View Full Version : Motorcycle Morning Commute..Video...

01/09/2011, 05:24 PM
Maybe one of our Russian Brothers?? Click here for Crazyness (Click here for Crazyness)

Mile High VX
01/09/2011, 05:32 PM
That is wicked foolish...

01/09/2011, 06:45 PM
That was better than a cup of coffee...or three. :heart:

01/09/2011, 08:52 PM
I kept waiting for the splat... Cool in a video game, SOOOO stupid in real life. What these guys fail to think about is a driver not checking their blind spot before passing, heck even someone opening their door to dump out a coffee cup. Any even slight impact and he's gone.


Bob Barker
01/10/2011, 01:45 AM
Wow! He looked to be a pretty dang awesome rider!

01/10/2011, 06:57 AM
I wonder where he is buried?

01/10/2011, 07:28 AM
People do that here too. They are called "organ donors".

01/10/2011, 08:03 AM
I wonder where he is buried?


01/10/2011, 09:07 AM
My mom made me get rid of my bike because her friend caught me riding like that in L.A. traffic. Busted....... and I was 35 yrs old

01/10/2011, 09:09 AM
:_confused One of those guys almost became VX Chow about a month ago. I was driving on the highway at night and was about to change lanes. The right lane was clear, but I thought I saw a street light in the rearview wink off & on so I paused just in case. Sure enough, suddenly there was a motorcycle beside me for a split second as he passed doing about 100 mph. I have no doubt I would have sideswiped him if I hadn't waited. It was his lucky day and he'll never know it.

I love how these guys make videos of their crimes. :rolleyes: We had a local guy who posted videos (http://www.newsok.com/article/3525989) on YouTube that showed his Corvette speeding through traffic and used them in his eBay ad. He claimed 190+ MPH (probably about 130 in reality.) Someone reported the videos to the police, who tracked him down and arrested him.

01/10/2011, 09:14 AM

01/10/2011, 09:18 AM
How is it not a crime then?

01/10/2011, 05:17 PM
That video made me really uptight.... I did enjoy watching it though. Wish I had the driving skills of him, and the brains of me :D

01/10/2011, 06:35 PM
How is it not a crime then?
Common sense and speed limits aside, there actually are places where it's legal to split lanes like that.

Mile High VX
01/10/2011, 06:37 PM
Common sense and speed limits aside, there actually are places where it's legal to split lanes like that.

You can do it on the freeway system in CA, but not like that...you need to stay within the limits of the law...oh wait, this was Russia right:bgwb::smilewink

01/10/2011, 07:49 PM
"Een Wrussia, yu don bwreak speed leemuts...speed leemuts bwreak yu."

01/11/2011, 08:37 AM
Common sense and speed limits aside, there actually are places where it's legal to split lanes like that.

You can do it on the freeway system in CA, but not like that...

I remember my first time driving the 101 from San Jose to San Fran years ago and being completely stopped in traffic when I heard the high-pitch whine of a sport-bike as it whizzed past us between lanes. He was doing at least 70 between completely stopped cars!

01/12/2011, 07:00 AM
Back when I rode bikes, it was legal to line pass on a bike on the freeway here in MD, within a reasonable way though. I think that has since changed, but not 100%.

Guaranteed to stop bikes that line pass....



01/12/2011, 09:24 AM
Its another Country. I was in Gemany and while doing 140mph I was passed by cars nearing 190. I was driving slow. so was I committing a crime????????????????? NO

01/12/2011, 09:54 PM
Speed kills.

01/13/2011, 07:34 AM
I've been riding bikes since '87. I have owned the rolling couches that are Harleys, sportbikes (full fairing & "naked"), and an insanely fast Yamaha V-Max... Any of those bikes could do 100mph or more, and I am not going to say I've never seen triple-digit speeds on each. However, there is a time and place for such craziness.

Out in the middle of nowhere? Found an empty parking lot, or a deserted back road? Find yourself suddenly surrounded by exotic cars on the Autobahn or the Nurburgring? Good times!!! :thumbup:

Rush hour traffic? Residential streets with children playing? On the highway heading into (or out of) any big city in the USA? :slap:

I'll never forget being passed on a surface street while going 35-40mph by a bunch of (insert your favorite derogatory term here) on sportbikes doing at least twice as fast as I was going. I started to move right, but they went by me on both sides!!! It could've been bad, and it was reckless.

I know lane-splitting is legal in some areas, but do it in a safe way that does not give ALL motorcyclists a bad rep. Save the stunting for the closed-course or where you are not likely to scare, kill, or piss off anyone.

01/14/2011, 01:23 PM
I used to lane split all the time on my R1 but I did so within the limits of the law. That said, there are plenty of people out there who are either oblivious or malicious enough to make it rather dangerous at times. I've had people stare right at me, give me a nasty look (with or without hand gesture), and then swerve at me. Granted, when that happens, I usually have a nasty little surprise for them...