View Full Version : EWWWWW! Mouse poop!!

01/04/2011, 04:39 PM
OK, here's something that doesn't happen everyday.....

Been really cold for the past 10 days, with a fair amount of snow & ice :_snowplow (for this area....no comments Dub, Orion or BigSwede!), even set a record low of like 9 F. one night. Before all this muck hit, I'd had the VX washed and I even waxed it myself, so it's been sitting pretty in the garage.....

I go to get in it for something...and EEEWWWWW! :eek: there's mouse poop all over the place, on the dash, both seats, back cargo mat....:_wtf:
Then I recall I'd left the rear door open for a day or so....so musta looked pretty cozy for my little furry friends.

I vacuumed it all out....hopefully too cold for the Hanta virus...:rollo:
Dave put a mouse trap in the back....never thought I'd see that....:freek:

01/04/2011, 04:59 PM
Get a Kat....


01/04/2011, 05:01 PM
Just throw a couple bull snakes in there. The mices will be gone quickly.

01/04/2011, 05:04 PM
Ah the never ending struggle. My wife complains about the stray cats that tend to specifically select convertibles (of which she has one) upon which to lie and pee, But perhaps she needs to be pleased that the multitude of stray cats being encouraged to remain in residence and reproduce exponentially here on Miami Beach by the misguided pure hearted souls who feed them, are at least keeping away the mice.

01/04/2011, 05:06 PM
Bull snakes, heh. "I want these Mother F-ing Mice off this Mother F-ing VX."

01/04/2011, 05:09 PM
Kat, make sure to get rid of those little critters. I've heard of wire looms getting gnawed through, and you don't want that.

01/04/2011, 05:18 PM
Get a Kat....
Oh, yer still new 'round here.....I know this will come as a complete surprise...Kat's got 5 kats! Think I'll have to throw one of their lazy butts out in the garage and earn their keep for a night! And I love your big red kitty! Have had quite a few big reds in my lifetime.

Just throw a couple bull snakes in there. The mices will be gone quickly.....so will my kats! :freek:

And yes, I was thinking about the wiring....We've got some natural stinky/funk things we use in our camper (smell like super strong pine/cedar/woodsy)...think I'll throw one in the engine bay and under my seats....encourage them to go toward the trap for a "snack"...:evil2:

01/04/2011, 05:38 PM
We've got some natural stinky/funk things we use in our camper (smell like super strong pine/cedar/woodsy)...think I'll throw one in the engine bay and under my seats....encourage them to go toward the trap for a "snack"...:evil2:

Don't ever try to out think meeces...:smilewink

http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTx4kj_nDRaeElRWMRkj4EnjflGnDkHy q7MN9pAJRxNvt522XGj



01/04/2011, 06:00 PM
As far as damage to the vehicle. Yes. watch it they will find a warm place and build nest like inside the blower. Then you start the vehicle turn the blower on and thump thump thump. Then it dies there and a week later_ when it is warmer- it rots and stinks your wonderful vehicle up. :) I speak from experience.

01/04/2011, 06:01 PM
And never use rat poison because when they die they will usually die where you can't get to them and they sill stink for a loooonnnnnngggg time. experience again. You always want their body - use a mouse trap.

01/04/2011, 06:26 PM
EWWW, EEEWWW and triple EEEWW!
All good info.
The stinky pine things are supposed to "deter" them by the scent...and the yummy peanut butter and cashew nuts on the 3 traps he set I hope are more enticing....
But even if we catch some, how will I know if they're still remaining in my truck??? I'll just keep carefully checking for turds I guess....oh joy....
My one outdoor kitty catches them all the time, eats about 75% of each one and leaves the entrials (blech!), but he hasn't come home with any for well over a month. :_thinking maybe that's cuz they're all hangin' out in the garage ...where he can't get in.

....here kitty kitty kitty......I've got a job for you.....

01/04/2011, 06:36 PM
Survey SAYS...cat door in the garage...:yesgray:

01/04/2011, 08:04 PM
Wow, I had a similar experience. I left my truck (beater) at the shop for like a week and the dumb mechanic left it inside everynight with the windows down. I had candy in the back and needless to say these were rats. Lots of rats had a feast and left lots of poop and urine everywhere.
The mechanic was unaffected by my complaint. So I had the truck completely detailed, steam cleaned and sanitized. And just sold truck.

Scott Larson
01/04/2011, 08:44 PM
Never had a problem with a vehicle left outside, as soon as it's garaged, then the problems start! Pickup was in the garage all summer and a mouse took up residence and wouldn't take no for an answer. Set traps, sticky and snaptraps, no luck. Tried various repellants, nope. Kept building nests under the driver seat and I kept removing them, what a mess. Finally, one day I go out to do the usual clean-up and here my little furry friend is dead in one of the snaptraps with a litter of 7 dead little pups all around her! No wonder she was so insistant. And of course, I felt bad...but I got over it, I don't think she did.

01/05/2011, 03:52 AM

Last year I got tapped with an $800 repair bill on the RV due to a/some mice. They chewed through a wire harness and one of the O2 sensor cables.

I keep an ultra sonic pest repeller plugged in under the RV at all times now. I even found a good use for that switched outlet behind the TV ... there's another repeller plugged in there.

AFAIK - not a single mouse since. Still worries me though when I see the squirrels hanging around the RV but they are just playing mind games with me & actually live in the tree next to the RV.

The ultra sonic pest repellers are available on line or at Lowes & Home Depot.


01/05/2011, 03:59 PM
hope they dont find your wiring a morsel to tasty to refuse,,,,not to metion the wee-wee stench