View Full Version : How hot can we get?

07/05/2011, 09:13 AM
With a Scan Gauge II, you can watch your water temp. Last night I drove the VX up this long steep hill behind my neighborhood to watch the fireworks. My temp got up to 203F climbing that hill.

It got me thinking, I know it is different for every vehicle, but what is the "rule of thumb" when it comes to engine temps? At what point does the head gasket blow? 220? 250? more?

Just curious if anyone knows.


07/05/2011, 09:28 AM
When it goes PPPPSSSSTTT!!! you got too hot.

07/05/2011, 09:33 AM
When it goes PPPPSSSSTTT!!! you got too hot.

Come on, Tom! You know there is a number!



07/05/2011, 10:08 AM
It was either that ... or ... I have no response to that!!!

Actually, I'm checking around to see if I can get an answer for you. Will let you know if I find anything.

07/05/2011, 10:25 AM
Ideally the radiator pressure relief would blow before it got too hot and that would be a guide to the max safe temp/pressure.

Of course many overheating scenarios involve loss of coolant where there isn't much pressure only temp.

07/05/2011, 10:49 AM
Most engines today are designed to operate in the 190 to 220 degree range.
Most cars today use 190-195 degree thermostats.
50%/50% mix of water/antifreeze will boil at 223 degrees, possibly another 45 degrees with 15 psf pressure.

VX crazy
07/05/2011, 01:26 PM
Mine gets to almost 220 every day after sitting in traffic AND a steep hill to climb when I get home, sitting in stop and go in this heat gets to 213-215 easy, with this VX and my other VX, same scangauge. And the stock temp gauge moves ALOT when the scan gauge moves only a tad, so when it looks like it is very near overheating the difference in temp is really only like 10degrees.

07/05/2011, 03:23 PM
Mine gets to almost 220 every day after sitting in traffic AND a steep hill to climb when I get home, sitting in stop and go in this heat gets to 213-215 easy, with this VX and my other VX, same scangauge. And the stock temp gauge moves ALOT when the scan gauge moves only a tad, so when it looks like it is very near overheating the difference in temp is really only like 10degrees.

Yep-yep...I've seen 218+ in stop & go traffic on the trails around Moab...:yesgray:

Your rad should have a volcanic steam eruption, causing you to switch off the ign key, before it spits out a head gasket.

07/05/2011, 03:32 PM
Yet, my dashboard guage never seems to move off that almost half way up point?

07/05/2011, 04:03 PM
Wow, I guess I am cooler than I thought. :cool!:

Normally, my ScanGauge sits at 179-181. That's even now driving in the 95F heat. Of course, that's nothing compared to the 117 degree Tuscon heat!!

The hottest I ever saw her get was in Death Valley, temp reached around 210.


VX crazy
07/06/2011, 09:18 AM
Yet, my dashboard guage never seems to move off that almost half way up point?

well you ARE in NY, not the deep south with the high heat.....must compare all variables.......

07/06/2011, 10:02 AM
It's still mid-nineties in the sun, though.

07/06/2011, 10:08 AM
Cool… I've been wondering about this, too. The last time I checked temperature on ScanGauge was in the winter. My VX would quickly get up to 180 and stay there. Now that it's a little warmer, I'm seeing 190-205 with an outdoor temperature of 100-103. I think I saw it get up to 208 once in stop & go traffic, but then went down to 195-200 once I was moving again. All the while the VX's temperature gauge never goes past just a hair right of halfway.

Doesn't answer your question, but at least it's a little more info for comparison.

07/26/2011, 05:48 AM
While on the road to & from S Carolina, during some of the nastiest heat & humidity I've ever seen, 70+ mph all day, AC cranked to the max, I saw 230 - 234 as max temps, with avg constants around 218- 224...running hard 12 hrs a day.

The only thing I've done that may be different is to add a surfactant to the coolant...about 4 - 5 yrs ago.

Suzy is one HOT little buggy.