View Full Version : anyone have one of these?

09/21/2011, 04:41 PM
Spyder (http://en-us.spyder.brp.com/home.aspx?utm_source=google&utm_medium=paidsearch&utm_content=Can-Am%20Spyder%20Roadster&utm_term=can%20am%20spyder&utm_campaign=SpyderRoadster2011)

09/21/2011, 04:46 PM
Seen a few around town, but they look clumsy on the road.

Have a look at this -



Scott Larson
09/21/2011, 05:19 PM
I have several friends with Spyders, one let me take his for a spin (Of course I reciprocated and let him take my Super Glide.), I was impressed! Powerful, handled nicely, and was certainly not plain-looking, all things I admire in a bike. Would I buy one? In a word, "Yes"! A "Duck" is still my first love though, my knees make that impossible...Ducati Paso, hmmmmmmmmm...............:yesy:

09/21/2011, 05:34 PM
I'm pretty sure Gill (NocturnalVX) posted about one, some time in the past 6-10 months. Think he said he put a deposit down before they came out, but after he got it, something was wrong, and he ended up returning it or something like that.
I've searched, but I can't find that post anywhere....:?:...anybody else recall that, or can find that thread?

Maybe Gill will jump in here and give that info again.

Scott Larson
09/21/2011, 06:31 PM
Not sure Kat, but I think they hit the market a few years back. My "test ride" was several years ago...?

09/21/2011, 08:52 PM
I first saw one last summer while driving on a remote highway. There was an odd looking dot in the rear view mirror that was so strange I couldn't figure out what in the heck was as it gained on me from behind. Once I got home I looked up Can-Am and there it was. :)

09/21/2011, 09:39 PM
When they first hit the market several years ago the Can-Am Spyder promotional tour hit the motorsports shop right next to where I work. They were letting people drive one around a small track on the lot and it made quite a stir. I didn't have the time to take it for a spin, but there were a at least a dozen ppl in line at any time all day to do so.

I was hell bent on buying one, but the bank thought otherwise. Instead I bought a VX for cash, and well.... here I am. :)

I still would buy one, they look awesome, and look like tons of fun and only slightly less practical than a VX. hehe..

The motorsports shop still sells them and I see a few roll off the Can-Am/BRP delivery truck every few months or so. So I think they are selling fairly well by now.

Even saw a used one here a few months ago, but it sold within a couple weeks. I still REALLY want a bike or scooter or just sumthin else unusual to fun around in when the weather is good.

09/21/2011, 10:02 PM
My neighbor's got one and loves it. says it handles great. I think 2 wheels is wayyy more fun but for those who want to be a little more cautious yet still get the feel (almost) of a bike these are pretty cool. They look pretty slick when they have the nice wheels, and have pretty good gitty up and go too for how big they are.

09/22/2011, 06:58 AM
They are all over here in MD. I personally, would rather have a T-Rex. Much'mo bucks though.


09/22/2011, 09:00 AM
No offense to anyone who has one, but all I can say is drop a pair and buy a real motorcycle. I just don't get those things, not to mention I think they are ugly and awkward looking. Are they fun? Probably, but that's not my point. No light beer, diet soda, or light cigarettes. If you are gonna do it, do it right, or don't do it at all.

:p Bart

09/22/2011, 10:42 AM
They are all over here in MD. I personally, would rather have a T-Rex. Much'mo bucks though.

Love the T-Rex. Sweet piece of machinery that is.

09/22/2011, 11:39 AM
They look like they'd be fun, but I'm with the 2-wheel crowd. They don't really have any advantages over a bike; they're stupid expensive, they're just as vulnerable to people in cars who don't pay enough attention, but they lack the maneuverability of a motorcycle to get out of a tight spot.

Scott Larson
09/22/2011, 02:00 PM
They are also handicapped capable, to those with two good legs though, that's not an issue...tell that to the guy with one.

09/23/2011, 06:55 AM
They are also handicapped capable, to those with two good legs though, that's not an issue...tell that to the guy with one.



I can't use my left ankle well after a car accident several years ago, so I had to give up bikes. Just can not shift. It's also fairly weak and can not take too much weight, so bikes ended up being a burden on me. No matter how hard I tried to work it out to get back onto my bikes, I ended up selling them off.

I personally do not like the look of the CanAm as it reminds me of a Mall Rascal, but that's just me. If I really felt the urge to get back into some sort of "biking", my only option would be a 3-wheel though. I understand the elitist "2 wheel or nothing" mentality (I raced them about 1/3rd of my life), but we all have to come down off that pedestal sometime. :p

09/23/2011, 07:23 AM
Then there's the Nasa three-wheeler.

Clicky (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/meet-the-%E2%80%98treycycle%E2%80%99-the-fast-%E2%80%98street-legal%E2%80%99-3-wheeler-created-by-laid-off-nasa-workers/)


09/23/2011, 07:35 AM
I was looking at buying one down here in Fl. 2 years ago. but I would kill myself on a cycle even if it had 4 wheels.

09/23/2011, 09:53 AM
All the 3 wheel things just looked plain wrong to me...but as they've gotten much more popular (guess for us aging boomers perhaps?), I find them getting a little "better" looking. Then we saw the Spyder at the local Can-Am/Polaris dealer ....and it looked so VERY wrong...stable perhaps, but still wrong.

But then when I saw a Victory 3 wheeler, I changed to "that looks downright cool!", love the "V" design cues on the rear. But alas, I'm askeerid of these things, and my left leg is so screwy, that driver's across America are safe that I'll never be on one. Too bad since that Victory comes in a sweet FoxFire color! :thumbup:...would make a nice matched set, don't you think?

09/26/2011, 06:24 AM
I'm pretty sure Gill (NocturnalVX) posted about one, some time in the past 6-10 months. Think he said he put a deposit down before they came out, but after he got it, something was wrong, and he ended up returning it or something like that.
I've searched, but I can't find that post anywhere....:?:...anybody else recall that, or can find that thread?

Maybe Gill will jump in here and give that info again.

Good memory KAT. I remember reading that too. IIRC they had steering problems when they first came out (but was later corrected).

I'd love a CanAm. Seems to me like it would be the perfect tow-behind-the-RV vehicle. Just a swivel basket in the receiver for the back wheel & UR ready to go (no lights or braking needed).

I kinda like the SeaDoo on wheels look to it (BRP rocks).