View Full Version : how to check abs codes

12/08/2011, 04:59 AM
does anyone know how to check the reason my abs light is on. my mechanic did my front axel and when i left the place i felt a shake in the brakes and abs light came on. for some reason his machine wont work to check the abs light so i figured id ask here


12/08/2011, 05:13 AM
This thread has it all:


12/08/2011, 05:25 AM
let me see if i understand this in simple terms

all i have to do is befor i turn the key on connect a wire to #12 and #4 or #5 then turn key on and look at how many times the abs light blinks after a cycle of 12?

is this right?

12/08/2011, 05:30 AM
IIRC, it's not 12 flashes. It's 1 flash, then pause, then 2 flashes to get a reading of 12. I'll have to go back & re-read it but yes, it's that simple to read the codes (in theory - I've never done it).

12/08/2011, 06:16 AM
ok i have done it, (just have to say i love this board!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) here is what happend. it flashed once then pause then twice for a cycle then it flashed once,paused then 5 more times a few cycles then back to the one and 2 flashes. if i am correct it is code 15 wich says power voltage drop.

my question is now . what does this mean and how is it fixed?
is there anyway this could have been caused by the femoval of my front axel or is it just dumb luck it happend right after that was done. (when the front axle is done the front drive shaft does have to come out)

12/08/2011, 06:25 AM
Could it be flashing code 51 instead of 15?


12/08/2011, 06:25 AM
First, I'd disconnect the battery for 30 minutes which should cause the computers to re-set.

If the light is still on, I'd start checking all of the connectors that run from the sensor on the wheel to where they go into the computer. Actually disconnect them & apply some connector lubricant before you reconnect them.

Do the computer re-set thinggy again.

If light is still on, then I'd say that the wheel speed sensor was damaged by your mechanic.


Mark, glad you joined in on this. I'd pretty much exploited all of my histerical knowlege on the subject & was about to move on to recommending that he just pull the ABS bulb.

12/08/2011, 06:37 AM
Could it be flashing code 51 instead of 15?


your the man, i think your right, here is a video of it http://youtu.be/-3_yDVNT4FU it was in the middle of a cycle when the video started so you have to watch a while

12/08/2011, 07:18 AM
So what's the 51 mean?

12/08/2011, 07:21 AM
Linky above indicates that it's a bad sensor on front drivers wheel.

12/08/2011, 07:34 AM
Oh. Sounds like another shop booboo... darn shops.

12/24/2011, 04:54 PM
Mine just failed inspection for the ABS light being on. I need to reset it so the light goes out and I can pass inspection. Pulling the battery didn't work as the light has been on awhile and during the time I replaced the battery so it was without power for over a day and the light stayed lit when power was restored. The vehicle performs fine so there isn't anything wrong I've encountered. It originally came on when it was low on brake fluid. Topped it up and the light went away but later returned.

I have no money to fix anything until after my house sells so I just need to get the light to go out and stay out for inspection pass. Any the nearest Isuzu dealer is 40 miles awhile (F^@#**# Hall auto scum for closing their Isuzu shops).

I'll try to do the reset by brake pedal listed in the link above -does the DLC connector need jumped as part of the restet or is that only for reading the codes?

12/24/2011, 07:47 PM
didn't know they failed you for that here, just take dash apart and remove the bulb.