View Full Version : Magic Eight Ball couldn't predict this one...darn transmission.

12/30/2011, 11:52 AM
I'l try and keep this brief...

Reactions were mixed, but I took my 99' VX for a trans flush, I had approx 109k on the car. I'm the 3rd owner, but however committed I am to this thirsty Diva whose needs alot of TLC, since the flush...started to experience more frequent slippage. Mostly between 1st & 2nd gear. Mind you, the car was test driven by (2) mechanics who both atested that the tranny was fine before the flush. It kills me...I feel I'm damned if I do...damned if I don't. I love my car...but I almost feel stuck.

She's an automatic, since it's slippage...is it too late to save the transmission? I don't want to be taken for a ride, I prefer to take her(VX) to someplace/or someone I can trust. I have (2) Isuzu's closest to me;

Alfredo's Isuzu in Larchmont, NY....and Maroon Isuzu in Wayne, N.J.

Has anyone been to either? Or can recommend someplace trustworthy I can get an honest evaluation of the VX.

Thank you

Scott Larson
12/30/2011, 12:08 PM
Actually, a Magic Eight Ball might have predicted this one. It seems to be a rather common problem really. High mileage vehicle, questionable trans shop or mechanic services trans and collects nice check and suddenly the problems start. Trans shop claims it was probably a faulty trans due to high mileage and quotes for a rebuild. Flustered customer feels he has no choice, has rebuild performed and writes another nice check. Happens all the time! Sorry to hear of your misfortune, a reputable trans shop is the only way to go unless of course you do it yourself. Sometimes, flushing a high mileage trans is just asking for trouble. A simple fluid and filter change would probably have been a better choice.

12/30/2011, 02:52 PM
...Mind you, the car was test driven by (2) mechanics who both atested that the tranny was fine before the flush...
I take it the shop that did the flush has accepted no responsibility for the change in condition despite the previous test drives?

Seems to me this fact alone would be leverage enough with the BBB or small claims court to prove that the flushing process did not deliver the results probably advertised by the shop it was performed by, high mileage tranny or not.

12/30/2011, 03:24 PM
That they don't know how to properly check the fluid level.

And that your fluid level might be low.

Print this, & give it to your most trusted :_wrench:, & have him/her verify...:yesgray:


12/30/2011, 04:35 PM
I have ran my tranny very low on fluid (I know, I know) and had no adverse affect on shifting. Shifted as goor as it did full.
Either fluid is not going where it needs to go (flushing may have caused gunk to break lose and get in the little passage ways, filter is dirty/restricting flow), the bands are worn and slipping or the clutch packs are worn, glazed and or slipping. All these things would be taken care of with a rebuild (for slightly more $ you can get heavy duty inners).
Another thing, is there any crazy stuff going on with the gear lights on the dash...that would indicate a bad shift selector switch.

12/30/2011, 04:41 PM
Sorry dude !

Didn't you know that trans flush in high-mileage cars is nothing else but looking for trouble ?
All reputable mechanics after being asked for a tranny job the 1rst thing they do is
"ASK & VERIFY" the current mileage of the vehicule.
The mech knows about the risks a flush post to any vehicule close or over 100K with out proper maintainance records but he just didn't care at all.

12/30/2011, 05:22 PM
I have ran my tranny very low on fluid (I know, I know) and had no adverse affect on shifting. Shifted as goor as it did full.
Either fluid is not going where it needs to go (flushing may have caused gunk to break lose and get in the little passage ways, filter is dirty/restricting flow), the bands are worn and slipping or the clutch packs are worn, glazed and or slipping. All these things would be taken care of with a rebuild (for slightly more $ you can get heavy duty inners).
Another thing, is there any crazy stuff going on with the gear lights on the dash...that would indicate a bad shift selector switch.

Nothing happenning with the dash..everything is normal. If a rebuild is what I need...what type of price range are we talking about???

12/30/2011, 05:26 PM
Sorry dude !

Didn't you know that trans flush in high-mileage cars is nothing else but looking for trouble ?
All reputable mechanics after being asked for a tranny job the 1rst thing they do is
"ASK & VERIFY" the current mileage of the vehicule.
The mech knows about the risks a flush post to any vehicule close or over 100K with out proper maintainance records but he just didn't care at all.

Its interesting, last year...a Mechanic at Lee Myles said he wouldn't touch it due to the mileage. That whatever gunk/buildup already in the transmission maybe holding things together that might otherwise be affected by flushing the tranny. I understand you're in Queens...any place you could recommend, or should I take the trip to Isuzu. Never been there...thought it's be over priced...but I want to do what's best at this point.

12/30/2011, 06:44 PM
Unfortunately isuzu will rape your wallet to rebuild a tranny (if they would even do it...they woule probably tell you they need to replace with a new one=very expensive). Check with locals tor recommendations for a good tranny shop...probably going to cost anywhere from 800 to 2000 (just guestimateing). I think Jo had a guy in San Diego that would do it with HD bands/clutch packs for around 1200.

12/30/2011, 07:48 PM
I had a shop in NC quote me $2200 for a rebuild but that came with a 3 year, 36K mile warranty. New installed tranny was $3600 I believe.

12/30/2011, 11:33 PM
My brother-in-law had his isuzu axiom tranny rebuilt in ozone park by a specialized tranny shop,no issues ever since and bro is happy.
I live just two blocks away from the belt parkway & springfield boulevard

Sure i can get the info for you sometime this weekend.

12/31/2011, 11:38 AM
That would be great, I appreciate it. This tranny really makes or breaks my VX, whatever work gets done...just want the shop to back-up their work.

12/31/2011, 11:47 AM
I had a shop in NC quote me $2200 for a rebuild but that came with a 3 year, 36K mile warranty. New installed tranny was $3600 I believe.

Thanks..I really appreciate the feedback, nice to know I'm not alone. This website is seemingly my first source...surprising how much bad advice I get in the real world from people just wanting to make a buck! That shop in NC sounds very reasonable...that's the kind of warranty I'm looking for.

12/31/2011, 10:48 PM
This website is seemingly my first source...surprising how much bad advice I get in the real world from people just wanting to make a buck!
