View Full Version : pully problem

12/12/2010, 01:03 PM
If you are looking at my car the pully on the drivers side under the top one is spinning funny. Does anyone know what this does or is for. Sometimes it spins and sometimes it doesn't. also is making a funny noise and lowers the revs slightly. And is it supposed to spin freely if I use my hands not really the part where the belt is but the outside piece spins easily by hand? Thanks

12/12/2010, 02:06 PM
I think you're talking about the AC compressor, in which case it is sort of normal for it to act the way you describe. There's a magnetic clutch on it that will snap it on and off depending on the call for AC. If you turn off the AC and defroster, then it should not spin. But once you turn the AC on, it should cycle on and off from time to time.

While it it engaged, it takes quite a bit of power from the engine, and so it does change the RPMs. While it is disengaged, it basically freewheels, and takes nearly no power. When you were spinning it by had, the clutch was disengaged.

12/12/2010, 05:23 PM
mine is comming on every 1-2 minutes with the heater on and it kinda makes the car seem like it is dying. I just had my heater core replaced is there anyway this could cause this. it didnt happen before this install

12/12/2010, 07:15 PM
mine is comming on every 1-2 minutes with the heater on and it kinda makes the car seem like it is dying. I just had my heater core replaced is there anyway this could cause this. it didnt happen before this install

I would go to nearest mechanic and to check a/c system - if your truck almost dying when a/c kick in - there is the problem with a/c compressor or restriction in lines = too hard for compressor to pull/push freon around.
also when compressor on, IC valve should slightly raise RPM - to compensate additional load on enginefrom a/c.

12/13/2010, 03:03 AM
my question is if the ac isnt on and the heater is why is that pully comming on? is that normal?

12/13/2010, 05:22 AM
my question is if the ac isnt on and the heater is why is that pully comming on? is that normal?

Defroster yes, heater no.

12/13/2010, 07:01 AM
You guys mabe the right it may come on when I have the defrost on but shouldn't it stay on not go on and off every few seconds. Could this mean my compressor is bad or something needs to be tightnd ? Could the hurt my car if I drive it like that not using the ac. Here is a li.k to a video of it happining http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtube_gdata_player&v=1G5CIg2WJLI

12/13/2010, 07:06 AM
It is coming on with the ac and defrost. it comes on and shuts off every few seconds. Does this mean my compressor is no good Or can I just tighten something. this happened 1 day after I fix my heater core is that just a Coinsidence? Can it hurt my car if I drive like that Without using the ac? Here is a link to a video of the problem http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtube_gdata_player&v=1G5CIg2WJLI

12/13/2010, 07:17 AM
Can't watch the vid while at work but it is proper for it to cut on & off. Every few seconds (as you describe) seems excessive.

No, it won't hurt anything to drive it without the AC or Defroster running until you figure out what's wrong.

It sounds like you have too much charge on your freon. You'll have to take it in to have the system checked then maybe evacuated & recharged.

12/13/2010, 09:18 AM
Can't watch the vid while at work but it is proper for it to cut on & off. Every few seconds (as you describe) seems excessive.

The video posted is really short, but it cycles on and off a half dozen times during it -- almost the definition of compressor stall. It seems controlled, though, as if the computer is turning it on and off, versus something like a broken wire or something.

Have you flipped through the the tech manual? Starting on page 1A-61 is a quick test that involves looking at a little sight glass to get and idea of the fill. The other tests involve gauges and VOMs. In short, there's a little cannister to the right of the radiator, with a circular window on top that allows you to see the coolant moving. You should see a few bubbles that disappear when you rev the engine. If you see foggy, foamy, or nothing, then you've got refrigerant problems.

The AC is active when the defroster is on -- AC pulls moisture out of the air, which makes it effective on foggy windows.

07/31/2011, 07:33 AM
turns out when i had my heater core fixed they put to much freon in the system. took some out and all better now. thanks

08/02/2011, 08:54 AM
It sounds like you have too much charge on your freon. You'll have to take it in to have the system checked then maybe evacuated & recharged.

turns out when i had my heater core fixed they put to much freon in the system. took some out and all better now. thanks

Being right alla time is really starting to wear me down.:)

Glad it was a simple fix for you.

08/07/2011, 05:57 AM
its also worth noting the A/C will still condition the air even when its in the hot setting - it doesn't just produce cool air in the cold position it also drys it in the hot setting