with no problem. You would have to find a place that had enough room for the pusher when it is in the closed position, and was strong enough to resist the pressure of the spring, but I know others have done it before.




10/07/2010, 01:13 PM
I have a backup of tones website on one of my computers, they have the install pictures and instruction. I'll look for it and get back to you...

Edit: I actually found the PDF and also merged two extra photos into it for visual reference.

I hope this helps, because this is one kit i've been wanting to pick up but was to lazy to piece everything together myself.

10/08/2010, 04:04 AM
I feel bad that I never got to meet Tone, either in person or online. I joined the forum after he already passed. He sounded like a great guy with a lot of friends on here, and he obviously was very knowledgable and a VX enthusiast.

Knigh7s, I wonder if Moncha would let you post a Tone tribute section on this site, so while he is no longer with us, his knowledge and VX custom products can continue in his absence. Others may take up the slack, and continue his legacy. I know Jamas said he used Tone's cargo box as a model that he improved upon. There may be other products that we can either fab individually, or someone may decide to produce some of the items for others. People new to the forum like me, can still benefit from his knowledge and products even if they didn't have the opportunity to meet him. In this way, his spirit could live on through this VX website as I know it does with the members that were so close to him.