View Full Version : Red thumbscrew vs black thumbscrew

01/28/2011, 11:36 AM
I have had my hands on 4 different rear door covers in the last few years, 2 with black, and two with red thumbscrews. I found that almost all of the red thumbscrews failed during removal, the plastic is more brittle than the black. I currently have red ones in my truck, since I was afraid to try and remove them to swap em.
Just trying to get a feel for the failure rate.

01/28/2011, 12:54 PM
AFAIK all 4 of my black ones are original. None have failed.

01/28/2011, 02:12 PM
Get the cheap replacement set of metal tabs and metal screws from SBC (or fab up yourself - simple, but his kit is worth it imho).

I don't think I'll ever have a failure now.

01/28/2011, 03:42 PM
Get the cheap replacement set of metal tabs and metal screws from SBC (or fab up yourself - simple, but his kit is worth it imho).

I don't think I'll ever have a failure now.

Strange enough, I just had someone ask me today for the square receiver portion of the assembly. The first I had heard of that failing.

01/28/2011, 04:49 PM
i do not know if you can after starting a poll but how bout adding:

red none have failed

black none have failed

i have four red that have not failed but only used them a few times:yesb:

01/28/2011, 05:05 PM
i do not know if you can after starting a poll but how bout adding:

red none have failed

black none have failed

i have four red that have not failed but only used them a few times:yesb:

I understand what you are saying, but I only care about the ones that failed, not the ones that didn't fail. I guess the next step would be to get off my *** and look at what the ratio of red to black interior is. That way I can make sure the failure distribution is significant. Just from comparing the parts I have here, the red screws are different than the black, they feel more brittle. Even the marks where the retaining clip sits are more significant on the red than the black.

01/28/2011, 06:07 PM
Three of my red thumbscrews failed, I made my own replacements the second week I owned the VX.

I should still have the one good thumbscrew somewhere... if anyone needs one just let me know.

01/28/2011, 08:36 PM
Hi, I need a red thumbscrew. How much do you want for it? I also need a bump stop for the rear door and the head liner lamp. Thank you.

01/28/2011, 11:45 PM
Hi, I need a red thumbscrew. How much do you want for it? I also need a bump stop for the rear door and the head liner lamp. Thank you.

Let me look for it tomorrow and i'll let ya know. You should post the other stuff you need in the wanted section.

Sorry for the thread hijack Marlin, looks like you're on to something- total of 11 red vs. 6 black so far.

01/29/2011, 05:11 AM
Let me look for it tomorrow and i'll let ya know. You should post the other stuff you need in the wanted section.

Sorry for the thread hijack Marlin, looks like you're on to something- total of 11 red vs. 6 black so far.

By my count, its 15 to 6, but someone may have voted since you posted. This is kind of what I expected comparing them side by side. For those that have red, and use their rear door for storage and whatnot, I would try to get ahold of Merlin and see about switching to black ones, they are only like 5 bucks new, if he still has them. I have extras, but not willing to part with the black ones:)
I know there are some aluminum alternatives as well.
I am just babying my reds pending failure and the swap back to black (I have the black/gray interior anyway)

01/29/2011, 05:18 AM
FYI... ratio of red interiors to black interiors is only roughly 3:2, so it looks like you may be on to something.

Scott Harness
01/29/2011, 05:31 AM
I glued a wooden dowl inside the screws...super strong now:)

01/29/2011, 07:40 AM
I glued a wooden dowl inside the screws...super strong now:)

I have heard of that mod.
I was surprised at the number of red interiors. For those that have it, bless your hearts. It is the most garish, hideous thing I have ever seen....LOL. I can't even stand to sit in the one at the junkyard. WAYYYY to much red. Red belongs in a super sports car, not a SUV.

01/29/2011, 01:21 PM
I have heard of that mod.
I was surprised at the number of red interiors. For those that have it, bless your hearts. It is the most garish, hideous thing I have ever seen....LOL. I can't even stand to sit in the one at the junkyard. WAYYYY to much red. Red belongs in a super sports car, not a SUV.

I have the red/black interior and....completely agree. Its way too much red for me & the seats seem to show more wear.

01/30/2011, 03:31 AM
My original black ones started failing a few years ago on their own...I never remove them. The set I ordered came in red, so I threw them in a drawer and bought a length of wooden dowl (Johnny Apollo gave me the idea) and glued it into the black broken ones....Good as new!!

Scott Harness
01/31/2011, 09:39 AM
I have heard of that mod.
I was surprised at the number of red interiors. For those that have it, bless your hearts. It is the most garish, hideous thing I have ever seen....LOL. I can't even stand to sit in the one at the junkyard. WAYYYY to much red. Red belongs in a super sports car, not a SUV.
If you watch the Isuzu dvd,It was a nod to Ferrari:yesb: iirc

01/31/2011, 10:06 AM
If you watch the Isuzu dvd,It was a nod to Ferrari:yesb: iirc

LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!! If I was ferrari, I would walk up to Isuzu and kick them square in the nuts. Isuzu has no business giving the nod to a supercar producer...lol. It would be like me dunking on an 8 foot rim in a pair of Air Jordans, and then nodding at Michael, like "whats up, I did that dunk for you"....lol.

01/31/2011, 10:08 AM
Cracking up right now. Thanks

01/31/2011, 10:26 AM
Chopper; Do you want to sell the 4 extra red thumbscrews for $20.00- shipped?

01/31/2011, 12:26 PM
I have the JDM, which has a light grey interior. I bought the VX with 3 of the 4 already broken, so have voted for 3 black failures as this is closer to the grey.

01/31/2011, 03:35 PM
I have the JDM, which has a light grey interior. I bought the VX with 3 of the 4 already broken, so have voted for 3 black failures as this is closer to the grey.

:freek: You are tainting my extremely scientific theory...lol.

01/31/2011, 03:49 PM
Chopper; Do you want to sell the 4 extra red thumbscrews for $20.00- shipped?

I don't think they cost that much from Merlin
Try St. Charles Isuzu....they were pretty cheap is all I remember

02/10/2011, 07:01 AM
I glued a wooden dowl inside the screws...super strong now:)

and bought a length of wooden dowl (Johnny Apollo gave me the idea) and glued it into the black broken ones....Good as new!!

I'm going to do the dowel mod before mine break.
Did you use a dowel wide enough so it was a snug fit or slightly thinner so the glue doesn't get scraped off as you inserted it?

02/13/2011, 01:00 AM
I've got to get to glueing mine, I've had a broken one on a snug fitting dowel sitting in my living room for months. Once I glue that one, I'll do the other three. I'd use a tight fitting dowel, glue usually works better when it's not that thick. I'm planning on using gorilla glue, just hope it doesn't expand and break the plastic.

02/13/2011, 01:07 AM
I agree that the Red/Black is too strong, but one member painted a good portion of his door panels black, with some red accents, and I thought it looked great.

I did find a solar battery charger on sale at Harbor Freight for $20. I need to paint the frame, but red/black owners would like the frame color. It is the same red/orange color that most of those cars fade to.

02/13/2011, 05:15 AM
You all must be talking about those 4 big ugly bolts hanging out of my back door. I guess mine failed long ago and the previous owner improvised????

02/19/2011, 01:37 AM
Ferrari trivia, The founder of Ferrari never watched a race with Ferrari's in it. He said he could not stand to watch one of his beautiful horses be whipped.

02/19/2011, 08:08 AM
I would like 4 red or black. Mine are dead to me now.

02/19/2011, 09:22 AM
I would like 4 red or black. Mine are dead to me now.

SBC makes metal replacements. Same guy that makes the window brackets.

06/21/2012, 06:07 AM
if they break stick a dowel rod through them and some gorilla glue - worked great for me

06/21/2012, 08:44 AM
if they break stick a dowel rod through them and some gorilla glue - worked great for me


06/21/2012, 05:20 PM
I might'v accidentally read the most inane thread ever posted...:rolleyesg.:laughing:

SRSLY?...IT'S F'N PLASTIC...:_thinking

Thanks to whoever brought this outta mothballs...:confused: (E C...:smilewink)

Do this:


Live happy ever after, call it a day...SHEESH...:rolleyesg

Oh...& :fyi:...spent 9mm brass is a perfect fit inside the aluminium pipe...:yesgray:

06/22/2012, 08:47 PM

do ya ever wear that watch???

06/22/2012, 10:11 PM
do ya ever wear that watch???

Why yes senior' window licker, prolly not as often as you wear your "special outdoors helmet", but yes, none the less...:yesgray:

Do you ever post anything that's even slightly germane to the topic?:confused:

Or...a bigger stretch...start a thread that has any resemblance to something that people might be interested in?...:confused:

SRSLY dill, sniping my posts has to have gotten old, even for a guy with a room temp IQ...give it up...:laughing:

06/23/2012, 04:51 AM
Why yes senior' window licker, prolly not as often as you wear your "special outdoors helmet", but yes, none the less...:yesgray:

Do you ever post anything that's even slightly germane to the topic?:confused:

Or...a bigger stretch...start a thread that has any resemblance to something that people might be interested in?...:confused:

SRSLY dill, sniping my posts has to have gotten old, even for a guy with a room temp IQ...give it up...:laughing:


06/23/2012, 07:32 AM

Oh boy...dueling thumb directions...:thumbup:...:laughing:

Thread jack off, my apologies...:flower:

06/23/2012, 03:14 PM
Oh boy...dueling thumb directions


07/05/2013, 07:21 AM
Strange enough, I just had someone ask me today for the square receiver portion of the assembly. The first I had heard of that failing.I had the square part fail and then ordered two from Merlin just in case.