View Full Version : Keeping up with the Teutuls...

06/09/2011, 06:18 PM
Anyone here an American Chopper (Sr. vs. Jr.) fan? Been a die hard fan since I love fabrication shops. And watching the latest bout between Sr. vs. Jr. in the Cadillac competition has got to be one of the best episodes to date for the Discovery channel.

Personally, I think Jr. got this one hands down all the way. But I guess, it all will come to fruition when the bidding ends for the bikes:


06/09/2011, 07:08 PM
Thats a really disappointing bike from Sr. IMHO. Then again Jr. has always been the artist.

06/09/2011, 07:19 PM
I agree Ron, Jr's bike is a work of art. The rear fender/taillight is spot-on. I'm not sure why Sr or his crew (because Sr has no clue how to build a bike, he just points and yells) built a modern Bobber that in my opinion was a swing and a miss on the Caddy theme. Sr Lost in the Jr/Sr best lap times, Sr's team lost in the combined times to Jr's team and Sr's going to lose in the bike build-off to Jr. Jr needs to agree and sell his 20% back to Sr while it's still worth something because it's not going to be worth much in the near future. Bottom line it's all a very sad thing, but that what Reality shows do the best, end marriages and/or split family's apart...my 2 cents

06/09/2011, 07:30 PM
I used to like the show and stopped watching when it became more of a drama than a show about bike building. I watched both parts 1 and 2 of the build-off and agree that Jr built the better bike. I was also glad his team and he won the race.

06/09/2011, 08:50 PM
I thought many of the OCC bikes were cartoonish and over the top, but have always liked the show. However, PJD's CTS-V bike is wicked! They nailed the theme when OCC missed by a mile. Just look at the bids... Jr's bike is 10 times the price of the OCC bike. Great way to show where the creative talent is. Paul Jr. may need to rely on guys with better skills than he has, but so does Sr. Paul Jr's ideas (or as Sr. says... I-dee-errs) make for a better custom bike.

06/09/2011, 09:52 PM
I LOVE watching this show! I've watched it since it's inception and been on a few charity rides back in the day with them. I have always chuckled during this new season when Sr. and his crew say "oh they could never build a bike like us", well they are right, they build better bikes! Honestly I think they have gotten too used to their machines cutting out and making everything for them that they have lost there creativity, that and Jr was always a design expert (even if he was lazy at times). All the bikes that OCC let Jr. have his way with were amazing, the Jr Dream Bike (the green/black web bike) was awesome!

06/09/2011, 10:11 PM
Sr. is a very immature man. And dont give me this "because he's rich he's smart". He acts like a dumb teenager, and has serious mental issues. I like Jr. and his bikes. I do still watch it. I hope Jr's company makes it in the long run. Thanks for putting up the link for us.

06/09/2011, 11:11 PM
I started watching 2 or 3 yrs ago....I love watching any kind of fabrication, assembly line, any type of production stuff really. Just amazes me to see what those guys can make at the drop of a hat. But I gotta agree, the drama level went so far up, it got in the way of the show...it changed to little more than a soap opera/reality show. I've only watched some this year, but did catch most of the Sr. vs. Jr....but funny, I missed the ending....so now I know who won...:laugho:...but I'll catch it in on the replays.
Sometimes I think a lot of it becomes "scripted for TV"...like the Sr. Jr feud....what ever will draw more viewers....but then the lawsuit seems real I guess.

I saw the episode last week where Sr and his crew went up to Alaska to visit the "Deadliest Catch" gang, where Jonathan of the Time Bandit had retained Sr. to build a commemorative bike to Phil Harris. I love Deadliest Catch so I thought that was really cool what Jonathan was doing. Did anybody catch the custom bike Phil Harris owned that his sons put on ebay last year for charity, but reserve wasn't met, I think it petered out at 42k. Don't know what became of it.

06/10/2011, 01:17 PM
If the show was actually about fabrication and not about two grown men putting on an overdramitic show for money I might actually watch it. I have no idea how you all can get into that crap. Its like Real Housewives for men. ;puke2;


06/10/2011, 02:01 PM
If the show was actually about fabrication and not about two grown men putting on an overdramitic show for money I might actually watch it. I have no idea how you all can get into that crap. Its like Real Housewives for men. ;puke2;

Agreed, there are definitely more "enlightening" shows available for viewing, and I like motorcycles as much as the next guy (although my preference was always more towards road-racers than cruisers).

06/10/2011, 02:39 PM
If the show was actually about fabrication and not about two grown men putting on an overdramitic show for money I might actually watch it. I have no idea how you all can get into that crap. Its like Real Housewives for men. ;puke2;


I can do without the drama. I just appreciate the development process of creating things from your head and being able to fabricate it into reality. Since I'm not familiar with metal works, it's a whole new learning experience for me when they get into the forming and welding of the material. rudy

06/10/2011, 03:01 PM
If the show was actually about fabrication and not about two grown men putting on an overdramitic show for money I might actually watch it. I have no idea how you all can get into that crap. Its like Real Housewives for men. ;puke2;


Agreed, there are definitely more "enlightening" shows available for viewing, and I like motorcycles as much as the next guy (although my preference was always more towards road-racers than cruisers).

X 2!!!!!

I remember back in the olden days when they actually used to fab up some pretty sweet sheez...:yes:

Of course, my memory goes all the way back to when they had music on this little upstart thing called http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ7IRe8-oEorq0ntgi6a4t4tf8ibAuS62YAHP-0AtovjpCJ_7Ly

06/10/2011, 03:39 PM
Looks like Ron and I are on the same page :thumbup: I tune out the drama (basically most of the dialogue! :laugho: ) and just watch for enjoyment.....like that water transfer process with the $100 bills.....I'd never even heard of that process......then Boarzhead mentioned it and hey, I knew what he was talking about....a little....
and I'm not even into bikes...scared to death of them after a high school boyfriend "rode" me around :freek:

:_thinking Seems I do vaguely recall that network you speak of...believe it was 1982......"Video killed the Radio...." boy hasn't that become pathetic!...same with VH1 and CMT...that leaves GAC playing "some" videos..

06/10/2011, 03:56 PM
Yeah but, after you tune out the drama, AND the commercials you are left with about 5 minutes of watchable programming. I mean seriously...I just don't get it. Not to mention, Paul Sr. is so obnoxious and annoying to look at, let alone listen to, I just can't.... :nogray:

Fabrication I can certainly appreciate, even though the style of bikes they create are ugly as hell, imo. The fact is, this show is on daily, and the percentage of the show dedicated to showing the actual stuff getting made, is miniscule compared to the fabricated drama.

Shows like this should stay 100% focused on the fabrication, showing the details and steps that go into it, show the process, teach the methods. Then I would watch it.

Take for instance Two Guys Garage.....there is a show that is trying to LEARN the viewer, even though they are obviously sponsored by and bias towards certain products, you at least LEARN something when you watch their show. Maybe I'm weird, but I get zero entertainment value from 99.99% of the "reality" programming that is on these days. I guess that's why I don't watch much TV, because it seems like 99.99% of it is just another take on the same crap.



06/10/2011, 03:59 PM
Of course, my memory goes all the way back to when they had music on this little upstart thing called http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ7IRe8-oEorq0ntgi6a4t4tf8ibAuS62YAHP-0AtovjpCJ_7Ly

MTV no longer has music videos.

Yesterday I saw a commercial for a live action show that is gonna be on CARTOON NETWORK.

And now, Animal Planet is "uniquely human".

I bet in 20 years, Animal Planet will be a sports channel, History Channel will be a channel dedicated to the apocalypse (the future). Cartoon Network will be a news channel, and MTV will be a hard core porn network. :laughing:


Scott Larson
06/10/2011, 07:33 PM
As to the Paul Jr. vs Paul Sr. debate, they both need to grow up! That said, at least Sr. has paid his dues. Jr. is a snot-nosed, sniveling, arrogant little ***. Yes, they are both disfunctional man-children, but Sr. paid his way and at the very least can claim senility. Now, as to their tastes in bikes, they've both had their hits and misses...I've seen their bikes up-close and personal, even threw a leg over their Lincoln bike; quality is NOT a high priority. Just sayin'...

06/10/2011, 07:45 PM
and I'm not even into bikes...scared to death of them after a high school boyfriend "rode" me around :freek:

Suzie Suzie Suzie,
you really should pick your words more carefully.:o:o:o
The visualisation of your above statement nearly gave me a heart attack.:bwgy::smilewink:bgwo:

Guess I might have been reminiscing in my own old days.:p;):yesy:


06/10/2011, 07:51 PM
Suzie Suzie Suzie,
you really should pick your words more carefully.:o:o:o
The visualisation of your above statement nearly gave me a heart attack.:bwgy::smilewink:bgwo:

Guess I might have been reminiscing in my own old days.:p;):yesy:


how is it that you can see things that I rarely do??....:confused:...did I live a sheltered life or something?....(answer...no!)....yeah, I think you're reminiscing.....:naughty::naughty:

let me re-word that....I think we may have gone 2 miles, and I squeezed his ribs so tight I don't think he could breath....and I sure was too scared to breath! :freek: I like 4 sides of thick metal around me!!

now, one of my fav shows is on now..."Dual Survival"...(a lot less BS drama for sure!)....and Cody is my home town hero around here, he lives a few miles from me......gotta go.....

06/10/2011, 08:06 PM
paul srs....looking all sucked up of late, best be getting a trip to the dr. for an aids test....if he was as hard core as he claims he was back in the day.
he seems feeble band broken