View Full Version : Snow Snow Snow

12/02/2010, 03:55 AM
In true British fashion the country has come to a stand still for a few inches of snow! Airports, trains, you name it and its not working, lol! Although North West London where I am got about an inch max! so were fine. Here's the ladies ouside in the cold!

I'm sure you guys have some pictures of everything working in the deep snow to put us to shame!!! We just cant handle it, were only equipped for rain lol



12/02/2010, 07:03 AM
No thanks. We had our share here in the DC area earlier this year. I believe it was like 30+" at once and totaled 60+". You wanna talk about a standstill. It's your turn pal. Just.... try to enjoy it.


12/02/2010, 07:12 AM
Ahhh the infamous "Snowpocalypse" lol.

CR, I'm surprised you guys don't get more snow in the UK. Aren't you guys at the same latitude as Canada?

12/02/2010, 07:22 AM
Ahhh the infamous "Snowpocalypse" lol.
One of the radio guys around here calls them "Snownami", sarcastically. He hates how the local weather guys hype the storms and then it just turns out to be nothing but a few inches of snow.

CR, I'm surprised you guys don't get more snow in the UK. Aren't you guys at the same latitude as Canada?
Blame the Gulf Stream...sort of an enormous heat pump. Without it Europe would be frigid indeed.

BTW we are supposed to get 4-6 inches tomorrow, but that isn't all that newsworthy here in Minnesota.

12/02/2010, 07:29 AM
Yeah but it is nice for those of us from the southeast. I love going to Wisconsin to visit my wife's family this time of the year, pretty much guaranteed to have a white Christmas no matter what.

Kinda related back to CR's original post, I think people who don't see snow that often tend to imagine that up north everybody drives AWD and 4WD vehicles. I was stunned to discover that tons of people drive heavy, low-to-the-ground, rear wheel drive cars back and forth to wherever in the snow/ice. The difference is they know WTF they are doing in those conditions.

Bob Barker
12/02/2010, 10:07 AM
Ha, your house even looks British!!!

and I haven't seen snow in about 7 years, since moving to FL the first time.

12/02/2010, 10:21 AM
Here you go Crocket (wow, that's great, just like Crocket and Tubbs).

From last year, but should make you feel better.




12/02/2010, 06:52 PM
not too bad... im pretty jealous of all of you right now.

ive been depressed that we havent gotten any snow yet.
and for reference, here in colorado (in the foothills where i live), last year my acura dissapeared for about 2 weeks. im not exaggerating either, gone... buried so deep that i didnt even try to dig it out. I just put some orange posts on all 4 corners of where it was so it didnt get hit.

12/02/2010, 08:04 PM
not too bad... im pretty jealous of all of you right now.

ive been depressed that we havent gotten any snow yet.
and for reference, here in colorado (in the foothills where i live), last year my acura dissapeared for about 2 weeks. im not exaggerating either, gone... buried so deep that i didnt even try to dig it out. I just put some orange posts on all 4 corners of where it was so it didnt get hit.

So far it's been awesome up here. I'm going to ski at Steamboat on Sunday- they had 90" of snow in November.

12/03/2010, 04:57 AM
or Davey Crocket, lol!

Nice pics!!! Might have a run around the supermarket carpark tonight, lol!

12/04/2010, 08:54 PM
Wow, a JDM range rover!