View Full Version : They chose my VX for the kids

09/01/2011, 07:27 AM
I don't know what the kids are supposed to do with these pictures. Of the many thousands of VX pics out there, they chose my VX for the kids? It's a little more than half way down the page.

http://fun-with-pictures.net/car-pictures/car-pictures3.html#axzz1WfGmIyBn (http://fun-with-pictures.net/car-pictures/car-pictures3.html#axzz1WfGmIyBn)

A couple years ago a Russian car site listed the VX as not appropriate for Russian roads and they used a pic of my VX. :(

How do these people find me? :_thinking

Mark Griffin (a VX lifer) :_steering

09/01/2011, 07:33 AM
question is: How did you find that website.? do you color in you r spare time? :)

09/01/2011, 07:42 AM
How did you find that website?
I was doing a Google image search using different words along with Vehicross to see what comes up. I saw my VX, which is not unusual, but the pic was hosted at that kids site. :rolleyes:


09/01/2011, 08:32 AM
If it had skullz on it like LDub's, they'd never do that again. :D

09/01/2011, 08:39 AM
Just think, you could be inspiring the next generation of VX owner! :)