View Full Version : Sad, Sad day

01/03/2012, 09:36 AM
Sean (on left in picture) passed away last night. He had been missing his mate Kellie (on right in picture) since she passed away in November. Cutie Pie (center) is their daughter and is still with us though.

I can't believe the hole they have left in our lives. They weren't pets, they were family.


01/03/2012, 09:41 AM
Awww... I'm so sorry Tom. Looks like you treated them to long, happy and playful lives, and they made yours better in return. But the reasons you'll miss them are the same reasons you showered your loyal pups with love. So just try not to be sadder than you are grateful for all joy and memories they left you. :-) Celebrate their memories with Cutie Pie.

I've been there too. And will be again, my friend.

01/03/2012, 09:43 AM
Take a few private moments and read this...over and over and over.....and let it flow brudder :heart:

01/03/2012, 10:34 AM

I do recognize that the pain is from the fresh wound of their loss. The tears & lump in the throat will soon be replaced with a smile from the fond memories.

I was even smiling when I grabbed that pic from my gallery (he's standing over his favorite frizbee). I had just lost a battle of tug-o-war with Sean. His blasted 4 paw drive & independent suspension was a force to be rekoned with.

01/03/2012, 11:35 AM
Sorry to hear it Tom. As my dog is getting older (she's 9 now) I'm facing the reality that this will probably happen to us when the girls are 5 and 7 or so. Fun times. :(

You have my sympathies bud...

01/03/2012, 11:47 AM
The reality of how much of a presence our pets actually have in our lives can and usually is much greater than we may stop to consider on a day to day basis.

Condolences for you losses Tom.

01/03/2012, 11:48 AM
Sorry for your losses man. Two good friends had to put down their babies this past year. It's a shame that their lifespan is so much shorter than ours. I've got a 7 year old black lab that I can't imagine going through this with, but I know it will happen. Sad indeed.

Scott Harness
01/03/2012, 02:06 PM
So sorry Tom:( dogs are the best

01/03/2012, 02:16 PM
I'm so sorry to hear this, Tom. :( I lost one of my dogs a few months ago and know how much it hurts.

01/03/2012, 02:19 PM
Sorry to hear it Tom. Just went through a similar thing with our dog a few weeks ago so I know how you feel.

01/03/2012, 04:48 PM
Brother Tom, it makes me sad that you're sad...:(

Not much that hasn't already been said/that you don't already know...:flower:

Keep the chin up Bro, the life suck-O-meter will eventually start moving to the left...:yesgray:

All dogs go to heaven.

Best to You & the Fam...:flower:.:heart:


01/03/2012, 07:34 PM
Condolences. Went through this with brother and sister boxers last year. Look forward, the best you can. The puppy needs your support now. (We adopted another young shelter boxer three weeks after our losses, and he became our pack's survivor.)

VX crazy
01/03/2012, 07:52 PM
So sorry Tom, I have no words, because I would be in looney bin! Animals are just such special creatures, they love so unconditionally! Thanks for being an obvious pet lover, you gave them great lives...... And until you meet again......

01/03/2012, 08:01 PM
Sorry for your loss...

01/03/2012, 08:25 PM
Sorry Tom... :(

01/03/2012, 09:02 PM
Sad news indeed...so sorry to hear it Tom.



Mile High VX
01/03/2012, 09:30 PM
Sorry to hear about your loss Tom...:(

prayers for you and the fam...:yesy::yeso::yesb::yesgray:

01/04/2012, 04:27 AM
Thank you VX family for your kindness. Sean & Kellie were absolutely wonderful dogs & it was difficult to have them go so closely together. KAT, I rekin they are enjoying that rainbow bridge right now.

Thanks for the call Dub. Sorry I couldn't talk more. My son had stopped by & we were actually talking about Sean when you called.

To all you other family members that mentioned you had recently lost pets; my condolences to you as well & I pray that you are transitioning from grief to happy memories very quickly.

I spent my commute into work this morning thinking about the lessons that Sean and Kellie taught me: Love unconditionally, lay in the sun, and have fun with life. The most important lesson though is that life will put many things in your path & you only have 3 options: eat it, shred it, or piss on it & walk away.:)

01/04/2012, 07:11 AM
Sorry for your loss Tom. :(

My Persy is getting up there in years and when she goes, I am taking a long break from pets. The irony of how much love and joy they bring into your life, but how much pain and sorrow as well. Their much shorter life spans do not aid the latter at all.

Scott Larson
01/04/2012, 08:01 AM
Sorry for your loss Tom, heck of a way to wind-up the holidays. Better days are comin'...