View Full Version : How do you sleep when there is rapid gunfire out your window at 3 AM?

03/23/2011, 09:02 AM
Dub it wasn't you and that big gun was it? My wife , daughter and I jumped awake to 6 (I think) rapid succession shots just 1 or so houses away. I called 911. The police were quick to check the neighborhood. Nothing found. But it is unnerving to think some Idiot thought he would just unload for fun or something. Took me 45 minutes to settle my adrenalin down and get back to sleep. :mady:

03/23/2011, 09:15 AM
You get used to it.

I used to live in a neighborhood where gunshots were heard 2 or 3 times a week.

03/23/2011, 09:34 AM
You get used to it.

I used to live in a neighborhood where gunshots were heard 2 or 3 times a week.

And here is the problem. I will never get used to it. I have always lived in peaceful places. I once had a 50 acre farm in the Shenandoah Valley - we didn't even lock the door but I guess times are changing at least for me :(

03/23/2011, 09:41 AM
When I lived in a small town in WV we would lock the front door when we weren't home to let people know we weren't home but leave the back door open in case they needed to borrow something.

Riff Raff
03/23/2011, 10:16 AM
Eb--- Perhaps you should be like your little Black Cat on your signature line, and just pop only the top-half of your head out of your foxhole. Stay safe, my friend.


03/23/2011, 10:39 AM
Sure it wasn't firecrackers?

03/23/2011, 11:02 AM
You get used to it.

I used to live in a neighborhood where gunshots were heard 2 or 3 times a week.

And here is the problem. I will never get used to it. I have always lived in peaceful places. I once had a 50 acre farm in the Shenandoah Valley - we didn't even lock the door but I guess times are changing at least for me :(

We hear gunfire about 2-3 times a week where we currently live, which is why we're looking to move sometime in the next few months. We live on the bank of a 3-mile wide river, so we're pretty sure that it's just idiots firing out into the water at night for fun. Regardless, our area is bad enough that the police don't bother to check out gunfire, they just show up to remove the bodies. :noy:

We're actually looking at property in southwestern VA, probably less than two hours away from your farm. I grew up in rural NC so I know what you mean; the only times we heard gunfire were when people were hunting game rather than each other.

03/23/2011, 11:07 AM
How do you sleep?

... on the floor would be my first reaction.

03/23/2011, 11:08 AM
I'm so conditioned that I just hit pause on the TV, make sure the door is locked, then go sit back down and hope it goes away. :eek:

03/23/2011, 11:38 AM
Eb--- Perhaps you should be like your little Black Cat on your signature line, and just pop only the top-half of your head out of your foxhole. Stay safe, my friend.


I held the little black cat up to the window to look for me first..

Sure it wasn't firecrackers?

Not. I know the difference.

Scott Larson
03/23/2011, 11:47 AM
Out here in the boondocks, the only gunfire I hear is my own! Ok, that's not completely true. In the fall, I hear grouse hunters and deer hunters off in the distance. And then there's those bear hunters...

03/23/2011, 05:19 PM
I have miles of swamp land behind my house which we own but idiots decide that they own it as well -.- and we hear gunfire commonly sometimes twice a day for days on end. One time someone got back there with a fully automatic weapon and fired off at least 200 rounds at about 8AM my neighbors called the police and they said they couldn't do anything about it cause they cant go down into that swamp lol I sometimes take my oversized potato cannon and duck tape the end and overload it with the propellant and fire that off a few times (Man that thing is loud) and sometimes the people stop shooting I guess cause they think their being shot at. But on other occasions I will be daring and fire my .308 (pointed down of course to be sure not to accidentally hit anyone) and they almost always stop.

03/23/2011, 05:33 PM
When that happens to me I just grab my Phased Plasma Rifle in the 40watt range and level a few nearby trees. Usually does the trick.

03/23/2011, 05:33 PM
I hear gun fire all the time (during daylight hours). But living across the road from an out door gun range might have something to do with that LOL. At my last place I used to hate July 4th. Never knew if it was fireworks or gun shots. Either would have been normal. If you had to go somewhere you just ran out the door ducking and covering just in case.

03/23/2011, 07:14 PM
Well it sounds like some of you have it worse than me and I should stop my pitty party. Osteomata where can I get one of those.

03/23/2011, 07:36 PM
Right here Eb:

03/24/2011, 04:45 AM
Right here Eb:

Hmmm. somehow knew that gun dealer wasn't going to make it.:(

03/24/2011, 07:09 AM
I live in a very well-to-do area (I am the sore thumb there), and strangely, that is all you hear. It is accepted though. Apparently the yuppies that live around me LOVE weapons and you hear them fairly normally. Lots of land so they just shoot on their property. Plus, just 3 miles down the road from me there is the range I frequent, so all day long on weekends you can hear heavy caliber rounds in the distance. Kinda nice really since most other places I have lived (even not so nice areas), I was the bad guy for owning weapons.

Pretty normal to hear automatic gunfire and see random tracer fire on 4th of July. Pretty idiotic really since what goes up, must come down. :\

Accepted I say, but I can also guarantee that the majority of these morons don't have the common knowledge of ownership, control, and maintenance, so it is pretty scary too.

03/26/2011, 10:14 PM
Dub it wasn't you and that big gun was it?


What time was it?...:smilewink

Nope, wasn't me, but I DID price watermelons today...too rich for my blood...:(

THIS (http://boomershoot.org/2011/Blast.htm) looks like fun...speaking of noise...:smilewink

03/29/2011, 09:27 AM
Don mess wit me.


03/29/2011, 12:57 PM
Careful where you point that thing......you could give somebody a nasty welt with that.

Scott Larson
03/29/2011, 09:44 PM
To all my gun-toting, VX-driving brethren (and sisters), I sincerely hope you are all responsible, NRA card-carrying, second amendment loving members! Please remember, allof our freedoms come courtesy of the second amendment and the NRA is your voice in the protection of that freedom!

03/30/2011, 05:20 AM
Sounds like it is getting rough back east. I am glad I left 33 years ago.

03/30/2011, 08:36 AM
What do you experienced gun toters think of the Beretta neo 22 pistol. http://www.beretta.com/Defence-Pistols-Carbines/Practice-Competition/Compact/U22-Neos-Inox/index.aspx?m=82&f=2&id=826

I think I'm at my breaking point now to buy. I have not handled a pistol in 40 years. :) I did hunt a lot in my younger day and owned and handled 12 gauge double barrel and a Marlin 30-30. I am not yet licensed to conceal and carry. It is not something just to confront a person with but for personal protection while hiking around - which I do a lot alone.

I may have told this story but I am a veterinarian and do submissions for rabies testing for the local health dept when they request them. Some months back a man was jumped by 2 Pitbulls while out in the woods alone hunting. To his luck the offender launched into his backpack water pack on his back and began to shake him. He told me this saved his life. He was bit on the arm in the struggle. He pulled his weapon and the Pit was history. I probably would only carry this while in the wilds...but is it big enough.? most of you will say no but wouldn't it still do the job???

03/30/2011, 12:09 PM
22 is enough for a person or dog with multiple shots... don't shoot for the skull though cus it will probobly bounce off. If you are really looking for protection you may want to go bigger .40-.45 (human/?) .44 mag if you need bear protection.

03/30/2011, 07:52 PM
To all my gun-toting, VX-driving brethren (and sisters), I sincerely hope you are all responsible, NRA card-carrying, second amendment loving members! Please remember, allof our freedoms come courtesy of the second amendment and the NRA is your voice in the protection of that freedom!

I like the way you think:yes:....not only did you "get it", almost from the get go on sight support, but you fully understand the ever present threat to our constitutional rights...:thumbup:

You, my future personal friend, have earned my respect...:thumbup:

03/31/2011, 07:02 AM
Are all Y'all gun toters compensating for something???

Scott Harness
03/31/2011, 08:04 AM
Are all Y'all gun toters compensating for something???

We are compensating for all the sissyfied non-gun toters!:p

03/31/2011, 10:47 AM
Don mess wit me.


Did you take that from RickOKC? I hear he just moved up to that from his Swiss Army knife/tool, and now you went 'n took that from him! Meanie! Think of how many more cereal boxes he's gotta go thru to find another!

03/31/2011, 11:33 AM
KAT I will send him some cracker jacks.

03/31/2011, 08:07 PM
Are all Y'all gun toters compensating for something???
Yes, like not having a watchdog.

03/31/2011, 09:12 PM
Are all Y'all gun toters compensating for something???


The general dumbing down & complete lack of manners that has become the norm of this once great nation...:(

03/31/2011, 09:17 PM

The general dumbing down & complete lack of manners that has become the norm of this once great nation...:(

x10,000 ! .....:sado:

04/01/2011, 05:07 AM

Whilst not being a gun affectionado meself, don't mind if others are. Just wanted to stir the pot.


Up close & personal is just a much more satisfying means of attitude adjustment.

I had a misunderstanding with an M60 years ago so I decided that me & guns just don't mix.

04/01/2011, 05:26 AM
This site has the coolest guns ever: http://www.americaremembers.com/products/TXRTP/TXRTP.asp