View Full Version : "Crackling type noise"

10/25/2011, 11:28 AM
Hey, I tried searching for a similar topic to no avail. Approx. 1 week ago, I noticed my VX makes this slight crackling noise while warming up. After about 2-3 minutes the noise subsides. During the warming up 'phase' if you will, I tried revving the engine ever so slightly, the crackling frequency of the noise also increased and decreased in a linear fashion w/the revs. I'm having the timing belt replaced soon and will probably have this looked at as well, however, i'm curious to see if anyone has an idea as to what this noise may be?
Thx VX fam! :)

Riff Raff
10/25/2011, 11:49 AM
After noticing you hail from Alaska, I did a quick check on the internet and see your city is currently hovering around 40F (+/-). Obviously; the crackling sound is temperature warm-up related, so maybe it's a "Heat Shield" of some sort near the exhaust.:_confused

You or your mechanic will just have to follow the crackling sound until you find it during a cold start.:luck:


10/25/2011, 05:43 PM
Thx Riff! I'll look into that :)

Scott Larson
10/25/2011, 05:47 PM
Hmmmmmm, Alaska... Maybe it's the Northern Lights interacting with your VX's ignition. Does a strange glow appear around it when you hear the sound? :confused:

10/25/2011, 06:20 PM
maybe you have chestnuts on your engine.

10/25/2011, 06:49 PM
Pull the serpentine belt and start the engine. If the noise is gone, you'll know if its one of the exterior pulleys getting old & noisy. Other than that, I have no clue. Good Luck!