View Full Version : VX compatible drivers side half haft

10/18/2010, 08:13 PM
Does anyone know if we share a drivers side hal shaft (the splined axle with the "green cup" that goe into the front axle housing) with any other Isuzu or car/truck? I've heard that our stance is narrower than other Isuzu's from some sources and a wider stance from others. Anybody have any experience with this?

10/19/2010, 04:53 AM
I thought I had read somewhere that the Honda Passport had the same axles in them. I may be confusing them with something else though.

10/19/2010, 05:11 AM
Lemme contact RCV & see if they destroyed mine in the reverse engineering process or if it's still available. If it's available, I'll work something out with them to ship it directly to you.


10/19/2010, 08:02 AM
Get the #&@* out!! Tom, that is an amazing offer!! I love this family.:dan_ban:

I know it's not a done deal, so if anyone does know if we share a drivers side half shaft with anything else, or if there is an aftermarket version floating around, it would be good to know.

10/19/2010, 08:23 AM
I just spoke with both Craig & Sean at RCV. Craig is the salesman & Sean is the Engineer.

Sean is going to try to get all of his detailed measurements from my half shafts this week. He will be able to return everything after he completes that.

He will also be able to get us a cost estimate then as well.

I think that I'll have him return the axles to me so that I can check a few things before I send that one shaft & outer race to you.

BTW, for future reference (according to Sean):

Half shaft refers to the entire axle assembly which includes the axle (sometimes referred to as bar or rod) from the pumpkin, inner CV, the splined shaft between the CVs (he called it the center bar), the outer CV & the outboard axle that splines into the wheel assembly.

The 'CVs for Dummies' pdf that I posted long ago shows the proper names for the other components.

VX crazy
10/19/2010, 08:42 AM
Mark you never said what happened? Any problems that led up to this???

10/19/2010, 11:36 AM
Sorry 'bout that. Here's the update:

I knew that my inner CV boot was torn, but I was just too lazy to replace it. I kept saying to myself that I would replace it next week, then next week, then....you get the idea. I don't think that it was torn before Moab, but I can't really be sure. Either way that CV was open to the elements for quite some time. I started paying attention to it when, after a three hour drive over a rutted, dusty, dirt road, I was getting a vibration/harmonic at highway speeds. I didn't hear the CV clicking so I didn't think that was it. Thought it might be low T-case fluid, or a bad transmission mount. Checked both of those and everything was OK. Just as a test I put the VX into 4 low and the noise got worse on top of finally hearing the clicking.

Brought the VX to a trusted mechanic and they put it up on a lift, stuck in drive, applied a little brake and got some HORRIBLE noises out of the front end, so I've heard. Luckily I wasn't there or I probably would have passed out because my baby was in such pain. They dis-assembled the front drivers side CV and found that the outer race (the "green cup") had some grooves and checks in it that shouldn't have been there. The axle shaft is being sent off to a CV place in Denver (I'm three hours away) to see if it can be rebuilt since you can't remove the "green cup" from the axle.

I'm just trying to hunt down a drivers side axle just in case mine can't be rebuilt. Actually they would probably have to machine the green cup thinner so I may just want to go with a new axle anyway.

The moral of the story, kids, is to replace your CV boots as soon as they tear or you'll be looking at a much more expensive fix.:(

10/19/2010, 11:38 AM
Someone over on The Planet said that we might share a front axle with a 98+ Rodeo. Does that sound about right to anyone?

If so, does that mean I could also look for a 98+ Honda Passport?

10/19/2010, 02:02 PM
Go to www.myisuzuparts.com (http://www.myisuzuparts.com/) and find the part # you need. Then from the home page enter that part # in the search and it'll show all the Isuzu vehicles that share that same part #. Then Google that part # and it'll come up on some Honda parts site if they share it also.


10/19/2010, 03:30 PM

Gave that a try and the vehicles that share that part, according to myisuzuparts.com, is..... wait for it......

NONE. Just the VehiCROSS shows up. CRUD!! I'm going to give Merlin a call tomorrow to see if he can help out.

10/19/2010, 04:47 PM
I don't believe that. The trooper should be the same, as well as the SLX. Maybe some rodeos. The only difference as far as I know is that the cage/ball/tulip assembly is different. If you are replacing the entire thing, it does not matter...

10/20/2010, 09:39 AM
As a quick update; I just talked to Merlin and he said that the VX front axle assembly is unique and is not shared by any other Isuzu vehicle. Let me be clear here, I'm talking about the center section of the axle, the one with the third member (pumpkin). Apparently our track is different than other Zu's. I need to replace my axle (which is the splined shaft that goes into the housing and connects to the third member) because the outer race of the CV joint (what everyone is calling the "green cup" and is part of the axle) is all boogered up.

That part, what Isuzu calls the "Inner Joint Assembly", and includes the axle and inner CV is right at $500 from Merlin. OUCH!!! I think I'll be searching some salvage yards to see if I can find a used one in good shape.

Replace your CV boots as soon as they split, if not before that.

10/20/2010, 09:50 AM
I hope to have that "spare" back next week. I'll call RCV on Monday.

Ya may wanna PM Marlin. He may have an extra.

10/20/2010, 04:19 PM
I still don't believe that there is anything unique about the VX assembly except the tulip fitting is a TINY bit bigger, and if you are replacing the entire assembly, it shouldn't matter. As a matter of fact it has to be the same. We have the same front diff, hence the fact that the lockers are the same between all the zus. They are all 17 spline outer counts since like 1987 or something. They are the same length, hence I have frankenstein CVs. There are only 3 Zu lengths. So, having said that, I don't know how much merlin knows about these things other than what a computer tells him that the part numbers are different. The VX does have a unique configuration taking the tulip fitting into account.
As for me having a spare, I do, I have 6 CV joints, one consisting of the entire drivers shaft. He already PMed me. I am waiting for the cost for the RCV set, and I will sell all my spares hopefully for enough to cover the cost of a pair of those new ones and I will order another garbage aftermarket one for a trail spare.
I told him to drive it in 2wd and wait a bit. Then I can get him an OEM set if this deal goes through.

10/20/2010, 04:36 PM
Chris, I find it hard to believe that the VX center section is unique too. Heck, they didn't make enough of these things to warrant designing and entirely new axle for them. It did sound like Merlin was just typing on his computer, but what he could find was that the axles for the VX where a different lenth than anything else. I guess the only way to find out would be to take a few Zu axles apart to see what's what. I don't doubt that our diffs are the same it's the lenth of the axle itself that is apparently unique to the VX.

I have been using some of the part search engine's and have found a few yards across the country that say they have the part I need, but I haven't been able to call them yet to see if this is true. I would drive it in two wheel drive but there are a few factors stopping me. One is that the front end is dang near completely apart, and it would end up costing me more to have them yank the passenger side outer axle AND put the drivers side back together enough for it to be drivable. I really wasn't expecting this expense so I'm trying to get this done for as little dough as possible, but get it done right. The other factor is that we will be getting into winter up here in the mountains fairly soon and I really don't want to try and wrestle that short little wheel base through the snow. The TOD has saved my bacon MANY times in the winter so I'd rather have it than not.

10/20/2010, 04:59 PM
Chris, I find it hard to believe that the VX center section is unique too. Heck, they didn't make enough of these things to warrant designing and entirely new axle for them. It did sound like Merlin was just typing on his computer, but what he could find was that the axles for the VX where a different lenth than anything else. I guess the only way to find out would be to take a few Zu axles apart to see what's what. I don't doubt that our diffs are the same it's the lenth of the axle itself that is apparently unique to the VX.

I have been using some of the part search engine's and have found a few yards across the country that say they have the part I need, but I haven't been able to call them yet to see if this is true. I would drive it in two wheel drive but there are a few factors stopping me. One is that the front end is dang near completely apart, and it would end up costing me more to have them yank the passenger side outer axle AND put the drivers side back together enough for it to be drivable. I really wasn't expecting this expense so I'm trying to get this done for as little dough as possible, but get it done right. The other factor is that we will be getting into winter up here in the mountains fairly soon and I really don't want to try and wrestle that short little wheel base through the snow. The TOD has saved my bacon MANY times in the winter so I'd rather have it than not.

I gotcha on the snow thing. Although I think of the thousands of RWD vehicles that do just fine in the snow:)
The length CANNOT be different. All of the frames and ball joints are the same. If there are only three CV lengths (we have the long, as well as a slew of other ZUs), we have the same frame as everyone else, the passenger CV is exactly the same as others, I have one in to prove it (except the bearing and tulip size), same spline count, that means the drivers side has to be the same length. If I had more time, or was closer to Joe D, I would prove it and become a millionaire on VX parts...HA HA HA HA HA (in ominous voice). As for the labor, dude, just do it yourself, it really isn't hard, and the feeling of satisfaction when you are done is worth more than any mechanic's bill. Between the diff drop write up, and my CV/ any other CV write up. Its a no brainer. I even include exactly what tools you need. This is a 100% driveway job.
I know mechanic work can be scary, but find a friend that can help, print out the how tos and go for it. Save a ton if cash at the same time, and learn about your car.

10/21/2010, 07:37 AM
I just don't want to buy/find an axle out of a Trooper and have it be the wrong length and the VX would be down for even longer, and my wallet would be that much lighter. PLUS if the cups/ outer races are different then I'd be screwed there too. Maybe after this is all over I'll find a junk yard somewhere with a Trooper axle, a Rodeo axle and a VX axle and I can do a side by side by side comparison.

I usually do do (HA, I said do do) my own work, but I just don't have the time to do it right now, and I need to have the VX back in service as it is my daily driver.

10/21/2010, 02:00 PM
You might try allhundaiisuzu(sp?).com. They probably have all 3 and could compare them. They may also have the shaft you seek.:yeso:

10/21/2010, 02:55 PM
Another update: Talked to the mechanic and the CV shop in Denver said that they could refurbish my axle, but nobody knows how they do it. The mechanic is calling to see what it is, exactly, that they do because they said that they didn't machine the outer race down and the mechanic said that maybe they cut the outer race off and weld a new one on. WHAT!?!:eek: I don't like the thought of that. I mean this is a major drive component and if it is out of balance, or weak in any way then.... BOOM!! That's no good.

As a back-up I found just what I was looking for at a salvage yard in Ohio and they are shipping the entire driver's side axle (from the pumpkin out to the wheel) to me for $120. They say it's in good shape so I figured for that price I would get it here and see what's going on. Depending on what the CV shop does to my axle I may just put the used one in there if it's in good shape.

I also got a PM from BigMeatVX and he found an EMPI axle that should fit the VX just fine (part 87-9442 on this sheet: http://empius.com/cvjoints/cvjoints_pg86.html ), so if NOTHING else works I could easily replace everything with all new EMPI components.

This has been a HUGE P.I.T.A., but it looks like it's finally coming to an end.

NOW, once we get the axle back in we'll see if the noise that started this whole thing is still there, or if this takes care of it.

Does anybody else's head hurt? :disturbed