View Full Version : Production Number

09/22/2003, 03:05 PM
First off let me say hi to everyone... This site is very informative. I bought my vx about 2 months ago and I LOVE it... Its amazing all the comments that I get. Its seems that everyone knows what production number that there vx is.. How do I find out what number mine was?? Thanks

09/22/2003, 04:01 PM
The last four numbers of your VIN (driver's side dash up by the glass) is your production number for your model year. For example, mine ends in ...991613. 1999, number 1613.

09/23/2003, 07:25 AM
Thank You....

09/23/2003, 08:08 AM
I was curious about the VIN format also, and found this interesting report: http://www.kerrywilson.com/vin.htm

This contradicts Haraclid somewhat - but my VIN didn't work with that formula (it ends with D01395). According to this document, the 10th character is the year of manufacture:

B = 1981 G = 1986 M = 1991 T = 1996 1 = 2001 6 = 2006

C = 1982 H = 1987 N = 1992 V = 1997 2 = 2002 7 = 2007

D = 1983 J = 1988 P = 1993 W = 1998 3 = 2003 8 = 2008

E = 1984 K = 1989 R = 1994 X = 1999 4 = 2004 9 = 2009

F = 1985 L = 1990 S = 1995 Y = 2000 5 = 2005

09/29/2003, 01:03 AM
Dug this out from the other forum...

Ext./Int. 99MY - 00MY - 01MY - Total
Silver/Red 1021 - 57 - 101 - 1179
Silver/Gray n/a - 135 - 251 - 386
White/Red 420 - 96 - 86 - 602
Black/Red 564 - 51 - 87 - 702
Black/Gray n/a - 138 - 226 - 364
Yellow/Gray n/a - 111 - 368 - 479
Green/Gray n/a - 125 - 105 - 230
Red/Gray n/a - 90 - 120 - 210
Pearl/Red n/a - n/a - 1 - 1
Total 2005 - 803 - 1345 - 4153

Must be inaccurate since only 1345 were made in 01 supposedly and mine is the 1393rd for 01.

09/29/2003, 04:50 AM
According to an Isuzu exec who responded to Anita, there were 4,309 exported from Japan. This total includes the US distributed VXes and others that went elsewhere. My guess is that the totals reflected in that table above only show the color distribution for the US marketed ones.

-- John