View Full Version : Japan: Cars and Bikes

11/15/2010, 03:16 PM
Wow, so the wife and I finally did our big trip to Japan. It was simply amazing. Obviously, being a car nut, I took a lot of pics of cars while I was over there. Sadly, I saw no VXes, no Troopers, and only one Isuzu street car, this one:


There were plenty of Isuzu Elfs though, like this, and a few other box trucks.


One of my favorite vehilces I saw a few of, were these older Land Cruisers. According to Wikipedia, these appear to be models from the 80s, but our domestic LCs looked nothing like this in the 80s. I even saw a 2DR SWB version.



Another model, I think ours looked more like this.

And while I saw only one Isuzu SUV, there was no shortage of little Suzuki 4x4s.








And what's that black SUV behind this little blue Suzuki?

That's right, a SWB 2DR G-Wagon. I didn't even know Mercedes made them like this!

11/15/2010, 03:17 PM
What the heck is this?


And check this out. A Nissan Rasheen. I've never seen one of these before until I went to Japan. These SUVs are super short. And I mean top to bottom, not front to back. I would love to have one of these and lift it and put big meats under it. Its hard to tell in the photos, but this little vehicle was super low.


And a few Mitsus.





And then there are all of these, all of which I have never seen, and know little or nothing about.


Toyota Origin, I looked this one up.



And look at this, I don't know if it is new or old?!?!?


I think I didn't see many Zus because the cities were primarily dominated by mini trucks, mini cars and motorcycles, like these little vans:

11/15/2010, 03:17 PM
And then there were the bikes. I'm not a huge bike fan, but there are some that I love.

Someone, PLEASE tell me you know what model Yamaha this is, because I seriously want one:


A few other notable bikes:




Some of the stuff that is street legal there could never be here, but I'm sure that works both ways:





Altogether an awesome trip. I already want to go back.


11/15/2010, 03:19 PM
Hope you had fun. There are a lot of sweet 4wd vans too. They reminded me a lot of australia with the brush guards and whatnot.
Did you make it to Ripungi (not sure on spelling). Its outside of Tokyo, like 5 blocks of just bars and clubs. China on the Garden is a really nice tour as well.

11/15/2010, 03:24 PM
I like that mini-retro-vw-bus!:yesy:

11/15/2010, 03:35 PM
Did you make it to Ripungi (not sure on spelling). Its outside of Tokyo, like 5 blocks of just bars and clubs.

Roppongi, yep, went there and had a amazing night. Long story short, we ended up at this lonely karoke bar on the 9th floor of this building where a Japanese dude ended up buying us 2 rounds of drinks and 2 bottles of expensive champagne. Really weird, really fun and unforgettable.

:) Bart

11/15/2010, 03:40 PM
I like that mini-retro-vw-bus!:yesy:

Yeah, I think its a modern vehicle, made to look like the orignal VW Bus, only a mini version of it. Its really small. Here's another one selling crepes:



11/15/2010, 04:55 PM
Funny all those LCs (except the last) look more like Mitsu's than Toyotas. Btw, I am really diggin' this Suzuki:


I can't imagine ever living in Japan, but if I did I would have to put a line item in the budget for mods. Can you even imagine all the stuff that's out there?

11/15/2010, 05:24 PM
I can't imagine ever living in Japan, but if I did I would have to put a line item in the budget for mods. Can you even imagine all the stuff that's out there?

Sure, but howmany of em are offroad related? Can you even off road in Japan?

update-I googled Japan offroad, found a few dirt road pics, but thats about it. Weird that 4x4 vehicles would be popular, other than snow, I don't see any purpose for em?

11/15/2010, 05:46 PM
What the heck is this?

that honestly looks like a modified lexus to me....one of these, modified???.. maybe not that exact year, but you get the idea (tell me how to resize it and i will....)

And then there were the bikes. I'm not a huge bike fan, but there are some that I love.

Someone, PLEASE tell me you know what model Yamaha this is, because I seriously want one:


dude, that thing is freakin sweet!!!! i would definately sport one of those!

11/15/2010, 05:58 PM
Try editing the image link in your post to this pbkid:



For direct comparison:


It's always tough to tell with JDM vehicles, they have a limitless number of body kits over there for pretty much any vehicle ever made. My personal guess would be some sort of Nissan maybe?

11/15/2010, 06:15 PM
Can you even off road in Japan?

That's a very good question, and one I wondered about when I was there. Obviously, the cities don't have any offroading spots, but out in the country there has got to be some stuff. There are plenty of mountains and areas that get a lot of snow, so there must be something...It would be interesting to find out.


11/15/2010, 07:33 PM
Sure, but howmany of em are offroad related? Can you even off road in Japan?

update-I googled Japan offroad, found a few dirt road pics, but thats about it. Weird that 4x4 vehicles would be popular, other than snow, I don't see any purpose for em?

That would be in keeping with the tidal wave of 4WD trucks & suv's sold in the good old US uv A every year...:rolleyesg

99.9% have prolly never had the 4-lo clicked in, cept maybe by accident during the throes of barely middle aged passion, when a soccer mom'z foot takes an errant lurch...:naughty:

Scott Harness
11/16/2010, 05:22 AM
That would be in keeping with the tidal wave of 4WD trucks & suv's sold in the good old US uv A every year...:rolleyesg

99.9% have prolly never had the 4-lo clicked in, cept maybe by accident during the throes of barely middle aged passion, when a soccer mom'z foot takes an errant lurch...:naughty:
Soccer Mom Sex...Ahh...Yes...Paradise by the Dashboard Light:winkb:
ps... extra credit for naming the the band

11/16/2010, 06:12 AM
Meat Loaf...

11/16/2010, 06:24 AM
Nice pics man! ...of course... Welcome back!
I also LOVE that yamaha and would sport one myself...

And this car:

reminds me of a 2004 Infiniti M45 which I really like (they look better in person) and seem to be pretty rare... it is not an M45 tho. COOL! This is an M45: http://www.freshalloy.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1624129

11/16/2010, 07:14 AM

Funny, but it looks like a Lincloln grille emblem.... though the car looks like a mild mannered, luxury GT-R. Baffling. :confused:

11/16/2010, 07:29 AM
...reminds me of a 2004 Infiniti M45 which I really like (they look better in person) and seem to be pretty rare... it is not an M45 tho. COOL! This is an M45: http://www.freshalloy.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1624129

The 1st gen M45 was an abysmal failure... they had to kill production several years earlier than planned and go back to the drawing board. The designers were going for a muscle car look (which I assume is what appeals to a GM guy ;)) but unfortunately couldn't find any muscle car lovers in the Japanese luxury market.

11/16/2010, 07:30 AM
...though the car looks like a mild mannered, luxury GT-R. Baffling. :confused:

I think that's the point of the front body kit. The more I dig around JDM car sites the more I agree with pbkid, it does look most like the Toyota/Lexus, although the kit would have to include both the front fascia and a revised hood. Not cheap.

11/16/2010, 08:58 AM
Alright, here's a close up of the grill.


Anyone know the badge??


11/16/2010, 09:19 AM
When I was in Japan back in the 80's there were car "boutiques" everywhere. Wheels, body kits, accessories, electronics, you name it and it was available.
I remember the little tiny cars (made a Mini look like a Cadillac) that had 2 stroke motorcycle engines...you could hear them coming a mile away!
Bart did you guys hit any of the big shopping areas? In Hiroshima there was a store called Diechi's (sp?) that was like wallmart on steroids...think wallyworld but 8 stories, each one specializing in a certain thing (stereo, video, cloothes, appliances...) but all high end stuff! The floor for stereo had a sound room with $50,000 dollar speaker systems, Krell amps, Nachamichi cassette players (which I own one of) and other high dollar toys (remember these prices were in the 80's). Also in Hiroshima was the A dome...ground zero for the bomb. There is some pretty somber stuff there!

11/16/2010, 09:45 AM
We did not make it down to Hiroshima. We spent 2 days in Kyoto, 2 days in Osaka, and then the rest of the time in Tokyo. As for big shopping areas, cripes, Osaka and Tokyo are both like gigantic malls!! In Tokyo, we went to Takea****a Dori (<----OMG, the forum **** the middle of that name, funny), which was amazing for shopping, as well as Nakano, Akihabara, Shinjuku, and various other meccas for shopping.

Shopping over there, is on a WHOLE DIFFERENT LEVEL than it is over here. I mean, its hard to describe if you have never been there. For instance, we visited just about every Mandarake we knew of. Mandarake is a chain of stores that sells anime, manga, toys and all sorts of other nerd stuff. Most of these stores are several stories high with floors specializing in various things. Like an entire floor for manga, and 2 whole floors for toys, etc.

Volks in Osaka was amazing. Seven floors of hobby stuff, an entire floor for model planes, an entire floor for model cars and tanks, an entire floor for trains, an entire floor for ball jointed dolls, an entire floor for Gundam and robot models, etc. Just amazing. And the clothing...my god the clothing. I'm a die hard jeans and t-shirt kinda guy, but if I was rich and about half my size I coulda spent a small fortune on fasion. Never before have I seen such an immense variety of different kinds of clothes, much of which was totally awesome stuff. I think I bought 9 t-shirts, and I bought 2 jackets. I would have bought more but I barely fit into their stuff over there. It was rare to find an XL shirt. And shoes? Forget about it if you are bigger than a size 8 or 9 mens.


PS - Got some IDs:

The white car is a Cedric Gran Turismo, made by Nissan I guess. The little VW busses are not VWs at all, they are "kei vans" with a VW clone body kit. Check it out!


The black van thing is indeed a Mitsubishi Delica and according to ubs_lover
on the planet, it is a 4x4 version.

11/16/2010, 09:49 AM
I think I am going to go post all this on the Japanese Nostalgic Car forum and see if can't get some more answers over there.

:) Bart

11/16/2010, 09:55 AM
first bike is Yamaha TW200/255

11/16/2010, 10:08 AM
Ahhhhh, thank you!!


11/16/2010, 10:35 AM
Funny you mention the "fashion" and "levi and tshirt" thing. When I was over there we were not allowed to take levi's off the base (other than wearing them)...authentic 501's and levi jackets at the time where big $$$ on the black market. You could easily get $150 or more for either. The teen crowd was into anything "American". I used to love going to the music shops...it was cool to find all the american music that was never released in the U.S. Tons of "live" stuff.

11/16/2010, 11:34 AM
I used to love going to the music shops...it was cool to find all the american music that was never released in the U.S. Tons of "live" stuff.

Funny you should mention that! While in Nakano, I ran across a music shop specializing in electronic and industrial music.


One side of the store was all Japanese artists I wish I knew more about, and the other side was all American and European electro/industrial stuff. I bought 2 Ministry live CDs I have never ever seen, and I have ALL there stuff, so I thought. They also had a ton of really rare CDs that took me years to find Stateside, as well as retro and repro band shirts. They even had a bunch of repro Wax Trax logo shirts, I would have bought one, save for the only small sizes...


11/16/2010, 11:56 AM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sf_GP0lfJo4&feature=related, might like this nfp, before and after

11/17/2010, 07:19 AM
The white car is a Cedric Gran Turismo, made by Nissan I guess.

Ah, damn, would explain the half-breed Skyline look, give or take the body kit. Looked it up and read up on it. Look slike it went the way of the do-do only to be replaced, by what looks like, some G35 looking thing. Cool find. Always learning.

11/17/2010, 05:57 PM
The little VW busses are not VWs at all, they are "kei vans" with a VW clone body kit. Check it out!


That is by far my favorite rebadging! Although I would never get one....

11/17/2010, 05:58 PM

...though the car looks like a mild mannered, luxury GT-R. Baffling. :confused:Dude! You nailed it!

11/17/2010, 06:41 PM
Bart, That Yamaha looks like a consumer made "SuperMotord" motorcycle. That style bike is nice, i been looking at buying a 2009 Kawasaki KLX250SF. Web search it once. In Black. You might Like!

11/18/2010, 05:08 AM
I have 2 Suzuki DRZ400SM's, they are a blast in the cruves.

11/30/2010, 10:30 PM
Hey Bart, check out what I just found: WHEELING (http://www.pirate4x4.com/trailreports/japan-2009/index.php) in Japan :)

12/01/2010, 08:30 AM
Dude! That's awesome. I have to say, I say like 6-8 of those Jimneys there. Really cool.

Where there you have it!
