View Full Version : Replacement rubber strips for OEM cross members / roof rack

07/28/2011, 07:30 PM
I noticed many roof racks are missing some of the rubber strips recently. Since they're not available from Isuzu or Yakima, I've been searching the internet trying to find replacements.

I obtained numerous samples of extruded rubber weatherstripping/seals and found 2 or 3 I think will work.

Looking for input: foresee any problems, issues, etc...with this idea?

Who's interested in getting some?

For Samples 1 and 2 - Must buy a min of 75' of EACH.

Wider sample #1 is marked "13126"

Narrower sample #2 is marked "13120"

Was thinking of using the wider one for BOTH top and bottom, so only have to buy one box of 75'. Would need to put some adhesive on the underside of rubber to stick to cross bar.

For samples #1, it would be about $20 shipped, for 4 strips.

$10 shipped for 2 strips.

If I get enough interest in the narrower Sample #2 for the underside, I can order a roll of that (75' min). Same pricing as #1.

Each strip will be about 36" long.

Or buy the 3rd sample (@ $7.80/ft !) for the underside only. It can be purchased by the foot, no minimum, but much more expensive. So $25 PER STRIP

Any suggestions for what adhesive to use?

Anybody in the business of making this type of stuff?

If you're interested in getting these, let me know, and which size.

Photobucket album with many more pics: Each pic has detailed info in Description field. http://s1099.photobucket.com/albums/g386/photokat4/Rubber%20weatherstripping%20strips%20for%20roof%20 rack/

1) For reference, OEMs installed. Left one is on the TOP, other is on the underside of the cross member. The track/channel is the same width on top and bottom.
http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g386/photokat4/Rubber%20weatherstripping%20strips%20for%20roof%20 rack/DSCF1557.jpg

2) Cross section of the TOP OEM strip:
http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g386/photokat4/Rubber%20weatherstripping%20strips%20for%20roof%20 rack/DSC_8423.jpg

3) Here's several of the samples I got:
http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g386/photokat4/Rubber%20weatherstripping%20strips%20for%20roof%20 rack/DSC_8593.jpg

4) Side view of the two samples that fit the best in the tracks.
SAMPLE 1 is the WIDER - marked "13126"
SAMPLE 2 is the NARROWER - marked "13120"
There's adhesive on the vertical part of the "neck", so it will adhere to the thin side of the metal track.

Also notice the narrower sample (for the underside) is a little more curved/domed. To secure it, might need to put some type of adhesive on the underside of the "mushroom cap" part to get it to stick to the metal bar so it wouldn't blow off.
http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g386/photokat4/Rubber%20weatherstripping%20strips%20for%20roof%20 rack/DSC_8539.jpg

5) Sample 3 installed on TOP: This one is VERY SNUG in the channel, might be a little difficult to slide it in place. Could use silicon spray to install it. It's slightly narrower than the top OEM. It's $7.80/foot, which is the highest in the group.
http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g386/photokat4/Rubber%20weatherstripping%20strips%20for%20roof%20 rack/DSC_8526.jpg

6) Sample 3 installed on UNDERSIDE: Notice it's pretty snug, even pinched a bit by the channel but could use silicon spray to install it. http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g386/photokat4/Rubber%20weatherstripping%20strips%20for%20roof%20 rack/DSC_8654.jpg

7) Sample 1 in UNDERSIDE track. Notice how the long neck prevents the mushroom cap from being flush with cross member.
http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g386/photokat4/Rubber%20weatherstripping%20strips%20for%20roof%20 rack/DSC_8639.jpg

8) Sample 2 in UNDERSIDE track. It's the farthest away in pic. Notice how it's more arched/curved than sample #1 or the two OEMs.
http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g386/photokat4/Rubber%20weatherstripping%20strips%20for%20roof%20 rack/DSC_8629.jpg

9) OEMs stacked on top of Sample 1 to compare width.
http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g386/photokat4/Rubber%20weatherstripping%20strips%20for%20roof%20 rack/DSC_8609.jpg

10) Top view showing the OEMs and first two samples (with numbers)
http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g386/photokat4/Rubber%20weatherstripping%20strips%20for%20roof%20 rack/DSC_8578.jpg

07/28/2011, 07:32 PM
Is ther anything that rejuvenates the original rubber material? Thx

07/28/2011, 07:45 PM
Is ther anything that rejuvenates the original rubber material? Thx
I've found "Aero space Protectant 303" is dang near magic for rubber and plastic. Has SPF40, reapply every 6 weeks or so to keep that level of SPF.
Available typically at Marine and RV places, or online...Amazon.

07/28/2011, 09:41 PM

07/29/2011, 01:46 AM
not looking to offend, but non of them look particularly great. were did you find samples from? are they intended for automotive use? i use to have some that looked almost identical to oem stip's, that i used at dealership i worked at. i can see were they got it from but with out having rails myself to compare to will be hard to know for sure how well they will fit. i know it came in 4ft lengths though. also the rubber stips u do have do you know what they are inteded for. i only ask because in picture they look a little poris compared to the oem rubber as if they are for sealing a door jam or somthing so they will compress a little. if that is the case u may find they shrink over time as rubber hardens, they also just seem to hook in on one side so apart from the #3 sample i would be worried about leading edge cathing the wind and either pulling it our over time or causeing a wind whistle.... (have had wind whistle on oem room rails when rubber was not intalled just right on mdx"s very anoying).

sorry if i sounds negative, not my intension, just thinking out loud. great work though and pictures really helped

07/29/2011, 09:30 AM
no problem mantis, that's exactly what I wanted...that's why I put it in big purple letters! :laugho:

I agree with all your points, thought the same thing. These are all dense rubber, not porous and spongy (and I did see that type also) but I tweaked the contrast on the pics to be able to see detail on black on black, it made it look that way, especially pics 6 & 7.

I tried:
ACME rubber
Complete Automobilist
Griffith Rubber
Technorubber Industries - Samples 1 & 2
Rocket Seals -
Steele Rubber products - Sample #3 (it's a classic car parts restoration operation)
Robinson Rubber
Manufacturer's Rubber
Yakima- none similar and none remaining

I sent detailed pics and called them, and I know there were a few more companies I'm forgetting. I was REALLY surprised I couldn't find anything similar. One company said sometimes automotive companies patent these kinds of things and maybe that's why I couldn't find anything like them. But I know Yakima made these racks, so maybe they have a paten, who knows.

They're mostly automotive, and some are window weatherstripping.

Any ideas or further sources for something that will work better would be great! Thanks!

not looking to offend, but non of them look particularly great. were did you find samples from? are they intended for automotive use? i use to have some that looked almost identical to oem stip's, that i used at dealership i worked at. i can see were they got it from but with out having rails myself to compare to will be hard to know for sure how well they will fit. i know it came in 4ft lengths though. also the rubber stips u do have do you know what they are inteded for. i only ask because in picture they look a little poris compared to the oem rubber as if they are for sealing a door jam or somthing so they will compress a little. if that is the case u may find they shrink over time as rubber hardens, they also just seem to hook in on one side so apart from the #3 sample i would be worried about leading edge cathing the wind and either pulling it our over time or causeing a wind whistle.... (have had wind whistle on oem room rails when rubber was not intalled just right on mdx"s very anoying).

sorry if i sounds negative, not my intension, just thinking out loud. great work though and pictures really helped

07/29/2011, 10:05 AM
Wow! Thanks for all the effort.

07/30/2011, 10:12 PM
Did you look at Outwater Plastics? http://www.outwatercatalogs.com/

07/31/2011, 07:06 AM
Sue - Maybe you could just glue a flat piece of rubber across the channel opening? The only reason to ever remove the weatherstripping is if you need to use the channel for a T-bolt installation, which most accessories don't use anyway. If someone didn't need that ability, gluing something in place seems much cheaper and easier.

Just a thought, thanks for doing the research! :thumbup:

07/31/2011, 07:52 AM
no problem mantis, that's exactly what I wanted...that's why I put it in big purple letters! :laugho:

That, & the fact that you like BIG PURPLE LETTERS ...:laughing:

Any ideas or further sources for something that will work better would be great! Thanks!

http://www.google.com/aclk?sa=L&ai=Cb7nHLlo1TsepKoO9sQLYh42yBd2In-oBzd2C2xez78wJEAIgpKmsAygDUN2kjbn8_____wFgyd67iqik 1BbIAQGqBBhP0GVfiPUPHCb7SPDccBgX7pwJjikf8ik&num=4&sig=AOD64_04JOiI3YQzvswS9us6EktiRjtFMA&ved=0CBcQ0Qw&adurl=http://www.elbex-us.com&ba=1

http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CGcQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.estcoenterprises.com%2Fextrud ed-rubber-parts.html&ei=Tlw1TsTpBrOmsQLju-TlCg&usg=AFQjCNEc_hKXODbVsRLo_YV7BTykvVtsCA&sig2=-vW4mrbme4H7f4oibQ4lbg




Look for "H" moulding

07/31/2011, 12:54 PM
http://www.google.com/aclk?sa=L&ai=Cb7nHLlo1TsepKoO9sQLYh42yBd2In-oBzd2C2xez78wJEAIgpKmsAygDUN2kjbn8_____wFgyd67iqik 1BbIAQGqBBhP0GVfiPUPHCb7SPDccBgX7pwJjikf8ik&num=4&sig=AOD64_04JOiI3YQzvswS9us6EktiRjtFMA&ved=0CBcQ0Qw&adurl=http://www.elbex-us.com&ba=1

http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CGcQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.estcoenterprises.com%2Fextrud ed-rubber-parts.html&ei=Tlw1TsTpBrOmsQLju-TlCg&usg=AFQjCNEc_hKXODbVsRLo_YV7BTykvVtsCA&sig2=-vW4mrbme4H7f4oibQ4lbg




Look for "H" moulding

HOLY BEJESUZ! :freek: Your search engine must be way better than mine! Only ACME came up of yours...maybe I should try that googley woogly search engine you use! And I thought this company had a lot of offerings:https://dealer.steelerubber.com/Ecommerce/SpecialDenseExtrusion.aspx

I can see what I'll be doing this week. Thanks Dubster! (and thanks R2D2..I'll check out that company as well) I'm on it! :thumbup:

07/31/2011, 01:34 PM
HOLY BEJESUZ! :freek: Your search engine must be way better than mine! Only ACME came up of yours...maybe I should try that googley woogly search engine you use! And I thought this company had a lot of offerings:https://dealer.steelerubber.com/Ecommerce/SpecialDenseExtrusion.aspx

I can see what I'll be doing this week. Thanks Dubster! (and thanks R2D2..I'll check out that company as well) I'm on it! :thumbup:

Probably as much a difference in search nomenclature vs search engine functionality.

I'm guessing you could search BIG circles around me if we were both searching for anything having to do with medical terminology...:yes:

08/10/2011, 03:01 PM
I tried every one of the sources Dub listed, and came up empty.

Noticed the seller of an OEM VX roof rack currently on ebay mentioned that his rack was missing a rubber strip, but that they were easily replaced. So I asked him where....he suggested I try "etrailer.com" for replacement rubber strips.

Thule has a couple different ones that are really similar looking.

Check this out! We may have a winner...I'm waiting on some dimensions.

08/10/2011, 03:58 PM
maybe one of these



and maybe something here.


08/12/2011, 05:35 PM
I ordered 2 different Thule replacement rubber strips....we'll see if they fit...or can be made to fit....:goof:

08/20/2011, 06:26 PM
I ordered 2 different Thule replacement rubber strips....we'll see if they fit...or can be made to fit....:goof:

Here's the rubber strip I got from Thule. (I actually got 3 different ones, but they're all the same size)
They looked soooooo close and would work if I could get the 2 feet to stay in the track, .

The "feet" on the Thule strips are just a little further apart and prevents them from staying in the track, and they cause the strip to just pop out.

What about heating them up/softening them and then get them in track??

What about cutting part of one "foot" to reduce the width a little, but still enough to keep it in the track?

Looking for suggestions and ideas on how to get these to work....:?:

The OEM is in the channel, Thule on top.





08/21/2011, 09:44 AM
My only suggestion would not be easy. Trim the edges of the feet to match the contour of the rail. If there was some way to create a fixture to pass the strip through to trim each side evenly (like a router attachment) you could get a nice snug fit. The other option is to trim the rail for the wider strip.


08/21/2011, 07:07 PM
My only suggestion would not be easy. Trim the edges of the feet to match the contour of the rail. If there was some way to create a fixture to pass the strip through to trim each side evenly (like a router attachment) you could get a nice snug fit. The other option is to trim the rail for the wider strip.

Hey Cobrajet, thanks....been thinking and playing with that idea...decided to take my super sharp, super small little Spyderco knife and slice that area you highlighted in red. It allows the neck to be "thinner" because it allows the feet to squeeze closer together, thus fitting in the channel nice and securely. :thumbup:

So far I did just one side (on my little 3" piece) and it's staying in the channel properly, and the mushroom cap is almost completely flush on the bars.
If it pops out, I think doing the same on the other side would make it a sure thing! It takes forever, but it can be done!

Success!!!!!! YAH!! :dance::dance::jump::jump:

Thanks for the idea! :thanx:

Hey Osteo....this means your rack will be ready this week!

The OEM piece is behind the new one.
I tweaked contrast so the black details can be seen.

http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g386/photokat4/Rubber%20weatherstripping%20strips%20for%20roof%20 rack/DSC_9240.jpg

http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g386/photokat4/Rubber%20weatherstripping%20strips%20for%20roof%20 rack/DSC_9227.jpg

http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g386/photokat4/Rubber%20weatherstripping%20strips%20for%20roof%20 rack/DSC_9235.jpg

http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g386/photokat4/Rubber%20weatherstripping%20strips%20for%20roof%20 rack/DSC_9223.jpg

http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g386/photokat4/Rubber%20weatherstripping%20strips%20for%20roof%20 rack/DSC_9212.jpg

08/21/2011, 07:11 PM
Thanks so much for sharing! This must have taken some intense effort!

08/21/2011, 07:18 PM
Thanks so much for sharing! This must have taken some intense effort!

Oh man, you don't know the half of it! :rollo:
Been working on and experimenting for about 3+ months now....success tonight is sooooo sweet!

08/22/2011, 07:56 PM
Success! Got the 2 new strips "modded" and inserted, look great.
Here's the new (Left) and OEM (Right) side by side:

http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g386/photokat4/Rubber%20weatherstripping%20strips%20for%20roof%20 rack/DSC_9333-1.jpg

http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g386/photokat4/Rubber%20weatherstripping%20strips%20for%20roof%20 rack/DSC_9330.jpg

http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g386/photokat4/Rubber%20weatherstripping%20strips%20for%20roof%20 rack/DSC_9314-1.jpg

http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g386/photokat4/Rubber%20weatherstripping%20strips%20for%20roof%20 rack/DSC_9318.jpg

08/28/2011, 01:05 PM
Final assembly, both bars with new Thule top rubber strips.
They're extremely snug to get into the channel, even after slicing BOTH sides where the "feet" meet the cap, it takes lots and lots of pushing to get them in.

When the two "feet" get squeezed together to fit into the channel, it causes the mushroom cap to raise up in the middle, resulting in a little more curved top profile. So they aren't quite as "flat" as the OEM strips.

Even though they're thicker, they still fit nicely under each end cap. I really cranked down those screws to give them a little extra "hold".

I'm sure the Mighty Mounts will still fit, no problem, even though these are thicker since the Mighty Mounts have an adjustable screw for thickness.

After they were in, I waited a few days to see if they popped out. A-OK so far.

Final Impression: Pretty dang good replacement since OEMs aren't available. Good replacement option for anybody missing one or both of these.

From e-trailer.com:

~ $5.00 + shipping for the 47" long

~ $5.50 + shipping for the 53" long

~ I also ordered the 70.5" long strip for $10.95, but it's on back order. I "believe" it's the same size as the two above, but not quite sure since it's for a different set of bars. If it fits, you can get 2 strips from the one piece. (may save a little shipping, but otherwise no real advantage.)


http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g386/photokat4/Rubber%20weatherstripping%20strips%20for%20roof%20 rack/DSC_9970.jpg

http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g386/photokat4/Rubber%20weatherstripping%20strips%20for%20roof%20 rack/DSC_9960.jpg

http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g386/photokat4/Rubber%20weatherstripping%20strips%20for%20roof%20 rack/DSC_9971.jpg

http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g386/photokat4/Rubber%20weatherstripping%20strips%20for%20roof%20 rack/DSC_9967.jpg