View Full Version : 2000 Ironman with 200k, is it worth it?

07/19/2011, 01:29 PM
Hello everyone, I really need your advise on something. I'm currently looking at a 2000 ironman with 200k on it. I've haven't seen it in person, but I'm wondering if I should even purchase it with such high mileage. It will be my second vehicle, which I will only use in bad weather. He's only asking 2500 and I may be able to get it for less. Is it worth it? What should I be looking out for in particular.

Thanks in advance for you feedback

07/19/2011, 01:44 PM
In response to the mileage concern, it could go either way. However, take the following thread into consideration....


07/19/2011, 02:35 PM
Thank Jamas!