View Full Version : technology update

Mark B
12/12/2010, 02:49 PM
I still have a old cell phone that all I can do is make and receive calls.
I am looking to update this technology to a new phone that has touch screen, camera, internet connections, download music and movies, and all the bells and whistles.
Any suggestions?

12/12/2010, 02:54 PM
I like the Droids. I have the Aris and my wife has the X. Both similar but the X is bigger and has a bigger screen...the X is 4G the Aris is 3G technology. And you don't have to use AT&T who were rescently voted the worst provider (IPhone is AT&T only right now).

12/12/2010, 03:21 PM
X2 on the Droids. I have a HTC Droid Incredible which can be had for as little as a buck with a 2 yr contract with Verizon. Its one of the fastest devices out there, its slim and has a great looking screen. GPS, great camera with decent flash, bluetooth, wifi, magnetic sensor, position sensors, FM radio (yeah, i know), VIDEO out with a proprietary cable (not supplied).

I'd definitely stay away from AT&T even their droids. Their 3G network is so overloaded with iDevices its ridiculously slow even in areas with good coverage. Verizon is definitely the carrier with the best 3G coverage overall and not overloaded with traffic.

If Sprint has good coverage and 4G in your area then the Droid Evo is also worth a
look. Its currently the only 4G phone (meaning FAST DATA if your area has it) and has a gorgeous huge screen and snappy CPU. Sprints coverage is not nearly as ubiquitous as VZW, but if you live in one of the urban areas that sprint covers with 4G and dont travel much, then its pretty awesome.

Speaking of travel, the new Droid 2 World edition can use both CDMA and GSM networks making it one of the few devices that can be used on practically any carrier wordwide. Its also a very quick device with the fastest CPU available running at 1.3GHZ.

12/12/2010, 04:01 PM
I'm with Mark B. Too much unneccessary crap on the phones.

12/12/2010, 05:20 PM
I have the new Sony Xperia and I LOVE it. Nice big screen, 8mp camera, Droid OP, lots of cool features and what not.I wasn't looking to upgrade phones but my LG Xenon broke and when I took it in they told me I had a free upgrade and ended up getting the Xperia for $0 so couldn't turn that down lol.

12/12/2010, 06:47 PM
I would have mentioned the Experia X10, but its left me non-plussed. It had great hardware specs when announced, but by the time it released it was middle of the road.

Its software updates are also very late. It still doesn't run Android 2.2 (Froyo) which makes it one of the last of its hardware class to get the update. Of course your mileage may vary if you root it and load a custom ROM.

Meanwhile HTC and Moto devices will get Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) 1st quarter 2011. Sony will prolly never release 2.3 for the X10 at this rate.

12/12/2010, 06:56 PM
I'm with Mark B. Too much unneccessary crap on the phones.

Did you even read the original post?

12/12/2010, 07:18 PM
I'm not a HUGE phone tech guy but for what I use it for, the X10 is great. I knew the updates would come at a slower rate but how much better is 2.2 for the average user?

12/12/2010, 08:35 PM
I'm not a HUGE phone tech guy but for what I use it for, the X10 is great. I knew the updates would come at a slower rate but how much better is 2.2 for the average user?

IMHO average user does not use their device to its full potential so in all honesty, not much. However for those who want to actually use the hardware they paid for it matters a bunch.

Our smartphones are nice little computers, and like any tech, they can be used to their potential or not. It just depends who's driving and if they choose to use it.

Personally, I'll mod any tech I find. Much like we mod vehicles.
I hate vehicle/computer analogy's, but sometimes the metaphor works.

The VX can take you to the Dollar General store to pick up cat litter, and if that's all you want, that's fine.

It can also climb rocks, mire through mud, ford streams, kick sand, turn heads and scream down the Interstate. Its just a matter of using what it has natively and adding on or removing as you see fit.

If you want to make phone calls and send text messages, get a pay-as-you-go feature phone from walmart. If you want a smart phone as the original poster requested then I'll stand by my recommendations.

The Experia is a great device hardware wise, but it didn't appear on my list since its firmware is already obsolete and Sony developers do not seem too keen on updating their devices in a timely manner, thus it stays on the back burner.

Root the device, try a few custom roms and report back! I encourage you, mod it!

12/12/2010, 09:11 PM
I use the phone for alot of things including many app downloads, web browsing, reading work emails and using the office suite alot. I don't just use it for phone calls, actually I do very little calling from it lol. What I guess I was trying to ask was what IS the main advantage of 2.2 over 2.1, usually updates make certain things work a little better faster and then they throw in some extra features. I was just wondering what those were for everyone's knowledge.

12/12/2010, 09:21 PM
Gotta believe Sony has its eye on the gaming and 3D TV markets right now, especially just ahead of the holidays. Something tells me the timeliness of cell phone OS upgrades is NOT on their CEO's daily update list.

Btw (and total TJ) how'd you like to be that Sony CEO realizing that the Wii handed you your a** a few years ago, then when you catch up to that technology Xbox360 blows you out of the water with the controller-less version? I bet they're happy they won the BluRay v. HD-DVD battle.

Jack over. :o

12/12/2010, 09:25 PM
I think there are a lot of factors at play in determining what you want.

My first notion would be to recommend an Android handset. Reasons being that they are simply on every carrier at the moment. That said, you need to pick a truly good Android handset, and make sure it's going to be updated to 2.3. Here's the thing about Android. It's great, especially if you are a tech person, but it's not the most user friendly in the world. It's also still in a bit of the famous "beta" mode that Google tends to do with their products. They are quick to make improvements and updates, but it's a fast moving/changing scenario. If you are on AT&T, I would avoid their Android sets. They just aren't there yet since they (at the moment) still have exclusive rights to the iPhone.

I have an EVO (Sprint) and think it's a great phone. It's a bit big, but still rocks. I got it when I bought a 4G plan from Sprint just so I can have great internet for my work laptop all over the area I live/freelance in. I use it mostly as a work/backup phone.

That said, as far as fit and finish, ease of use, and games/apps go, the iPhone4 is my main phone. It's awesome. I don't like AT&T, but that's how much I love my iPhone. I am fairly tech savvy however, and have jailbroken mine to open up the few options I enjoy on my EVO. Main one being tethering and wifi-hotspot.

Now, as far as AT&T is concerned, here are my thoughts. Everyone will be moving to 4G soon enough, but if you aren't in a decently urban area, I wouldn't even factor that as a plus at the moment. It's going to be a while before 4G is mature.

Also, mark my words, because there is a lot of hype and disagreement about this, but when the iPhone goes to Verizon later in 2011, you can bet that there will be a whole new load generated for Verizon's network.

I get around 3Mb down and 1Mb up on my iPhone, on my EVO (in sprint's 4G areas) I average about 5.5-7Mb down and 1.5Mb up. Now, in areas where I go to 3G on my EVO (which is pretty much EVERYWHERE 4-5 miles outside all metro areas, my performance is WORSE than the iPhone.

Hope this isn't confusing. I'm just spewing random experience and facts out there, but I hope it helps.

My mother went through 2 'droids before I gave her my old iPhone 3Gs and she uses it more than I could have imagined.

I would personally have a hard time giving up either of my phones, but push come to shove, I would let go of the EVO for a few main reasons.

•I REALLY appreciate good industrial design and LOVE the feel of the iPhone in my hand. It's like an old leica rangefinder camera.

•I am an app whore and I love the amount of options in the app store, not to mention the games selection. That new EPIC game is hands down amazing example of what's to come for handheld gaming. I truly looks like an xBox 360 in my hand)

•I run mainly Macs in my day to day (designer/illustrator) and so the syncing ability of the iPhone with my Mac is the best experience out there with a phone

•All the menus, subtextual items, etc just flow great IMO. The UI is interlinked so well with every other application that it's amazing.

Take those 4 things into consideration. They would push your buyers choice either way.

PS, don't discount a new Windows phone. You really should go try one out. I was really impressed (and I HATE using windows in general, although windows 7 is a HUGE leap forward from vista) and it actually does a good job of staying out of your way similar to the iPhone.

Hope any of this helps,

12/12/2010, 09:30 PM
One more thing. If you are clumsy, avoid the iPhone 4. Period. You WILL eventually drop it onto a corner and shatter that glass. It's not hard to change at ALL, but it can be annoying if you have a tendency to drop things. I baby all my electronics, so this hasn't been an issue for me.

You can get a big case for it that will protect it, but really, what's the point then? The thing is so awesome in your hand it would suck to cover it all up.

That being said, the Verizon iteration of the iPhone may correct some of the screen fragility.


12/12/2010, 09:49 PM
To me the fragility of the iPhone is it's biggest failure. Beautiful things belong in a museum, in the real world I don't have time to focus all my energy on babying a cell phone to make sure it doesn't get a few drops of rain on it, or shatter completely when dropped in a parking lot (if I had a $1 for every time that happened...). I've used the beefy cases as well, but in my experience they can cause significant signal interference.

After several broken "pretty phones", I decided to get a ruggedized phone from Verizon. It ain't pretty or feature-laden, but it can be immersed in fresh or salt water for half an hour without failing, can be dropped from significant (10'+) height without cracking, is impervious to dust, and most importantly, can be manhandled by a 2 year old without any ill effects. I literally wash it off with soap and water when she's done with it. If they made an iPhone/Droid/BlackBerry like that, I'd be all over it.

12/12/2010, 09:56 PM
I have the a third gen Iphone that fell out of my cargo pocket at 55mph on my motorcycle. It did have a plastic case on it at the time and came away unscathed. That pretty much sold me on cases forever. I often tell people the iphone is the best electronics purchase I have ever made. That said, it can also be very frustrating at times. It does have it's own little idiosyncrasies, but overall it has more pros than cons in my book. One of the reasons I got an iphone vs. all the other offerings out there was that there are so many things specifically made for it. You simply won't find that on any other platform.

12/12/2010, 10:20 PM
That is a good point as well, Ascinder.

The microcosm (or at this point, macrocosm) of iPhone accessories and electronics made to work with the iPhone is insane. it also, in my opinion secures it's place.

A good case is really truly a must have for any new touchscreen phone if you tend to drop things.

VT, the fragility only really applies to the iphone 4 and even that is overhyped. The signal issue is a total BS media blow up if you ask me. I use mine for everything and I have yet to drop a call based on holding it. I use it naked.

Having a case (or bumper) on the iPhone 4 seems to kill the reception issues for those who have them.

That being said, it should have never been a necessity in the first place. The iPhone original, 3G and 3Gs were extremely rugged phones however. My mother has dropped my old 3Gs so many times, and there is nary a scratch on the screen.

Again though. If the cards stack for you in a different way, I would rarely ever say DON'T get an Android.

Bob Barker
12/13/2010, 02:49 AM
Wow.... And here I am with one of those brick size cell phones that I leave in the truck for emergencies... The only reason I have it is because my wife makes me carry it in case of emergencies when I'm out goofing around. I didn't even have a cell phone until I was 23, and that was a company paid phone!

No way in heck I could get involved in cell phone tech like you guys. I just skimmed through these posts and nearly went crosseyed.

12/13/2010, 10:17 AM
The signal issue is a total BS media blow up if you ask me. I use mine for everything and I have yet to drop a call based on holding it. I use it naked.

Might be talking past each other here... I'm speaking from personal experience using ruggedized cases on a Verizon "dumb" phone (LG Dare). I don't know much about the specific problems with iPhone4, just saying that wrapping a radio in any kind of casing can cause issues.

12/13/2010, 10:25 AM
I just skimmed through these posts and nearly went crosseyed.

How could you tell???

I use my cell phone for ... you guessed it ... making & receiving phone calls. I have a computer at home & at work for all that other crap.

I bought Wifey an iPhone a cupla years ago. She likes it but rarely uses much of the extra stuff available. She really likes the Koi Pond App & the Ghost Radar App though.

12/13/2010, 10:28 AM
Not sure where to chime in, but I have the Droid Incredible and love it.

12/21/2010, 09:57 PM
I just purchased a Droid Incredible for $0 at Best Buy. So far I like it. Its my first smart phone.

It currently has Android V: 2.2 how do I upgrade? It says currently up to date?

12/22/2010, 08:04 AM
Just broke the screen on my Storm II, sucks. But now the store wants to talk me into a new 2 year contract and I wanted to downgrade to just a basic phone. Im so tired of paying $30 bucks a piece for the data package. I remember when my phone bill for 3 phones was less than $100 a month and now over $250.
Its gotten so crazy with the technology on these things...

12/22/2010, 08:18 AM
I just purchased a Droid Incredible for $0 at Best Buy. So far I like it. Its my first smart phone.

It currently has Android V: 2.2 how do I upgrade? It says currently up to date?

You are on the latest version.

When the new version comes out (2.3 aka "Gingerbread"), you will get notification to your phone.

12/22/2010, 08:19 AM
on an android phone, you can get the Vehicross.info members map as a layer on your google maps app.

kinda handy.

12/22/2010, 08:55 AM
hum...i need to play with it more to figure that out.

What is the best media player for it? I thought about expanding the disk and making it a decent mp3 player if possible.

12/22/2010, 11:43 AM
Just broke the screen on my Storm II, sucks. But now the store wants to talk me into a new 2 year contract and I wanted to downgrade to just a basic phone. Im so tired of paying $30 bucks a piece for the data package. I remember when my phone bill for 3 phones was less than $100 a month and now over $250.
Its gotten so crazy with the technology on these things...

By a basic phone and have them use your current number. Drop all that extra crap. Or better yet do the pay as you go plan off a cheap phone available everywhere from walmart to CVS just make sure you buy the one associated with the company with the best network in your area.

12/22/2010, 06:13 PM
I just purchased a Droid Incredible for $0 at Best Buy. So far I like it. Its my first smart phone.

It currently has Android V: 2.2 how do I upgrade? It says currently up to date?

There is no official upgrade to the operating system yet for the Incredible. Currently it should show Android 2.2 (aka Froyo).

If you mod the device by "rooting" it you can load up custom ROMs if you so desire. There are at least two custom ROMS for the Incredible that use Android 2.3 (aka Gingerbread). Rooting the device also gives you a lot more control over what can be installed and removed from the device, however it will technically void your warrantee. (tho we can "unroot" and go back to factory state with a bit more work)

If you are new to smartphones in general (and in the case of Android phones, Linux) then I wouldn't bother modding it unless you have a particular reason to. Even after rooting we cant overclock its CPU much.
And the DInc is such a capable device straight out of the box that there isn't much room for improvement anyway unless you are a real device geek.

12/22/2010, 06:19 PM
hum...i need to play with it more to figure that out.

What is the best media player for it? I thought about expanding the disk and making it a decent mp3 player if possible.

Winamp is out there for the Droids if you like that sorta thing. If you know what mp3's are, you are probably aware of Winamp on PC's.

I personally dont like having to buy a huge SD card to lug my music around on, so I prefer streaming options like Grooveshark, Yahoo music, Slacker radio, and of course XM/Sirius apps if you subscribe to those services. Pandora and LastFM also have very nice streaming apps and are free. Rdio is another highly praised social music streaming app, but Ive never used it.

01/03/2011, 01:18 PM
So I love my Incredible so far... BUT. The battery SUCKS!

The standard battery is 1300 mah
But this one is 3500 mah
Is this too much and would burn up the phone?

I would really like to have more battery life and less time on the charger.


01/03/2011, 01:25 PM
I just purchased a Droid Incredible for $0 at Best Buy. So far I like it. Its my first smart phone.

It currently has Android V: 2.2 how do I upgrade? It says currently up to date?

You did not get this for nothing. I cant say what you did pay but are you telling me there was no contract? no minimum service plan? no you break it you have to pay $$$$ for a new one and still honor the contact? No you have to pay $$$ if you cancel early?

Aint Nothin Free

01/03/2011, 03:24 PM
It is quite obvious it is not 100% free in terms of contracts and further. My reference was to the price of the phone itself, since considering the rest is like I said obvious.

It is not often you can get a smartphone like this for $0. More often than not you still have to pay something ($199 through carrier).

01/03/2011, 05:41 PM
So I love my Incredible so far... BUT. The battery SUCKS!

The standard battery is 1300 mah
But this one is 3500 mah
Is this too much and would burn up the phone?

I would really like to have more battery life and less time on the charger.


All smartphones suck a huge amount of juice. Trick is to use them wisely. Turn the screen brightness down, turn off wifi when not in use, turn off bluetooth when not in use, use the gps sparingly. Texting is the preferred method of communication over phone calls and then via gtalk rather than SMS because you DO have all your google services enabled right?

Charge your device overnight preferably with the device off. If you use your device as your alarm clock to wake you up, then charge it overnight anyways, then when you wake up turn off the phone and let it charge another 20-30 mins or so as you get ready to leave in the morning. That allows the device to fully top off while not drawing any other current from the charger. That procedure alone works wonders, and really is the smartest way to charge any device.

Of course if you use it in yer vehicle as a GPS and/or stream your tunes there is no reason not to have it plugged in to a car charger.

I do not like the extended batteries that require a modified hump to the battery cover. It messes with the sleek aesthetics of the device and the significant investment I have in its other accessories like its armor car holder. Seidio has a 1850mah extended battery that fits in the standard battery compartment of the Incredible. They also have an external charger that plugs directly into a wall socket.

My battery runs me approx 16/hrs day under moderate use. If I use the gps or play a lot of games or such of course it dies quick. But between the car charger, the extended battery, the stock battery, the wall charger and the stock charger, I am never without juice.

Sounds like a lot, but its less than a hunnerd bucks worth of gear.

01/03/2011, 06:51 PM
I have found one that works without creating a hump to the back cover.

So there would be no issues of overheating or too much battery for the phone with upgrading it? I just do not want to burn up such a nice piece.

Sounds like I need to check into this gtalk. I may not have everything turned on.

01/03/2011, 07:11 PM
Upgrading the battery will not burn up your device no matter how large the battery is. Even the ones that require a hump will not burn up yer device (well unless a drastic short or something occurs, but the same would be true of any battery).

Gtalk is just another method of texting and is a free google service provided if you have a google account and an android device.

If you are not using the full range of google services services on your droid, then you are barely tapping its potential. However you are not alone. VZW reps I talk to look to me with deer in headlight stares when I ask them why I have lost latitude integration with gtalk, both are very core google apps on google android phones and they themselves are using and have no clue.

Suffice it to say if you are using Bing as a search engine, and Yahoo or Hotmail (or anything but gmail) for email, and VZnavigator (or anything other than maps or latitude) for GPS. Then you are hopelessly misled.

Google made Android for its services. Its services are top notch and free. There is nothing better, use them.

01/04/2011, 09:10 AM
If I remember correctly it's the voltage you need to watch out for, not the increased mAh rating. I remember buying an upgraded life battery for my digital camera and noticed that to go from 1500 mAh to 2000 mAh also included an increase from 7.2 to 7.4V. Apparently a mild increase in volts is okay, but I'm not smart enough with electrical engineering to tell you for sure. Maybe Marlin will chime in, or you could do a little research on the internet?