View Full Version : New pic's of my VX with roof scoop.

11/30/2010, 03:24 PM
These are the pic's of my VX today, not best lighting, the roof scoop is 95% complete. Just needs half of the rubber for the inside part on the roof, to cover the place I cut and give a nice end trim. the last 2 pictures is with the air vent open and the other one closed. You can see that I'm not done.

11/30/2010, 03:56 PM
I think its......................AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! Good for you man, regardless of what the naysayers thought, I think it looks sharp. Is it functional yet? Meaning, if you open that bad boy on the freeway, does it turn into a 70mph wind tunnel inside:)

11/30/2010, 04:02 PM
i think it looks Kick A** !!

11/30/2010, 04:02 PM
Thanx Marlin, yeah when i open it, i gets cold fast and you get more air then you can ask for. Windows up and scoop airing, good for the hair dew of my wife, :). Also if you crack the windows 1-2 inches, you create pressure and you rush more air inside the cabin from the scoop, like how the rally cars do to get fresh air. Very functional.

11/30/2010, 04:06 PM
P.S. what bike rack is that
how well does it work
what are you carrying on it
and has it scratched anything up or ruined any seals

11/30/2010, 04:19 PM
P.S. what bike rack is that
how well does it work
what are you carrying on it
and has it scratched anything up or ruined any seals

-I'm not sure what bike rack it is, but I can tell you i bought it at pep boys.
-It works well, can carry 2 bikes but holds much better with just 1 bike and no front tire.
-I carry a mountain bike on it.
-Yes, it has scratched One small area,the upper half of the spare tire area on top of the half moon if you don't move the soft pads closer to the center it will scratch it, that happened to me, but easy fix. The seals are fine and no water leaks.

Mile High VX
11/30/2010, 04:27 PM
i think it looks Kick A** !!

x2...really sweet...:yeso::yesy::yesgray::yesb:

Nice S2K as well.

11/30/2010, 04:47 PM
I like it! Nice job.

11/30/2010, 04:48 PM
You have truly made it your own! Looks great and even more unique
Than it was already.
Good job!

* sigh * it looks really warm there! It's cold here in flyover country!

11/30/2010, 05:14 PM
Honestly I think you have my favorite VX. Does it leak?

11/30/2010, 05:18 PM

11/30/2010, 05:38 PM
Honestly I think you have my favorite VX. Does it leak?

Thanx bro.
-Not at all, i made sure i water proofed it like a mo-fo. it's supa water tight and i have had it on for a little over a year and still works like the first day i installed it.

11/30/2010, 05:38 PM
Thanx everyone.

11/30/2010, 07:06 PM
Mrs. Coastie in pinched nose voice- "Really, you couldn't wait to do that until we were out of the truck?!"

Thunk.....roaring sound of tornado.....thunk

Mr. Coastie- "Couldn't wait to do what?"

11/30/2010, 07:33 PM
Very very nice & one of a kind!!!

11/30/2010, 07:54 PM
Mrs. Coastie in pinched nose voice- "Really, you couldn't wait to do that until we were out of the truck?!"

Thunk.....roaring sound of tornado.....thunk

Mr. Coastie- "Couldn't wait to do what?"

lol, love it.

11/30/2010, 08:08 PM
plus you get the BIG BALLS award
its not like you cut a hole in a fender or hood
kind of hard to find a replacement roof if you F*** it up

11/30/2010, 08:44 PM
Where did you get the decal?

11/30/2010, 09:32 PM
Awesome job, Coastie!

So, does it work? Does it ram outside air into the cab well?


11/30/2010, 09:39 PM
Where did you get the decal?

I had that one made at the flea market back in 2007. I picked out all the font and colors, then they got the isuzu logo from their data base.

11/30/2010, 09:42 PM
Awesome job, Coastie!

So, does it work? Does it ram outside air into the cab well?


Thanks bro. Yeah is sure does, really well. If i don't want the a/c i open it. with out having to have the windows open. I'm not a smoker, but would work great for those that do, cuz sucks the air out super fast if u crack the window 1 inch.

11/30/2010, 10:59 PM
looks freakin awesome costie.... im glad all those naysayers are eating their words now ;)

12/01/2010, 12:01 AM
Whaaa make me one lol. Is there a filter in there, or is it straight outside air...so if it was dusty outside it now becomes windy&dusty inside?

12/01/2010, 05:02 AM
Whaaa make me one lol. Is there a filter in there, or is it straight outside air...so if it was dusty outside it now becomes windy&dusty inside?

No filter, but i have never had dust that i can see or notice go inside, I'm sure it does but no more then a window open. But if dust was a concern, I would just put one sheet of fabric softener to collect the dust and give the cab instant freshener :)

12/01/2010, 08:36 AM
No filter, but i have never had dust that i can see or notice go inside

Yeah, you need to come wheel out here. Then you will know dust. :)


12/01/2010, 08:38 AM
Yeah, you need to come wheel out here. Then you will know dust. :)


I seem to remember someone out in your area getting stuck in the mud ... once (but it was a good one)!

12/01/2010, 09:16 AM
Oh yeah, there is mud here, but you really have to look for it....and then behave stupidly.

:D Bart

12/01/2010, 09:34 AM
looks freakin awesome costie.... im glad all those naysayers are eating their words now ;)

Not all of them ! ;)

12/01/2010, 11:52 AM
I meant your red body decal.

12/01/2010, 12:30 PM
Looks nice Coastie, good to see you actually made it functional rather than just a ricey add-on. I would love to see that scoop on my hood... :)

Thanx bro.
-Not at all, i made sure i water proofed it like a mo-fo. it's supa water tight and i have had it on for a little over a year and still works like the first day i installed it.

I thought you just got this thing installed?

plus you get the BIG BALLS award
its not like you cut a hole in a fender or hood
kind of hard to find a replacement roof if you F*** it up

+1 - I'm OCD about not modding my original parts, so I end up buying spares of everything (rail covers, dash, etc.) to play with. I can't imagine taking a bansaw to my roof! :eek:

12/01/2010, 12:47 PM
no i just didn't finish it, when i first posted the pic's with no vent on, and sense then i never posted pic's when i finished it completely.

-The red side decal i bought from a ebay store.

12/01/2010, 07:25 PM
I can never find a decal that looks good. Yours looks great.

12/01/2010, 08:06 PM
I can never find a decal that looks good. Yours looks great.





This one would be very close if applied at the same angle...:naughty:


That's just a random cross section of what's on ebay, goog vinyl car graphics & i'll bet a dollar you can find the exzact same pattern as Coastie has...:yesgray:

12/01/2010, 08:13 PM
Windows up and scoop airing, good for the hair dew of my wife, :). Also if you crack the windows 1-2 inches, you create pressure and you rush more air inside the cabin from the scoop, like how the rally cars do to get fresh air. Very functional.

Nice job Bro...:yes:...:_wrench:...:smack:...:thumbup:

12/01/2010, 08:35 PM
Thanks for the source dub....I like some of their others from their store.

12/02/2010, 07:02 AM
Nice job Bro...:yes:...:_wrench:...:smack:...:thumbup:
Thanx bro. :)

12/02/2010, 07:14 AM
I can never find a decal that looks good. Yours looks great.

Man bro, i just went to my ebay, and looked at my bid history and found the seller, but he no longer sells anything anymore. Sorry bro.

12/04/2010, 09:19 PM
It is great to see the update. I was a bit worried when you hadn't posted for a while, I thought things might have gone south. Great unique mod. Any thoughts of removing the AC?

12/07/2010, 10:15 AM
It is great to see the update. I was a bit worried when you hadn't posted for a while, I thought things might have gone south. Great unique mod. Any thoughts of removing the AC?

No way a/c stays, hot sumer days and cold winters. I use it for travel a lot and the mod is great for an alternative but still nice to have the factory artificial air.

12/07/2010, 03:18 PM
the mod is great for an alternative but still nice to have the factory artificial air.

A/C is also nice to have when the defroster is needed...:yesgray:

Lookin' good Coastie!...:thumbup:.:thumbup:

12/07/2010, 04:34 PM
Dub... I am surprised you haven't already jumped all over this one (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&_trksid=p4340.m748&item=290507471631&viewitem=&_trkparms=clkid%3D5491694289648784055)!:bwgy:

12/07/2010, 04:37 PM
Dub... I am surprised you haven't already jumped all over this one (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&_trksid=p4340.m748&item=290507471631&viewitem=&_trkparms=clkid%3D5491694289648784055)!:bwgy:

not enough skulls...:rolleyesg

12/07/2010, 05:26 PM
I thought it would be a nice contrast!:yesy:

Kinda diggin' this one (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/RACE-CAR-GRAPHICS-IMCA-LATE-MODEL-Trailer-Graphics-22-/140395782120?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item20b03d9fe8)though.