View Full Version : Wish the VX did this!

09/03/2003, 07:28 PM
For all those who got asked if their VX was amphibious check out this new Brit toy...

Here's a link to the official website for the AQUADA (http://www.aquada.host.goodtechnology.net/aquada/homepage.jsp?flash=true)

09/03/2003, 07:36 PM

I want this vehicle!!!

What a cool concept... Chitty Chitty Bang Bang comes to mind - but that was fiction - this is real. James Bond, step aside...


09/04/2003, 03:35 AM
yeah i saw it on the tube last nite... not bad if

1) you live in, say, Italy

& 2) you can afford the $250G sticker price...

Lol can you imagine what insurance would cost?:)

09/04/2003, 06:07 AM
250G's can buy you a yacht AND a seaside condo with a slip to keep it in and still have money left over for an SUV to tow it, a six pack of Corona and a lime :naughty:

But if I had money to burn, I'd get one just to be unique ;)

Jolly Roger VX'er
09/04/2003, 01:28 PM
Guaranteed Jay Leno will have one shortly!

09/04/2003, 04:17 PM
Really neat, but in my opinion it should be a serious off-road vehicle with this capability added on, rather than looking like a Miata or something. But I'm sure that would increase the complexity of the design substantially.

09/04/2003, 05:53 PM
Well, if you don't mind going a bit slower in the water (twin-jet propulsion = about 6mph) this just might fit the bill...

Tried to import one of these a few years ago but found the spares were a bit of a hassle, but they're still way cool!

09/04/2003, 11:10 PM
Is that 6 wheel steering I see there? I could see myself having fun with that thing!

09/05/2003, 05:22 AM
Just four-wheel steering, but six-wheel drive and as mentioned earlier amphibious via two water-jet drives. It's an Alvis Stalwart and was used as an all-terrain transport. They're relatively easy to get but spares are something of an issue as there isn't anything it crosses with here in the US. And those would be some heavy parts to ship across the pond!

09/06/2003, 07:55 PM
It would probably come in handy for bank robbery escapes:D

Jolly Roger VX'er
09/07/2003, 04:36 AM
Originally posted by deton8r
It would probably come in handy for bank robbery escapes:D

Speaking of bank robberies..maybe the VX is a good getaway car....can you just imagine a witness to the heist trying to describe a "debadged" VX to the authorities!

09/07/2003, 11:35 AM
APB on odd looking SUV with silver fangs in it's grille. The list will be short my friend... very short indeed :naughty:

09/07/2003, 11:44 AM
Yeah, the ultimate getaway vehicle would be something like a Toyota Corolla or Honda Civic. Something there's a gazillion of!