View Full Version : FINALLY DONE! IsuzuGeek.org is now online!

08/10/2011, 02:16 PM
I've been working on this for a while, and I finally posted it. It will replace my old VX Madness site going forward, and hopefully will be bigger and better. Please check it out and let me know what you think. Constructive criticism is always welcomed!


One thing I am noticing right off the bat, is that the home page is taking too long to load, so I might have to come up with something different. Not sure yet.

Thanks - Bart

08/10/2011, 03:00 PM
Wicked cool. Nice collection of pics.

08/10/2011, 03:21 PM
Thanks! Yeah, I hope to add all my mod photos and descriptions to the blog over the next few weeks, as well as repost some of my "how-tos" in that area.

:) Bart

08/10/2011, 03:46 PM
Wow, great job!

Not that I don't admire your VX & Trooper, but... that Impulse is AWESOME!

08/10/2011, 03:55 PM
Wow, great job!

Not that I don't admire your VX & Trooper, but... that Impulse is AWESOME!

Thanks and yeah, she is a bute!! Stay tuned to the blog and you will see the state she is in now. I just got the motor back from the machine shop last Friday!!!


08/10/2011, 05:06 PM
Just some feedback, your intro has a spelling error, "vehicle". I read through everything else except the blog, no other errors that I could find.

Now to the fun, that impulse is a trip. The dash is unlike anything else I have ever seen. It makes me think of the Nissan minivan with its rocket ship style dash.

Your trooper gives me a stiffy, and the VX is well, a VX, nothing more to say about that.

Awesome site Bart, almost like you were putting off working on one of your rigs and felt guilty, so you had to justify it by doing something useful...:)

08/10/2011, 05:16 PM
Nice new site you got there! Very clean and minimalistic. Do love the photos too!

08/10/2011, 05:16 PM
The dash is unlike anything else I have ever seen.

+1000 - That dash is CRAZY!!! :eek: Going to have to do a lot more reading on Impulse's now...


08/10/2011, 06:54 PM
Looks great Bart! The main page loads pretty fast for me...even on my cell phone.

08/10/2011, 07:15 PM
Just some feedback, your intro has a spelling error, "vehicle". I read through everything else except the blog, no other errors that I could find.

Excellent, exactly what I need. Its hard sometimes to catch everything, even with spellcheck.

Now to the fun, that impulse is a trip. The dash is unlike anything else I have ever seen.

Yeah, it blew me away when I first sat down in one. Do a search and you will see that in Japan their dashes were even cooler, they had digital displays that were uber 80s! I think only very few Impulses here in the States had the digital display, and supposedly they didn't last long.

Anyway, thanks!!


08/11/2011, 08:41 AM
Just some feedback, your intro has a spelling error, "vehicle".

Hey Marlin, where are you seeing this error again? On the "ABOUT" page or somewhere else???? :wtfy:

Also, just added pics of the Japanese Impulse dash to the blog.


08/11/2011, 09:27 AM
Its on the home page in the "welcome" intro. The first time vehicle is written, its "vehillicle" or something like that.

I kind of figured that was the goal of our perusal, that and to show off you skills and toys:)

08/11/2011, 09:30 AM
Ahhh yeah, duh, at the top there, I see it now! Thanks!


Scott Harness
08/11/2011, 09:45 AM
Nice job Bart! :clap:

08/11/2011, 09:50 AM
Nice job Bart! :clap:

Thanks, Scott!!


08/11/2011, 11:07 AM

08/11/2011, 11:54 AM
Thats a fantastic looking site! I had a good time reading through it.

08/11/2011, 01:57 PM
Thanks! Anyone find the 2 easter eggs yet?

:_wtf: Bart

08/11/2011, 02:21 PM
I found one (Merlin) :)

08/11/2011, 02:32 PM
I found one (Merlin) :)

That's one!!! ;)


08/11/2011, 05:59 PM
:thumbup: your site is a lot of fun, really enjoyed it! :thumbup:

08/11/2011, 06:35 PM
On a job WELL DONE...:thumbup:..:yes:..:_beer:

08/11/2011, 10:00 PM
Thanks, Kat, Dub!!! ;)


08/12/2011, 01:21 AM
it makes me want to have a '87 turbo impulse so bad!

08/12/2011, 08:43 AM
it makes me want to have a '87 turbo impulse so bad!

You know, I've been thinking that this website/blog, and its eventual exposure on the web, might actually spark up some interest in the old JRs. Most vintage Japanese car fans are hooked on Datsuns, Nissans and Toyotas, so it will be interesting to see if there is a sudden growth in nostalgia for these cars. They really are sharp looking, but it is a Giugiaro design after all.


08/12/2011, 03:34 PM
I know, that's the reason I don't want to have a toyota, too many people have it already and too much out there.

I would totally buy a '87 impulse in a fair condition at the fair price!! if anyone spot any let me know!!

08/12/2011, 03:58 PM
I know, that's the reason I don't want to have a toyota, too many people have it already and too much out there.

I would totally buy a '87 impulse in a fair condition at the fair price!! if anyone spot any let me know!!
I still dig the older Yotas and even the Nissans. Nissan Patrols are AWESOME and if I was rich I would buy a Toyota LC-70 SWB in a hot minute.

What kills me is RIGHT after I bought my white 87, a perfect, low-mileage, all black 89 Turbo came up for sale in Boise. I almost wanted to buy both!!! You basically need to do a daily nationwide Craigslist search, eventually a nice one will pop up.
