View Full Version : So Hit By a Drunk Driver :(

02/07/2011, 05:33 PM
Was riding around sometime at like 12 noon today, just filled her upand gave her a nice wash. Was comin to a stop at a redlight and here screeching then BANG I got hit at an estiimate 60mph mind you my car was at a dead stop with brakes applied at the redlight:( Not a fun day and my poor Baby Got samiched I wanted to kill this lady..... Come to find out She Was Drunk as a Skunk and hoped up on Pills. Now to get M ygirl into the Shop and Brand spankin new again!!! Just thought Id share my story. I will not let her die!

02/07/2011, 05:54 PM
So sorry to hear that. Dang, and all washed and filled up, too! Hope you are ok, and that all the damage is repairable.

02/07/2011, 05:58 PM
That sucks. Hope you are alright and her insurance treats you right. Good luck getting the VX back up to speed!

02/07/2011, 06:06 PM
Sux. I hope she had insurance.

02/07/2011, 06:06 PM
Ya man Her ins is gonna cover everything she rear ended me and like I said was comp drunk so All expenses paid from her ima make sure every last lil piece gets fixed. She did have ins wether it wa suptodate etc etc ill have tofind out tomorrow when i start making all these calls

Mile High VX
02/07/2011, 07:13 PM
Glad you seem to be okay.

Hope that all goes well with the repairs.

02/07/2011, 07:27 PM
full tank of gas...hit at 60mph...dang lucky you werent a Vehi-Que.........
glad youre fine...did your airbags deploy?... my fellow proton is in my prayers

02/07/2011, 08:22 PM
Sorry to hear about the accident, what is it with all these crashes over the last month or two? Superstang460, MIDN USNA, Bob Barker... when will this madness end?!?

Seriously though, glad to hear you're okay and hope everything is repairable. Let us know what we can do to help!

02/07/2011, 08:41 PM
Yikes! QUICK - replace RickOKC with Killinformula (I think?) - my VX is currently un-bonked. Oh, and Bob Barker, too. More snow is predicted over the next 2 days and if you've jinxed me, I'm going to insist on getting your insurance information! ;) If we get as much snow as the local (overly-hysterical) news outlets are saying, I plan on driving through deeper snow this time and eventually getting stuck. It would be nice if you emailed me a tow strap to make up for this just in case. :p

Lizard, after a 60mph hit I'm really glad to hear you're OK. Holy mackrel!

02/07/2011, 08:53 PM
Lol, sorry about that Rick, I meant Bob. Corrected my original post in the hopes that it will scare off the bad luck! :p

02/07/2011, 11:02 PM
Ya nothin on me is to bad yet just cant really walk got some muscle damage and severve leg and back pain and my head got busted open. I was just so worried bout my baby when i jumped out to see the damage :( Ill keep ya all updated i cant let her sit Ima work on finding a top notch shop to fix her up asap.

02/07/2011, 11:03 PM
"O and no airbags deployed cause she rear ended me" to vx junky

02/07/2011, 11:15 PM
OUCH! Sorry to hear of the news... hope it comes together for you.

02/08/2011, 03:50 AM

Sorry to hear about this & glad you're OK.

If you have a hard time finding a shop up your way & don't mind the distance, I can highly recommend the shop that worked on mine. It's at Quantico, VA. They do Uber quality work but are priced such that I'd only use them for insurance work & not Out Of Pocket repairs.


02/08/2011, 04:05 AM
Why can't someone rear end me?! I just need to get smacked, and have it be driveable. Take the insurance money...then I can keep the truck, lock the rear end, make it a permanent trail truck:)

02/08/2011, 08:07 AM
Tom ill keep that in mind I do only want the best shop workin on her, Price dunt matter as her insurance will be covering it all.

02/08/2011, 08:32 AM
My buddy gave the adjuster $150 bucks to hook it up! just saying

02/08/2011, 11:43 AM
^ thats messed up

that's his job, he shouldn't need to be "hooked up"

Scott Harness
02/09/2011, 03:10 PM
Why can't someone rear end me?!

me too...AHH...retirement!:p

02/09/2011, 04:21 PM
me too...AHH...retirement!:p

Wait, are you saying you want to be rear ended during retirement? DADT is still in effect for us military folks...:bgwb:

02/09/2011, 04:50 PM
Book value on our trucks is very low.

If the damage exceeds 75-80% of book value the truck will be considered 'totaled' The insurance co will give you a check for that amount only, and you sign the car over to them.

They then sell the remains as scrap. you have first right of refusal on the scrap, and so you can elect to keep it for usually $150 less total payment.

Then, its up to you to repair it or not as you see fit.

John C.

VX crazy
02/10/2011, 05:36 AM
Book value on our trucks is very low.

If the damage exceeds 75-80% of book value the truck will be considered 'totaled' The insurance co will give you a check for that amount only, and you sign the car over to them.

They then sell the remains as scrap. you have first right of refusal on the scrap, and so you can elect to keep it for usually $150 less total payment.

Then, its up to you to repair it or not as you see fit.

John C.

Wow, just $150 less? When I totalled mine I had to buy it back for $3500....and that was AFTER I talked them down from $4500 buyback, so they just deducted that from the amount of the truck.

02/10/2011, 06:58 AM
Just don't settle everything out too quickly, man. I'm glad you are ok, but I can't count the number of friends, etc who thought they were ok for a month or more and then all of a sudden could barely walk or were having sight problems etc from a hard wreck.

I'd take her *** for punitive damages too. She was high as a kite and could have killed you and more. She also destroyed a hard to find collectors item.

Screw her for being drunk and driving. She deserves what she gets.

Good luck man. I hope you recover quickly and don't have any serious issues. Also hope the VX makes a full recovery!

02/15/2011, 08:51 AM
SO Just got word today from the adjusters.... They are Totaling it....... :( I am put this ***** in the ground and sue her pathetic *** for everything and nething I can. Good thing I am alrdy working with one of the best auto accident lawsuit lawyers in the area. I am trying hard to keep her and she has to be fixed. I will keep everyone updated. And yes Tech I am in Physcial Theropy everyday.

02/15/2011, 09:04 AM
Wow, just $150 less? When I totalled mine I had to buy it back for $3500....and that was AFTER I talked them down from $4500 buyback, so they just deducted that from the amount of the truck.

around the time Obama was having the govt do buybacks on certain vehicles. The VX was on the list and if it was I would bet they were hoping to get ther money back by selling it back. I know we all love our rigs but if it is tha bad I would think twice about restoring it as a salvage vehicle when you can still buy affordable VXes in great condition. I would keep it for parts.

VX crazy
02/15/2011, 10:31 AM
around the time Obama was having the govt do buybacks on certain vehicles. The VX was on the list and if it was I would bet they were hoping to get ther money back by selling it back. I know we all love our rigs but if it is tha bad I would think twice about restoring it as a salvage vehicle when you can still buy affordable VXes in great condition. I would keep it for parts.

NOPE, this was before Obama took office...I had to be taken to the polls to vote the following week

02/15/2011, 11:31 AM
NOPE, this was before Obama took office...I had to be taken to the polls to vote the following week

Not sure why a car they totalled would be worth $4500

VX crazy
02/15/2011, 01:20 PM
Not sure why a car they totalled would be worth $4500

well this was 2 1/2 yrs ago.....they gave me just over 14k for the totalled vx minus buying back other vx for 3500.....its determined by how much the damages cost and if they exceed a certain amount of what the vehicle is worth.

02/15/2011, 03:13 PM
around the time Obama was having the govt do buybacks on certain vehicles. The VX was on the list

Are you referring to the Cash for Clunkers program? Sometimes called "C4C"

02/15/2011, 03:40 PM
Are you referring to the Cash for Clunkers program? Sometimes called "C4C"

just couldnt think of the same. Been nursing a cold or something the last few days. Just waiting for my employees to quit calling in sick so I can.

02/15/2011, 03:48 PM
Couple of things to do before accepting the insurance company's check for a totaled vehicle:
1. Ask for the local market research documents from which the derived the vehicle's value.
2. Many states require that companies turn them over when asked, in other places you might have to be insistent.
3. Examine the market research carefully looking not merely for equal comparisons in terms of age, mileage and condition, but also to see if they rigged the results by pulling quotes from a cheaper area.
4. Write out some talking points as to why you should get more, and go back to the insurance company with them.

From here:

02/15/2011, 04:22 PM
just couldnt think of the same. Been nursing a cold or something the last few days. Just waiting for my employees to quit calling in sick so I can.
I'm with ya Dave, got the nastiest cold in years myself, and seems like everybody else does too! Take Zicam (zinc), science says it helps.

Mark B
02/15/2011, 05:10 PM
First, hope you are ok and 2nd hope your VX will be ok.

02/15/2011, 10:09 PM
SO Just got word today from the adjusters.... They are Totaling it....... :( I am put this ***** in the ground and sue her pathetic *** for everything and nething I can. Good thing I am alrdy working with one of the best auto accident lawsuit lawyers in the area. I am trying hard to keep her and she has to be fixed. I will keep everyone updated. And yes Tech I am in Physcial Theropy everyday.I was afraid they would do that.

I know we all love our rigs but if it is tha bad I would think twice about restoring it as a salvage vehicle when you can still buy affordable VXes in great condition. I would keep it for parts.I think circ makes a good point.

Again, good luck with all of it and for a speedy recovery.

02/24/2011, 09:46 AM
So little update after so much has happened. Long story short the ins is totaling it no wayaround it nothing I can do basically what they have told me. So meanwhile it was sitting at their "secured lot" being inspected and valued. Someone broke into her and stole all my **** out of it.... So im like WOW. I feel as if though my child has be raped. I couldnt believe this. Then their were like sorry were not responsible for loss stolen property yadda yadda. But besides that im still fightin on how much I can get back minus the 1000 buyback that I am having to pay so that I can get her to a shop and start tryin to repair :( Sad Sad day Ever since this happend this huge void I guess ya could say in my life has gotten worse and worse.

02/24/2011, 10:53 AM
Dang man, that sucks! Sorry for your struggles. I hate theives!!

02/24/2011, 11:19 AM
OUCH! AGAIN! Are you going to try to sue her still for legligence or some such thing? So sorry to hear about this continuing on!

02/24/2011, 06:41 PM
Then their were like sorry were not responsible for loss stolen property yadda yadda.

I don't understand how that's possible. :confused: Seems like the insurance company is raping both the car AND YOU twice. :mad:

02/25/2011, 11:47 AM
Yes this whole ordeal is unreal. But I refuse to give up.

02/25/2011, 11:50 AM
Well I dunt know if I should do this here or a new post but Ill start here. I need anyones help who can get a hold of used Parts that are in good condition. PLease read the following and help if you can. The parts/Labor alrdy exceed the amount the insurance company is giving me so I will have to resort to used to help me have any chance at all of getting her back on the road.
Parts needed so far:
Hood- Proton
Radiator Support
Added -Actualy Radiator
Headlights -Both
Front and Rear Bumper(plastics)
Front bumper support
Rear door cover(plastic)
Ac condenser
Fan Assembly
I think this is all for now like i said Anyone that has any of the above or can get ahold of the above let me know asap Pleasee

02/25/2011, 12:15 PM
someone posted a link to your proton hood within the last week....$350 i believe was the price before shipping

02/25/2011, 12:30 PM
PM Marlin on the grill - I believe he still has one left over from his junkyard dumpster diving.

02/26/2011, 06:30 AM
Well I dunt know if I should do this here or a new post but Ill start here. I need anyones help who can get a hold of used Parts that are in good condition. PLease read the following and help if you can. The parts/Labor alrdy exceed the amount the insurance company is giving me so I will have to resort to used to help me have any chance at all of getting her back on the road.
Parts needed so far:
Hood- Proton
Radiator Support
Headlights -Both
Front and Rear Bumper(plastics)
Front bumper support
Rear door cover(plastic)
Ac condenser
Fan Assembly
I think this is all for now like i said Anyone that has any of the above or can get ahold of the above let me know asap Pleasee

I can get/have the following off of your list:

Grill assembly
Fan assembly
AC condensor
Radiator support(assume you mean the portion that runs vertically on the front...I removed mine a long time ago, but I can get it for you. PM me your budget range, the yard is a ways a way, it will cost me 8-10 bucks to drive over there and back, so I rather show up, prepay for everything out of my own pocket, and then ship it out to you. I can usually haggle with em on multiple parts. I can get decent shipping rates now as well, I have a commercial UPS account finally!!!!

Per your PM, I do have some of the little dome lights left (2 I think), as for the door handle, no bueno. Those were some of the first parts I sold...sorry.
I do have the grill insert, I can probably get the AC condenser with no problems. The radiator support, are you talking about the center piece that runs from the top to bottom on the front? I removed mine long ago, too bad I pitched it. I can get the one off the junked VX.

02/26/2011, 07:48 AM
Pm sent, I also need my actual Radiator if ya can get your hands on one of those in good condition.

02/26/2011, 08:02 AM
Well I dunt know if I should do this here or a new post but Ill start here. I need anyones help who can get a hold of used Parts that are in good condition. PLease read the following and help if you can. The parts/Labor alrdy exceed the amount the insurance company is giving me so I will have to resort to used to help me have any chance at all of getting her back on the road.
Parts needed so far:
Hood- Proton
Radiator Support
Headlights -Both
Front and Rear Bumper(plastics)
Front bumper support
Rear door cover(plastic)
Ac condenser
Fan Assembly
I think this is all for now like i said Anyone that has any of the above or can get ahold of the above let me know asap Pleasee

Here's some sources.
Also, I have some extra time, if you want to give me 2 or 3 parts to chase down and prices I can help you out.

1) FIRST and foremost- contact "VX Crazy" as she has her wrecked VX in her garage selling parts.

2) Try the mypartshop.com: it has a nationwide search function of salvage yards, and searches the part you want. Plus it gives name/address/phone so you can contact them easily, confirm what they've got.


3) Here's the post Junky was referring to with the Proton hood:

4) Here's a few salvage yards we've found recently with VXs that are rather "whole"...give 'em a call, they may still have a lot of the parts you need.

1999 Astral

4330 East Francis Avenue
Spokane, WA 99217-6537
(509) 489-3850

Tompkinsville Auto Salvage in KY.
2000 Ebony

5) Here's several ebay sellers over the past year that have been selling some VX parts. Usually you can find their name and look up a phone number, easier to call and see what all they've got.

1) ariparts777:

2) bairdsautoparts:

3) bandrauto:

4) benzman444:

5) bestfastparts:

6) dead_milkmen:

7) eighty7zuk:

8) estatecycles:

9) hyundaiisuzuparts:

02/26/2011, 10:21 AM
Here is a link to a reman front bumper cover. Its better than nothing if you can't find a suitable OEM.


02/26/2011, 12:06 PM
I love this forum! You guys are awesome!

02/28/2011, 11:17 AM
Still looking for the Hood the one in the link is sold :( As well as all the plastic pieces. I do have the front bumper in the works moreso on the rear and tailgate cover is needed.

02/28/2011, 02:01 PM
I saw a new radiator on ebay the other day if you're still looking for one.

02/28/2011, 03:42 PM
I think i am gonna get the one from autzone 130 lifetime warranty.

03/11/2011, 08:15 AM
Well stuck between rock and hard place here. The total estimate finalized seems to be about 8200.00 Now as much as I want to fix my girl and get her back on the road. The task is becoming more impossible. Having a really hard time finding ne parts that are worth gettin used and all the new parts are insanely priced. Still trying to figure out what to do. But I may have to part her out. Ima give it a few more weeks to see what I can work out.

Mile High VX
03/11/2011, 08:22 AM

For $4,500...use what you need...part out the rest.

03/11/2011, 11:17 AM
Ah its not yellow and i dislike the interior of the 99s also the red/black int i find to be hideous, but im not giving up yet. Its gonna be a hell of a battle but I still see the light.

03/11/2011, 12:04 PM
Can you update what's left on your "To Buy" list? How much were you able to find from the sources Marlin and KAT listed on page 3?

03/11/2011, 12:13 PM
Marlins hasnt gotten me anyting yet. and most of the links from Kat had nothing either and the hood was alrdy sold :(
I did happen to come aross this ac condenser site seems uber cheap most my quotes wre from 450-600 this site is only 132

03/11/2011, 12:18 PM
Id say right now im working on the Core support for under 500
The main cosmetic items are the
Front and Rear Bumper
Tailgate cladding
Both headlights

03/11/2011, 01:02 PM
Somebody here had a rear cladding for sale, new in box, a little while ago so hopefully they will pipe up.

When you say the front and rear bumper, are you talking about the cladding or the actual structural pieces behind the cladding? I ask because my front bumper (the tube beneath the cladding) is rotting out and I am headed to a local 4x4 fab shop this afternoon to see if they will be able to bend up a new one for me. I can keep you up to date on what I find out from them if that would help.

03/11/2011, 01:14 PM
I mean the cladding that tube behind the bumper im not worryd bout mine rusted out a year ago havent had one since.

03/11/2011, 01:51 PM
Here's a link to the guy that was selling the new in box rear cladding:


http://i.ebayimg.com/05/%21CBmgq5Q%212k%7E$%28KGrHqYOKkIE0YDfEyuyBNIWnYknf w%7E%7E_12.JPG

Listing says that the item is no longer available, but does NOT indicate that it was sold. There was much discussion here that perhaps his price was too high, so maybe he just stuffed it back in his garage. I would DEFINITELY contact him directly.

03/11/2011, 04:22 PM
Hey Lizard - you never responded to my offer to track down 2 or 3 parts from your list.... (see post #45)

How about I try to track down the TAILGATE CLADDING (The piece that has the license plate, correct?) and the GRILL?

Give me a price range for each.

03/11/2011, 08:41 PM
O Kat so srry I somehow mis read that small line. Marlin said he may have a grill but havent heard back from him ina few weeks. I think i have seen grills from 50-100 not sur eon prices as far the looking for the tailgate that clad that would be awesome as well havent had to much luck on that. Le tme know what ya find same thing on pricin for that i think new its aroun 400 so whatever ya can get it lowerd to let me know thanks alot.

03/11/2011, 11:02 PM
O Kat so srry I somehow mis read that small line. Marlin said he may have a grill but havent heard back from him ina few weeks. I think i have seen grills from 50-100 not sur eon prices as far the looking for the tailgate that clad that would be awesome as well havent had to much luck on that. Le tme know what ya find same thing on pricin for that i think new its aroun 400 so whatever ya can get it lowerd to let me know thanks alot.

I PM'd VX Crazy tonight, and turns out she has all 4 of the parts, 2 headlights, grill, rear door cladding. She's deciding what she wants to sell, and how much. She'll get back to us/you/me.

Any other parts you need? :bgwb:

03/12/2011, 06:31 AM
Well the custom grill insert broke also which im really upset about cause that isnt replaceable. As well as my Klearz but I think the site still makes them. What about the Front and rear cladding(bumpers) The other major thing is the Core support but that would take some skill getting one of those off so might just have to buy a new. O ya and a Proton Hood would be amazing. I couldnt did up any used ones my insert is still good. But if you find a different colored hood cheap I could just get it painted. But then ya got to balance the cost to paint then just buying a new proton one.

03/12/2011, 08:18 AM
?????....possibly ????..... hope it helps......... http://www.salvage-cars-for-sale.info/salvage/for-sale-isuzu-vehicross-2001-MTAwNTg2MDE1NjIzMjA1NzQ4MTI

03/12/2011, 08:30 AM
Well the custom grill insert broke also which im really upset about cause that isnt replaceable. As well as my Klearz but I think the site still makes them. What about the Front and rear cladding(bumpers) The other major thing is the Core support but that would take some skill getting one of those off so might just have to buy a new. O ya and a Proton Hood would be amazing. I couldnt did up any used ones my insert is still good. But if you find a different colored hood cheap I could just get it painted. But then ya got to balance the cost to paint then just buying a new proton one.

~Front cladding - (there's always the aftermarket replica one that Marlin posted a link), but I'll try to find an OEM.
~Rear cladding
~Proton hood - Probably will need to get one and paint it.
~Core support

I'll check with Lisa again and see what she has.

03/12/2011, 09:38 AM
Junky it has been soldalrdy

03/12/2011, 12:06 PM
FYI Lizzy...my proton came from baltimore........... and according to Tim Hardin..so did the "Lady"

VX crazy
03/12/2011, 07:26 PM
I have available

front bumper cover $160 plus shipping
rear bumper cover $160 plus shipping
headlights $120 each plus shipping
grill $120 plus shipping
and rear door cladding $120 plus shipping

I have the hood, not sure I can figure out how to ship it LOL

not sure what support you need......pm or email me and I can send photos

03/12/2011, 09:15 PM
My email is Lizardmen3477@aol.com That is awesome that you have all those pieces. Its called a core support. kinda hard ti dismantle it out so I may just have to bite it and buy the new one. But with all those cosmetic pieces for a good price would help a tremendous amount. Please send pics of all to my email.

03/12/2011, 09:23 PM
Shes almost done.

04/04/2011, 09:45 AM
Last part it seems I need is the A/c Fan Assembly. Does anyone know where to get a hold of one cheaper then Merlin. Current is 363.00 for it all. Looks like my only bet though.

04/04/2011, 11:05 AM
I assume that you are talking about the fan assembly at the radiator, not the blower assembly for climate control.

If I'm right, sounds like it's time for a 'lectric fan conversion. Easier, cheaper and according to some: gives 0.1% increase in throttle response (butt dyno). Sorry, last part is an inside joke. There are threads on the subject.

Here's the one that contains the inside joke:


04/04/2011, 11:17 AM
It is the acutaly ac fan and the big plastic shroud and the motor itself for it.

04/04/2011, 11:20 AM
Cool, then the link I gave you should help you get her running on the cheap.

04/04/2011, 11:34 AM
any 10" aftermarket cooling fan should fit there. i put a second one in from autozone for like 15 bucks...


(http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=9826)http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/medium/air_horn_008.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=9825)

04/04/2011, 05:32 PM
any 10" aftermarket cooling fan should fit there. i put a second one in from autozone for like 15 bucks...


(http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=9826)http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/medium/air_horn_008.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=9825)

Eric are you running both fans at all times or only during hot/summer days ?

04/04/2011, 05:48 PM
the factory fan runs anytime the AC is on. The secondary fan is run off a switch that i turn on anytime my water temp exceeds 200*F or when the ac needs a boost since its right on the condenser