View Full Version : VX is broke... This is where I'll hopefully get some advice :D

12/22/2010, 08:45 AM
First... I'd like to say sorry for being the friend that only calls when he needs something :)

Honestly my life has been busy busy busy... chasing the little one... 8 month deal on my short sale, getting the garage/house properly outfitted.

Anyway, on the the vehicross.


Drove about 1 mile from my house was headed down a fairly steep hill, coming to a stop at a light. And nothing... car shut off, check engine light blinking, won't fire up.

Battery is A-OK, Brand new Sears Platinum (#1 Rated batter from Overland Journal)

In fact I was able to keep the key cranking over to give me power steering while I costed off to the side of the road to get out of harms way.

I haven't had a chance to run the scan tool, so of course I'm not going to be giving really useful information, but I wouldn't mind some early guesses :D

When the key is turned on all gauges read correctly but the fuel gauge which shows a below empty tank (I gassed up yesterday) The sound of the VX 'trying' to start sounds like no fuel. This leads me to believe it's a fuel pump :(

I replaced the fuel filter less than 4,000 miles ago. So I don't believe it's that.


How difficult is our fuel pump to change?

Could it be as simple as a fuse/relay/sending unit type deal?

Thanks guys...

Oh and I do miss you all greatly.


12/22/2010, 10:22 AM
First... I'd like to say sorry for being the friend that only calls when he needs something :)

Honestly my life has been busy busy busy... chasing the little one... 8 month deal on my short sale, getting the garage/house properly outfitted.

Anyway, on the the vehicross.


Drove about 1 mile from my house was headed down a fairly steep hill, coming to a stop at a light. And nothing... car shut off, check engine light blinking, won't fire up.

Battery is A-OK, Brand new Sears Platinum (#1 Rated batter from Overland Journal)

In fact I was able to keep the key cranking over to give me power steering while I costed off to the side of the road to get out of harms way.

I haven't had a chance to run the scan tool, so of course I'm not going to be giving really useful information, but I wouldn't mind some early guesses :D

When the key is turned on all gauges read correctly but the fuel gauge which shows a below empty tank (I gassed up yesterday) The sound of the VX 'trying' to start sounds like no fuel. This leads me to believe it's a fuel pump :(

I replaced the fuel filter less than 4,000 miles ago. So I don't believe it's that.


How difficult is our fuel pump to change?

Could it be as simple as a fuse/relay/sending unit type deal?

Thanks guys...

Oh and I do miss you all greatly.


Just a thought, did you try reseting the fuel pump shut off switch? (I have no idea where it is located, I am sure its in the manual, I would guess passenger side floor board)

12/22/2010, 10:32 AM
Fuel Pressure Regulator?


12/22/2010, 10:40 AM
Fuel Pressure Regulator?


Also might give any associated fuses a look.

12/22/2010, 01:46 PM

Check the fuel pump fuse first. When it's very quiet, put your head right up near the gas tank (and hope it doesn't explode) while someone turns the key to 'on'. You should hear the pump run for two seconds. If you can't hear it run or are not sure, as per above, you can remove the pump relay and jump the terminals to make it run constant. If the pump only runs with the jumper wire, the relay may be bad. If you can't get the pump to run at all, the pump may be shot or there is some other wiring problem to the pump.

Pull the #1 spark plug closest to the battery. Carefully ground it while someone cranks the engine to check for spark and for fuel coming out the plug hole.
You're now checking the FACTS-

If you have spark and fuel, assume you have air and compression, so how 'bout timing? Did the timing belt or tensioner break? It could also be the crank position sensor or a bunch of other stuff.

I checked my Isuzu archives and I have an Isuzu tech video for a hard start/no start condition. I covers a whole lotta stuff you won't wanna check yourself, but you may pick up a few things to check on your own.

31.1 MB, 17:24, Real Movie file only-
http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/vids/hardstart.rm (http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/vids/hardstart.rm)

I guess you need a Real Player to see it? I tried to convert it to a wmv or mpg, but I don't have a program to convert rm movies to other formats.

Mark Griffin

12/22/2010, 02:35 PM
Not bad ideas, if I turn my key to the run position, I can hear my fuel pump come on and run to pressurize the fuel rail. You may not need a two person fuel pump party!!

Apparently we don't have a fuel pump shut off switch? I thought all newer cars had them. Oh well.

As for replacing the fuel pump, some of the guys on the planet save a ton of time but cutting a hole in the floor above the assembly, make a sheet metal cover to fit the hole. This way you can easily change the fuel pump without dropping the tank. Its all covered by carpet, so at an aesthetic level has no impact. Pick up some RTV or door gasket to make a good seal if you so desire and makes it easy to do on the road/trail or whatever. They had some problems with aftermarket fuel pumps. One guy went through three of em in just a few hundred miles. Luckily he had the hole which makes it easy to change on the go.
This is on my list of things to do this spring. I have a brand new OEM fuel pump assembly I scored on Ebay for 50 bucks shipped a few months ago! OEM is 300+ bucks IIRC.

I hope its something simple like the relay or a fuse!!

12/23/2010, 05:49 PM
As for replacing the fuel pump, some of the guys on the planet save a ton of time but cutting a hole in the floor above the assembly, make a sheet metal cover to fit the hole. This way you can easily change the fuel pump without dropping the tank. Its all covered by carpet, so at an aesthetic level has no impact. Pick up some RTV or door gasket to make a good seal if you so desire and makes it easy to do on the road/trail or whatever. They had some problems with aftermarket fuel pumps. One guy went through three of em in just a few hundred miles. Luckily he had the hole which makes it easy to change on the go.
This is on my list of things to do this spring. I have a brand new OEM fuel pump assembly I scored on Ebay for 50 bucks shipped a few months ago! OEM is 300+ bucks IIRC.

I hope its something simple like the relay or a fuse!!

if i remember correctly the VX may of had an access under the carpet anyhow....
anyone who has removed the carpet and taken pictures can check for me??

granted it could of been in any of the 1000's of other cars i ripped carpet out of in the last 6 years, but i seem to remember seeing something....

12/23/2010, 06:46 PM
if i remember correctly the VX may of had an access under the carpet anyhow....
anyone who has removed the carpet and taken pictures can check for me??

granted it could of been in any of the 1000's of other cars i ripped carpet out of in the last 6 years, but i seem to remember seeing something....

Ummm, nope:)


(its not that shiny once it dries...)

12/24/2010, 02:17 AM
your fuel pump is on the fritz. Under the hood at your fuel rail there will be a valve that looks like a valve stem you can check your fuel pressure there. You should carry about 40 to 45 pounds of pressure. Replaced mine 2years ago

12/24/2010, 05:36 AM
Not bad ideas, if I turn my key to the run position, I can hear my fuel pump come on and run to pressurize the fuel rail. You may not need a two person fuel pump party!!

Also you should be able depress the schrader valve on your fuel rail with your VX off. Fuel should spray out for a moment before it loses pressure (if working correctly) then turn the ignition on for a few seconds and check the schrader valve again. If the pump is broken, there won't be any pressure behind the valve to spray fuel out.

Good luck

12/27/2010, 06:12 PM
Ok ok... finally got a chance to run a scan on it...

No work... :( just kept saying connecting connecting connecting... and this was after I had decided my iphone scanner was jacked up.

This lead me to believe there's an ecu issue... sure enough ecu fuse was blown. I thought this was a good thing... Just replace it and be done...

No such luck, put in a new fuse, started the car (fired right up) ran for about 30 seconds, then the fuse went again.

No codes are being stored either. ?! ideas?

Now that it's more than likely an electrical issue... I'm sure it'll be a nightmare... argh!

I did recently replace the battery, but can't figure out how that could come in to play.

It's freezing here, and I don't have a good heater for the garage yet...

12/27/2010, 06:13 PM
and thanks Mark! good info for future reference!

12/27/2010, 07:04 PM
iphone scanner

Well THERE is your problem... :bwgy:


12/27/2010, 07:54 PM
Well THERE is your problem... :bwgy:


says the man from "The Forward City"



Really thought the PLX device Kiwi wifi OBDII adapter is great...

Just need to figure out this damned issue... Can't think of anything that would have caused a 'short' mid driving, downhill while decelerating.

Wondering if the ECU itself may have failed...

12/27/2010, 09:15 PM
A couple ECUs on ebay in case that's what you end up needing.
Good luck.

http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/99-00-01-ISUZU-VEHICROSS-ENGINE-ECM-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQfitsZModelQ3aVehiCROSSQ7cMakeQ3 aIsuzuQQhashZitem23064eb11fQQitemZ150429675807QQpt ZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories#ht_291 8wt_988

http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/99-00-01-ISUZU-VEHICROSS-ENGINE-ECM-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQfitsZModelQ3aVehiCROSSQ7cMakeQ3 aIsuzuQQhashZitem35a9308b8dQQitemZ230471797645QQpt ZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories#ht_253 4wt_988

http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/99-ISUZU-TROOPER-SLX-99-01-VEHICROSS-ENGINE-COMPUTER-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQfitsZModelQ3aVehiCROSSQ7cMakeQ3 aIsuzuQQhashZitem4aa730eb2aQQitemZ320632580906QQpt ZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories#ht_260 2wt_988

http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/99-00-01-ISUZU-VEHICROSS-ENGINE-ECM-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQfitsZModelQ3aVehiCROSSQ7cMakeQ3 aIsuzuQQhashZitem35aa03bc78QQitemZ230485638264QQpt ZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories#ht_230 3wt_988

12/28/2010, 07:53 AM
If ya Google 'pcm fuse keeps blowing', there's lots of posts about that same problem. Probably a short to ground, but where? If it runs good til the fuse blows again, the PCM may still be okay.

You might need to get it to an Isuzu shop where they can track down the short with their electronic gizmos. Not a cheap answer, but can you find it on your own?


12/28/2010, 07:17 PM
Check your horn fuse as well.. For some odd reason it is connected to the obd plug and ecu.. Pulling that may help if its shorting there

01/01/2011, 01:07 PM
Fixed... :D

Not too bad of a fix... My interceptor went out... very bizarre... I'm trying to get to the bottom of it now. I can't figure out if my 'red' wire managed to short out somewhere (perhaps on exhaust manifold) or if the unit itself failed. But when I popped the hood and started inspecting for the cause I discovered my red wire had been burnt up... completely. Insulation was off wire was fried.

Popped out the interceptor, cleaned up the wires, popped in the new fuse, and viola. All is well.

Glad it wasn't major.