View Full Version : Vehicross For Dummies CD-ROM at Borders

08/09/2011, 08:43 PM

08/09/2011, 11:06 PM
I was in Borders today looking at all the discounted stuff and made an incredible find. A CD-Rom version of Isuzu Vehicross For Dummies for $9.99. It's an older version, but packed with great info. I haven't had a chance to look at it all, but they show you how to build an OEM roof rack with just stuff you have in your kitchen cabinets. Incredible!

Check your local Borders store before they close for good.


Mark Griffin (a VX lifer) :_steering

DOOD...that's AWESOME!!!! :dance:

With the handy instructions in this instructional media, I was able to:

Create a new roof rack, with X-TREMELY organic lines, using nothing more than ramen noodlz, oatmeal, & something the Fillipinos in my life call "bagoong (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bagoong)"

I can now haul not only a full size spare, but lunch too...(the smell attracts "food" like you can't even imagine) :thumbup:

Thanx Mark...:thanx:

08/10/2011, 05:50 AM
But does the CD have a search feature?


08/10/2011, 07:46 AM
OMG!! Now that is F'in funny!!!!!!!!
You made my day!

08/10/2011, 09:15 AM
Don't give up on it yet....the tutorial on converting your dead cd changer into an in dash 1000 disc juke box/flame thrower control unit is well worth every penny paid.