View Full Version : One bad apple (cop) ruins the bunch of good ones

08/03/2011, 06:38 AM
I just watched this on gizmodo and couldn't believe it. This is not a generalization on all cops, just THIS ONE. This guy clearly couldnt keep his composure under all the stress he was having and blew up at the closest civilian that was pissing him off. The video gives you the feeling we live in Nazi Germany. Ridiculous. Just ridiculous.

prepare to be enraged....

Quote from the Gizmodo article ..."Yet and still, cops like the one above are likely the exception, not the rule..."

08/03/2011, 06:47 AM
Can we say, civil suit? If it was an active scene and they wanted that area secured, they should have taped off that area to "claim" it. The cop dug his own grave.. Sad, very sad.

08/03/2011, 08:18 AM
Just on the outside looking in....

Most "civilian/press" recorded high speed police chases end up showing some sort of brutality or simple over-use of force. The excitement from the chase gets them all hopped up and I guess sometimes they make bad decisions because of that. This cop in general was probably hopped up and looking for the anxiety outlet, and sadly, the dude with the camera was the victim.

Correct though, I am quite sure it's a small % that stoop to that though. Sad indeed.

08/03/2011, 08:22 AM
For what it is worth, they have nullified the charges (http://twitter.com/Stringernews/status/98125488127623171), but I am looking forward to seeing the final outcome of this. There's a little more information at http://www.stringernews.com/

08/03/2011, 08:57 AM
You think that is bad...

You ain't seen nuthin'...



08/03/2011, 09:08 PM
You think that is bad...

You ain't seen nuthin'...

Yet: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kassP7zI0qc


Yes, but... I cannot fathom what it takes to pull over a car in the middle of the night on the bad side of town. I think I can understand the fear, the adrenalin response, and how logic and reason can leave you. Once you have seen the video of the murder of Deputy Kyle Dinkheller, you'll never question how terrifying a traffic stop can be.

So... yeah. This cop has some problems. I can't forgive him his problems. But, I can understand them, at least.

I lieu of a unicorn chaser, here's an open-carry done well (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFzH5Oe-YL4).

08/04/2011, 05:03 AM

Yes, but... I cannot fathom what it takes to pull over a car in the middle of the night on the bad side of town. I think I can understand the fear, the adrenalin response, and how logic and reason can leave you. Once you have seen the video of the murder of Deputy Kyle Dinkheller, you'll never question how terrifying a traffic stop can be.

So... yeah. This cop has some problems. I can't forgive him his problems. But, I can understand them, at least.

I lieu of a unicorn chaser, here's an open-carry done well (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFzH5Oe-YL4).

yes the side of town is so bad the woman and the other guy were down there unarmed and not scared. Yet 2 heavily armed cops with back up close by (as seen by the other cop car driving by) which they did not call for are so scared that one of them feels the need to threaten to kill a guy acting non threatening manner over and over again. The jack *** rants and raves for 10 minutes without his partner doing a thing to diffuse the stuation. Then instead of being fired and arrested and out in jail for his crimes they out the cop on paid leave and further violate the innocent civilians rights. The cop who has no business being a cop and further he is the typw of person who should not be permitted to have a gun.

08/04/2011, 03:27 PM
...The jack *** rants and raves for 10 minutes without his partner doing a thing to diffuse the stuation...
This also all too often goes unaddressed in such situations. Rather than acknowledge when one of their own is behaving badly, many fellow officers instead stand idly by when a bad cop is being a bad cop. In those cases, they should be held equally accountable IMO.

08/05/2011, 07:11 AM
You think that is bad...

You ain't seen nuthin'...




Lost his cool even after being a "bully" to people who were actually cooperating with him. In these hard times, I will feel no sympathy if he loses his job. No room in this world for cops with a chip on their shoulder.

08/05/2011, 07:38 AM

08/05/2011, 08:11 AM
This also all too often goes unaddressed in such situations. Rather than acknowledge when one of their own is behaving badly, many fellow officers instead stand idly by when a bad cop is being a bad cop. In those cases, they should be held equally accountable IMO.
