View Full Version : my first off-road excursion...

09/18/2003, 04:41 AM
Ok... i'm toolin' down the road minding my own business instead of the road when I realize there's a truck w/ flat-bed in tow at a standstill a little ways in front of me.

nowhere to go on the right... grassy ditch/median on the left. split second decision, i choose to brave the ditch instead of sideswiping the minivan. I'm sure I could have stopped but 1, the guy behind me was riding my *** in his little ghetto-blaster hoopride, and 2, its a VX right? It's made for the off-road I told myself...

lemme just say i should do this more often 'cause its too much fun. i had to be on at least 20 degree downward slope to the left when I made the right turn back on to the road once i was past the truck and the VX didn't even blink. i was probably doing maybe 45 through the ditch.

mmm i wanna do it again:)

ok just reread what i wrote and i guess you just had to be there:rolleyes:

09/18/2003, 06:06 AM
So what happened to the hooprider?

09/18/2003, 06:38 AM
lol safe to say they didn't follow me into the ditch:) not really sure i was more in awe from the VX's ease going through the ditch (and moreso OUT of it up out of while leaning to the left) that i didn't pay much attention to the hooptie...

keep in mind i've only had this VX for a few weeks (bought SCUDD's) and I just ended the phase where I drove AROUND puddles:)

how deep of water can a VX ford by the way? i'm in southern maryland and we get quite a bit of flooding in areas after heavy rains, let alone hurricanes named after women:)

09/18/2003, 08:48 AM
uh oh... someone's getting hooked on their VX....:naughty:

09/18/2003, 09:18 AM
like a drug baby!:yes:

(so no idea on the fording question?:confused: )

09/18/2003, 09:28 AM
Ask zadam1234?

By the way driving over the rubble & side walk at Ground Zero on 9/11/01 after the firemen told me to leave my beloved VX behind, was my first off road experience:

09/18/2003, 02:11 PM
There are lots of pics like that where it has been done, and most of us did it in Ocala, but a word of caution... if you ever drove around puddles you probably want to stay out of mudholes and such. And you will never get rid of all the mud on your undercarriage. Unh uh... no you won't, don't argue with me. :-)

Second thing is that out of 7 VXs at the Ocala meet, 3 experienced alternator shorts after going through water as deep as what you see here in this thread. This was determined to be due to improperly sealed voltage regulators. There are probably a few different makes of alternators in VXs rather than one standard one, and your chances are decent you'll encounter this problem. No, I'm not sure who manufactured the one I had, sorry. But it is about a $700 problem if you're out of warranty or they may see all the mud and decide not cover it even if you are. I was fortunate to get it done with just a $100 deductible and not a peep about the mud.

If your A/C goes out after "watercrossing" your VX, get it to a shop quick because you don't have much time before other things start to go and it will soon be dead as a doornail.

09/21/2003, 12:14 PM
Originally posted by Heraclid
...determined to be due to improperly sealed voltage regulators...

If thats the case, it sounds like you could wreck the thing if you wash your engine really good... if thats the case... thats kinda scary as I like to keep my engine kinda clean... helps track down leaks and stuff if they should occur.

09/21/2003, 05:22 PM
Yeah, it's a serious vulnerability, but I think maybe water pressure has something to do with it too. It's mounted rather low in our trucks, too. And unfortunately the regs are internal on our alternators, otherwise I guess it would be a much easier proposition. Or if you knew how to get in there and change them out... <shrug> All I know is we had three of 'em go in one day but some of the most aggressive drivers who went back for several passes through the water did not have them go out.