View Full Version : My5 year old's first gun

12/15/2010, 02:16 PM
Just bought my oldest boy a Mossberg Plinkster 702 for christmas. Got a great deal, 119 bucks on sale, and every 100 dollar purchase gets you a 25 dollar gift card. Just ordered 3 extra magazines and a small scope. Hopefully we can do some shooting next week,weather permitting. The gun is pretty neat, about 4lbs, all composite stock, very simple.

I wanted to get the Henry survival rifle,the barrel and bolt assembly, magazine all fit into the stock, waterproof, 2lbs, only 16inches long. But the wife said no

12/15/2010, 02:26 PM
Might better advise the parents of any kids wanting to stay over in advance...

12/15/2010, 03:02 PM
Might better advise the parents of any kids wanting to stay over in advance...

Advise them of what?

12/15/2010, 03:15 PM
Crazy Americans and their gun obsessions.


12/15/2010, 03:15 PM
;wtf; :_confused

12/15/2010, 03:18 PM
What obsession? Having a gun does not make one obsessed.

Having a VX on the other hand...

12/15/2010, 03:22 PM
Crazy Americans and their gun obsessions.


Crazy aussies and their bat obsessions...

...oh wait, wrong ozzy!:bgwo:

12/15/2010, 04:03 PM
Might better advise the parents of any kids wanting to stay over in advance...

Did you mean advise them that there is a locked up small caliber rifle in the house? Should I advise them there are about 30 knives in the kitchen that are not locked up? They should probably know about all the outlets, power tools, golf clubs, hatchet, chain saw,garden poison, and my two dogs.Might as well throw in the 4000lb 80mph cannon out front as well.

12/15/2010, 04:40 PM
Cool! I was a bit older and I'm happy I had the opportunity for my father & I to share an interest. Great memories. :)

Dad's (and a brother-in-law's) constant training left me with the ultimate in respect and caution for their capabilities. In our house the guns were never locked up and I knew where they were. Not in a billion years would I have ever considered even looking at them without permission.

I see some messages indicating that people don't understand that, but when educated properly you wind up thinking of a gun in the way same as any other tool. The end result is that you don't have a kid running around treating a gun (or a socket set) like a toy.

12/15/2010, 05:05 PM
Cool! I was a bit older and I'm happy I had the opportunity for my father & I to share an interest. Great memories. :)

Dad's (and a brother-in-law's) constant training left me with the ultimate in respect and caution for their capabilities. In our house the guns were never locked up and I knew where they were. Not in a billion years would I have ever considered even looking at them without permission.

I see some messages indicating that people don't understand that, but when educated properly you wind up thinking of a gun in the way same as any other tool. The end result is that you don't have a kid running around treating a gun (or a socket set) like a toy.

That is how I was as a kid. We live in town now, so we keep it locked up because of other children(that may not be taught about weapons). I have a CO2 pellet pistol that I started him with last year. He doesn't even care about it. We have three rules that both boys have memorized:
1.Never point at people
2.Never point at the dogs(they were obsessed with shooting the dogs early on)
3.If you find a gun out of the case, don't touch it and tell mom or dad

Stephen Biko
12/15/2010, 07:14 PM
Firearms are fine, just make sure keep the kids away from the water nozzles. (http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-long-beach-shooting-20101214,0,2734214.story)

12/15/2010, 09:57 PM
I was in shooting sports at his age. I wish I had the opportunity to have a shooting team at my school at a varsity level like my dad did. Terrible that some people can ruin things like that.

Bob Barker
12/16/2010, 02:37 AM
I think I remember my first time shooting a gun. I can't remeber exact age, I just know me and dad were dove hunting and he let me shoot his 12 gauge into a hay bail to see how it felt. That damn gun left a bruise on my arm from the shoulder to the elbow!!! After that I got his hand me down 270 rifle for deer hunting. It is still a nice gun.

And now I have a couple of my own. But I will never forget shooting that damn shot gun, and trying not to cry in front of him! IT HURT!!!

12/16/2010, 11:40 AM
Advise them of what?

Did you mean advise them that there is a locked up small caliber rifle in the house? Should I advise them there are about 30 knives in the kitchen that are not locked up? They should probably know about all the outlets, power tools, golf clubs, hatchet, chain saw,garden poison, and my two dogs.Might as well throw in the 4000lb 80mph cannon out front as well.

Whoa there preacher, not criticizing the way you're raising your kids. Just reminding you of the sue-happy world in which you live.

12/16/2010, 01:26 PM
It used to be almost every home had a gun and you hunted your food. Households without guns were a minority and no one thought it weird if the well trained kid went hunting. Now with helicopter parents putting pads on kids to go down a sliding board, and taking their kids side when they do something wrong as opposed to disciplining them as well as the rest of the PC stuff we are obsessed if any one wants to be self reliant and take responsibility for their actions.

12/16/2010, 02:05 PM
It used to be almost every home had a gun and you hunted your food. Households without guns were a minority and no one thought it weird if the well trained kid went hunting. Now with helicopter parents putting pads on kids to go down a sliding board, and taking their kids side when they do something wrong as opposed to disciplining them as well as the rest of the PC stuff we are obsessed if any one wants to be self reliant and take responsibility for their actions.

x2, I got a honda 175 quad for my 6th xmas and my little brother got a little 70. My parents used to pack us a lunch, the .22 and some fishing poles and my brother and I would go cruise the pasture all day. We had a few hundred acres in missouri. Tons of fun. Never got seriously injured, well, some frogs and rabbits maybe, but no people:) Lots of frog legs...hmmmmmm. Yummy.

12/20/2010, 11:43 AM
I took the boy shooting today. The mossberg out of the box at 25 yards, hitting bullseyes with no adjustments! We went through a little over two hundred rounds, no jams, no sticks, one bad round. Two kids in the lane next to us were using a similar 22 with a scope shooting shotgun shells on the ground at 25 yards. I waited for him to miss one, I picked it off open sights...lol. His friend gave him a hard time about that one:) There is a reason I have an expert rifle medal on my uniform:rolleyes:

That gun is worth its weight in gold. My neighbor brought a lot of guns out as well. He brought a couple of various make handguns, lots of WWII stuff. He also brought out some old school flint locks, a MAC10, AR15, an old AK that fires .410 slugs, very fun. The kids had a blast and learned a lot about gun safety as well.

A very good day.

12/20/2010, 01:52 PM
Drats! Just broke the gun down completely. On a good note, it was sparkling clean, very little residue, but on the bad note, I bent the bolt return spring. I called Mossberg, all I did was tell them what model, they already knew what I wanted. Its on back order, they are sending me two for free. LOL. I asked what other parts are commonly ordered, the guy on the phone laughed and said magazines and that spring. I can still fire it, but its all manual now. :(

12/20/2010, 08:16 PM
If anyone has little girls you can get the latest Hello Kitty or My Little Pony Guns here: (smirk)



12/20/2010, 08:28 PM
If anyone has little girls you can get the latest Hello Kitty or My Little Pony Guns here: (smirk)



Almost makes me wish I had a daughter instead of two sons...NOT!!!
I do dig the Martha Stewart claymores. At 4500 bucks a piece, why not? Maybe a miley cyrus uzi, or even better, a brittany spears flame thrower!!!

12/21/2010, 10:14 AM
Crazy Americans and their gun obsessions.

LOL, I think you mean, "crazy Americans and their FREEDOM obsessions."

:) Bart

12/21/2010, 06:05 PM
I have shot handguns, rifles and shotguns. It's a fun sport.

No offense to those who hunt. But I personally think it would be a lot more exciting to bow or knife hunt. To me that takes a lot more skill than sitting up in a tree house, spraying deer urine all over the place and blasting poor horny bambi's guts out when all he wanted to do was get laid. :p My coworker goes bow hunting fairly often and I just sit in awe looking at some of the photos. A true hunter...

Anyone on here watch Sons of Anarchy Season 2??? That's a good reason not to give kids loaded guns...

12/21/2010, 07:08 PM
I have shot handguns, rifles and shotguns. It's a fun sport.

No offense to those who hunt. But I personally think it would be a lot more exciting to bow or knife hunt. To me that takes a lot more skill than sitting up in a tree house, spraying deer urine all over the place and blasting poor horny bambi's guts out when all he wanted to do was get laid. :p My coworker goes bow hunting fairly often and I just sit in awe looking at some of the photos. A true hunter...

I agree 100%. We do not hunt, I did as a kid, but we ate everything we killed, mostly rabbits and frogs. Some of the guys at work rent a bobcat, go out in the woods, flatten an area to make a clearing, plant food plots just to increase their chances of getting a deer. Granted, they all bow hunt, but it seems like cheating to me.
On the other hand, deer and hog populations are out of control across the nation, people getting killed, crops destroyed, to the point that towns will pool their tags and hire hunters to come in and thin the herd. I get the point, but some of it does seem counterproductive. The animals are learning, they disappear when season time comes round:mad:

12/21/2010, 08:56 PM
I have shot handguns, rifles and shotguns. It's a fun sport.

No offense to those who hunt. But I personally think it would be a lot more exciting to bow or knife hunt. To me that takes a lot more skill than sitting up in a tree house, spraying deer urine all over the place and blasting poor horny bambi's guts out when all he wanted to do was get laid. :p My coworker goes bow hunting fairly often and I just sit in awe looking at some of the photos. A true hunter...

X about 11 D billion...:thumbup:

I personally don't care to hunt, I don't see anything wrong with spending 5-8 times more than a trip to the local supermarket, to harvest meat that is IMO inferior in taste, & possibly tainted with animal hair & feces...sounds great to me...:yes:

I just don't see it as a fair fight, them not having opposable thumbs & all like that (unless of course, you're hunting gorillys or monkees...let's leave Michael Nesmith outta this, fo Gods sake...:rolleyesg)

My cuz (http://www.onagocag.com/michiganknappers.html), who is one of the men I've met in my life who I consider "real", makes all his own arrow heads, spear points, bows & knives etc., then with VERY rudimentary provisions, goes to an island on one of the Great Lakes every fall to harvest venison...THAT'S hunting...THAT'S sport.

Just my opine...:yesgray: