View Full Version : www.myvehicross.com

02/09/2012, 05:13 PM
New community starting, found on Facebook.

02/09/2012, 07:04 PM
I've seen that site for quite awhile...content never changes or grows. Don't know who runs it???

02/09/2012, 07:20 PM
Adam-Lee Smith runs it http://www.facebook.com/knigh7s
looks like he's serious about having it up and running now

02/09/2012, 07:54 PM
Adam-Lee Smith runs it http://www.facebook.com/knigh7s
looks like he's serious about having it up and running now

oh, I know him, he bought my Cooper tires. Didn't know he ran this.

02/10/2012, 05:17 AM
Didn't VXLounge get left in the dust by this site (at least in terms of active membership) back around 2003? Maybe if at first you don't succeed...

02/13/2012, 09:22 PM
I wasn't planning on posting anything till I got the site up and running at 100%.

But since its here now, I am looking for some help. I need to test the load on the picture/video uploading and the login functions between the wiki and portal sites. Anyone is welcome. I was going to transfer over the usernames/passwords from vxlounge, but decided a fresh start would be better.

Didn't VXLounge get left in the dust by this site (at least in terms of active membership) back around 2003? Maybe if at first you don't succeed...

VXLounge was the original site started around 2007, it actually started off as a blog about my own VX, and then manifested into a portal when we had the calendar voting and registry. But it was just a sub-domain at that time. When it came time to get an actual domain, vxlounge didn't fair to well in the search results so I ended up going with myvehicross instead (which was the original name of my blog before vxlounge). I got the site and wiki working about a year ago, but everything just been dormant because lack of time to commit until now.

02/13/2012, 09:29 PM
Sorry for the incorrect assessment then, it's a bit hard to piece together the site histories just by reading old threads here and there. But let me ask a direct question: what do you intend to offer on your site that is not offered here? Everyone is free to create his/her own community of course, but since you're soliciting donations on your main page, I think it's a question that many donors here will want to see answered before they commit (myself included).

My hope is that your site complements, rather than competes, with this site. I would hate to see membership (and perhaps more importantly knowledgebase) fragment between the two sites.

02/13/2012, 09:33 PM
I do like the look/feel of the VehiWiki page btw... :thumbup:

02/13/2012, 09:43 PM
Echoing Mav's sentiments somewhat, I agree that anyone can go start a forum if they wish. But there are only so many VX owners/enthusiasts out there, and this seems to be the "forum of record" for us. We're not like Jeep owners numbering in the millions who can support multiple communities.

Your dedication to the cause is obvious though! Have you considered offering your services here, perhaps in doing professionally formatted write-ups of your mods and others' as well? Keeping the knowledge centralized is vital.

Just my thoughts, good luck how ever you go!

02/13/2012, 10:00 PM
You've have made very valid questions. I for one have been trying to do what I can to compliment vx.info more than compete. Hence the reason why I've never posted much about the site for the past year.

The two main functions for the site is the "community" area, which functions much like facebook but specific to the VX and of course the knowledge base which includes both the Wiki and Downloads section.

The Wiki has two main functions; Service Manual (http://myvehicross.com/wiki/index.php/Service_Repair_Manual) and Component Lounge. Both of which, is completely driven by user content and so much easier to browse/search than a forum layout. Which you will also be able to print or save via *.pdf.

The Community area, again is much like facebook, upload pictures, share videos, events, groups, locations, and so much more. Also eventually I will be able to re-create the VX Registry (v1.0 is archived on vxlounge) which ties into the info provided on your profile pages.

As for the forums, I only have a basic forum setup, mostly for the use of bug reports and small talk. I actually have a few banners I want to place above the forums that point directly to vx.info, I have no intentions at all competing with a forum that I've also grown to love and rely on. No other automotive forums come close to the "family" we have here.

Lastly, the donations bar on the homepage wasn't supposed to be seen by "all" users till the site was at 100%, I had set up the permissions wrong, and would gladly remove it for now if it causes any confusion towards my intentions.

I hope this helps a bit. :)

02/14/2012, 08:06 AM
Sounds pretty good. I think it would be useful to have detailed member pages to clearly show off your VX and all the clever mods installed.