View Full Version : Christmas was so much fun

12/25/2010, 08:31 AM
So my Christmas was really interesting. I arrived at my parents during a brief snow storm to find out my step brother had sent his 03 suburban in the ditch less than 100 yards from the house. After a good 20 minutes of making jokes about his truck and 4 wheel drive I drove down there with my little tonka toy. Upon pulling up and hopping out of the car I was greeted with I thought you guys were bringing a truck? After giving a few rips back about how mines not in a ditch I asked if he'd like me to pull his 4 ton suv out and he laughed at me. I hooked it up on the front tow strap mount and threw it in four low ripped down to get some traction and yanked his Pos out of the ditch in a flash. This one I won't let him live down. Merry Xmas to all lol

12/25/2010, 08:39 AM


I love a Christmas story with a happy ending...:yesgray:

12/25/2010, 09:37 AM
Great story, its funny that people always under estimate our Isuzus.

Last March I pulled my friend's brand new Rubicon up a snowy trail because he couldn't keep up. I'll never let him forget it :)

12/25/2010, 01:41 PM
Way to represent!! :clap: :clap:

That would have made a great video!

12/25/2010, 01:43 PM

Just sayin'

12/25/2010, 04:33 PM
That's an awesome story!! Way to go! :thumbup: