View Full Version : Anyone use their VX as a everyday vehicle?

10/09/2003, 07:13 PM
Hi everyone,
I have a deposit on a mica green 2001 at a dealership and have to make up my mind to buy it by 12 noon Friday!!It has 11,000 original miles, very clean and maybe never off roaded. I got the dealership down to $17,000. I assume that is a good price?
I was wondering if anyone has this as their only vehicle and uses it everyday? Any drawbacks to that?
Any insight towards this or my purchasing it would be welcomed!!!
Thanks in advance!!!
Dave :) Future owner?!?!

10/09/2003, 07:20 PM
I do. No problems so far. 20k miles. Just have to wash and wax a little more. Also, it's a pricey commuter. I'm seriously considering getting something a little more economical for day-to day, but I don't have any real complaints. Like they say "If you wanna dance, you gotta pay the band". Good luck!!

10/09/2003, 07:30 PM
The VX is an every day driver for me :)

No major problems at all!

10/09/2003, 07:38 PM
I got my 01 VX in Jan 03 and kept my previous daily-driver, a 94 nissan sentra but I have literally not driven it once since then.

10/09/2003, 08:10 PM
got mine 2 months now & I use it daily 20 miles all highway. It's a bit too soon for me to talk of problems, so far so good!!!I love driving it . Only 2 drawbacks ....1) can be costly on the gas..2) you must get used to being stared at!............You will love the VX..buy it

10/09/2003, 08:25 PM
I'm a huge fan of my VX. First vehicle I've ever bought and thought about never selling. Bought mine in 2001 and have put 35,000 miles on it.

No problems, except for the windows binding (both repaired under warranty), an engine code that was fixed under warranty with a firmware upgrade, and a dead battery at 33,000 miles.

One of the best vehicles I've ever owned. I drive it every day and love every minute of it.

-- John

10/09/2003, 09:12 PM
My VX is getting a little neglected as I have been riding my Ducati the last four days (I know this warm weather will end soon), but otherwise it's my daily driver year-round with the occasional rock-crawling/mud-flinging/puddle-jumping (O.K., puddle-SINKING... keep quiet Rich ;) ). The VehiCROSS is the most amazing vehicle, and has been a joy to own!

10/09/2003, 09:29 PM
I drive my VX daily. Yes, it may sting a bit in the pocket book, but overall, it's a small price to pay for a good set of wheels.

By the way, today (10/09/2003) is my VX's birthday. :D

I picked it up on a cold, rainy monday back in 2000 -- in San Antonio.

And like some of the newbies here, I posted on the old board about getting one and I had my share of questions.

With that said, much thanks to all of you who 'held my hand' back then -- 3 years!! Where'd the time go!?


10/09/2003, 09:39 PM
Had my VX since Oct 2000,a daily driver with 53k on the clock. So you might say it's more than just a daily driver.
No major problems with the car ,,touch wood. Ther was of course the window binding but that was fixed.
A beautiful machine built to drive well in traffic and out of traffic.
A little steep on juice but with CA prices driving a Yugo would be considered steep.:D

10/09/2003, 09:53 PM
43k everyday. I don't have to drive far but everyday i go somewhere. Hey, 11k is nothing. i still owe more than that! i would love my VX more if i had not gotten screwed 2 months after i bought it. i think iam the only sucker on this board. i bought mine just before you could buy a new one for 1/2 the price. if i had owned it longer it might not have been such a shot in the foot. but when i tried to refinance my car loan and they laugh at me, it hurts. i love my VX but hate that i paid more than i should have. i have learned a valuable lesson about impulse buying. i would still have bought it but just not paid as much. go for the 11k. no need to even think about it. what are you waiting for? your only other options cost about 40k (FX anyone). enjoy.

10/09/2003, 10:08 PM
My only wish is that I had discovered this board before buying mine, would have saved a good15K.
Fellow impulse buyer. No Regrets.;Dr; ;Dr; ;Dr; ;Dr; ;Dr;

10/09/2003, 10:16 PM
I wanted a 2000 Ebony and ordered mine in October of 1999. Picked it up on May 15, 2000. I drive it everyday, put too many miles on it, but I have never regreted my purchase. It brings me just as much joy now as it did three years ago. I too have had the window problem, the gaskets coming apart on the headlights and a few other headaches, but the enjoyment I have had in return far outweighs the problems. My friends and family make fun of me because to this day because I still take long looks at it and sigh, happy that it is all mine. :mbrasd:

My only advice is to make sure you have at reputable dealer service department (especially for warranty work) or at the least, a good and trusted independant mechanic.

Colmhd, we are neighbors - I'm in South Pasadena.

;Dr; ;Dr; ;Dr;

10/09/2003, 10:55 PM
yup mine is my daily...my only ...haha. got it new in '99 and everything's been good but teh mileage and...window...and tranny leak but got that fixed. got 64,000 miles on it and going strong!

i beat it up too, i kick it when im mad and crash it into other cars if they dont get out of my way but it still runs like new. if you dont count the tire rubbing on the fenders and the doors call smashed in ...but i just reposition myself in my seat so it wont jab into my ribs. oh yea, and no windshield...so i got my race helmet on to block the wind and bugs.

10/10/2003, 04:33 AM
Hi everyone,
Mine it a daily driver too. I love it!!!!!!!!!
I sold my 4Runner(1990) for the VX. I found it on the internet in New Castle, DE. When I bought it, the dealer said that it was on the lot for 12 hours when I drove it off. Never looked back. The most fun to drive of any car that I have owned.


10/10/2003, 06:32 AM
58000, daily driver... I love driving it everyday... it's good for all conditions, rain, snow, mud, perfectly dry... it's great..

10/10/2003, 06:38 AM
I have only had mine for a few months so it is a little early to tell about problems but it is my daily driver and I love it... I go through cars like crazy I am never satisfied. I dont even ride my R1 anymore and beleive me that is saying something. I put about 6000 miles on my bike last year and less than 1000 this year. I just cant leave the VX in the garage. Its kinda like a sickness... I LOVE IT !!!!!! And yes you had better get used to other people gawking.... I get 2 or 3 people a week that come up and ask me about my car..... I LOVE IT !!! Or did I already say that....:confused: Anyway I LOVE IT !!!!;Dr;

10/10/2003, 07:32 AM
I had mine a little over year. 59k miles and no major trouble. (knock,knock) Drive it everyday and make long drives on weekends. I have been offroading at least once every month or two and it's been Moab tested tough. No it is not the most economical vehice, but it's not that bad. You'll be happy. If you have any issues, you have this board and it's tremendously great members to support you and help with any problems.

See Gil, I didn't even mention the sinking puddle!

10/10/2003, 07:53 AM
17k city miles and an everyday driver. Sometimes I call in sick to work just to give the VX a break from it all. We all know what PTO is, but what about VXTO? What ever happened to that?! ;)

10/10/2003, 08:14 AM
39k daily miles (26k put on by me). Love it. In fact, if my wife and I go somewhere, I pout if she wants to drive her Rodeo.

10/10/2003, 10:30 AM
Originally posted by hchen
How you gonna stop me im ill-literati You might want to rethink that line, I know "urban culture" likes to denigrate education and all, but bragging about being a member of the illiterate probably won't impress.

10/10/2003, 10:56 AM
...Now the VX rules. The VX is more spacious than many compact vehicles, so it's not like owning a Ferrari where there is a definate loss in utility over sport styling. You can carry along the kids, haul groceries, fold down the rear seats for plywood etc, and still kick arse on the street and on the trails. So with all that said, it's the best all around multi-use vehicle I have ever owned.

10/10/2003, 11:46 AM
51,000 miles- daily driver. I even drove a road trip from Missouri up to Alaska with no problems whatsoever. I pushed it to the limits driving for 40 hours straight, only stopping for gas or food. Then I think I found a trail and went off-roading for a half hour before finding a place to park and sleep. One draw back to the everyday driver thing is the SQUARE cup holder. I don't know how many times something has tipped over getting my power/winter buttons wet. Always keep some paper towels handy :) Great vehicle and thats a great deal! Not too many low milage VX's out there anymore. You'll love it!

Before you buy, take a look at the inside of the rims to look for the chrome bubbling, make sure your CD player works, check the power windows, and look at the hood insert to see if it has any small cracks. These are really the only known problems and you might be able to knock a few more dollars off your price if you find one.

10/10/2003, 11:58 AM
I've been using mine for long (90 mile each way) commutes for the last 2.5 years and it has been great. Driving comfort is fantastic, even after long drives I am never stiff. I am selling mine now though as I have just lost my job and can't afford to keep 2 vehicles any more- and unfortunately the Vehicross can't pull horses! :( :( :( Anyone looking let me know... I posted it on ebay last night. *sniff* I will miss it. Though I am officially a newbie, I have loved using this site for the last 6 months... I just never registered before. You all have been incredibly helpful and fun. The link is http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=6270&item=2436915438 or message me directly with any questions. I will literally be weeping if & when it actually sells.

10/10/2003, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by AlaskaVX
... One draw back to the everyday driver thing is the SQUARE cup holder. I don't know how many times something has tipped over getting my power/winter buttons wet...

Scott, can we get a cup with a sqaure bottom and air tight lid that won't tip over or spill with a VX.info logo on it? If sombody makes it, I'll buy it :D

10/11/2003, 01:01 AM
Are you KIDDING? Ok, reality check here... this is an ISUZU. This is not a Mercedes, Ferarri, or an Aston Martin. I just picked mine up for 13K. I plan on using, and abusing it. But really, what other car can you buy in this price range that is this incredibly cool? And that is EXACTLY why I bought the Vehicross. I didn't want the payments of a high-dollar, rare vehicle, but I wanted something relatively economical and reasonably priced that still stood out. Buy it. Love it. Abuse it. This is the ULTIMATE daily driver. I mean, really... a reliable, reasonably priced car that you only see a carbon copy of... maybe once every year? Give me a break! Why would this NOT be a daily driver? Read the posts... the major problems are... headlight gaskets coming loose, windows sticking, CD changer going bad. I traded a Mercedes, which had electrical and transmission problems, for my Vehicross, There is NO reason why this car could not be used as a daily driver. It's basically a VERY cool Rodeo/Amigo. Enjoy your new ride!!!!

10/11/2003, 03:18 PM
Spoken like a true VX owner! Well done, Aaron.
And welcome aboard.

Originally posted by Aaron
Are you KIDDING? Ok, reality check here... this is an ISUZU. This is not a Mercedes, Ferarri, or an Aston Martin. I just picked mine up for 13K. I plan on using, and abusing it. But really, what other car can you buy in this price range that is this incredibly cool? And that is EXACTLY why I bought the Vehicross. I didn't want the payments of a high-dollar, rare vehicle, but I wanted something relatively economical and reasonably priced that still stood out. Buy it. Love it. Abuse it. This is the ULTIMATE daily driver. I mean, really... a reliable, reasonably priced car that you only see a carbon copy of... maybe once every year? Give me a break! Why would this NOT be a daily driver? Read the posts... the major problems are... headlight gaskets coming loose, windows sticking, CD changer going bad. I traded a Mercedes, which had electrical and transmission problems, for my Vehicross, There is NO reason why this car could not be used as a daily driver. It's basically a VERY cool Rodeo/Amigo. Enjoy your new ride!!!!

10/13/2003, 08:20 PM
Yep, daily driver for me too.. It's not very much at that but it's driven daily..
I love the VX so much that it inspired me to create this web site and my wife says I couldn't qualify for the Betty Ford Clinic but, she would try to get me into the Henry Ford Clinic instead;eekr;

10/13/2003, 09:56 PM
I have driven my 2001 Foxfire 34k in the 1 1/2 years that it has owned me. Twice to Moab and back and a bunch on back roads or no roads. It has had a few small problems that the dealer corrrected.

My wife's 2001 Proton is driven daily also. It only has 1/2 the miles as mine and stays mostly on developed roads. Mostly.

Just buy one or two or three. Anyone got 3 yet?


10/15/2003, 07:15 PM
I have driven my 2001 Foxfire EVERDAY NOW HAS 39K in the 2 years that I have owned it. Two Moab trips and back and on back roads in ARIZONA or no roads. It has had a few small problems that the dealer corrrected First problem, the windows binding (both repaired under warranty), headlight gasket seals and a dead battery at 33,000 miles.

Second vehicle I've ever bought and don't think about selling. The first was a 68 Camaro 327.

One of the best SUV's I've ever owned. I drive it every day. It gets more looks than a Porsche 911. The only other thing that got as many looks was my wife on the back of my Harley.


11/04/2003, 11:17 AM
Its my daily driver too. But my TL1000R shares in with 50% of the fun. I do take mine off-roading here in Arizona and get all wet and muddy. Wax it and added a few mods like a sunroof, dynamat, sub, amp, etc... Yes ;Db; Yes ;Db; Yes ;Db; Yes ;Db; Yes its my daily driver.... 50% of the time. MY TLR (http://www.tlplanet.com) its my second daily driver. Can there be such a thing? :confused:

11/04/2003, 02:38 PM
72,000 miles + (add 20% for 36" tires!) SUPER hard miles
round trip across USA.
I take it off road religously twice a week.

on 3rd tranny, 2nd engine, 2nd set of CV axles!


Everyday driver!!!
Awesome vehical !!!

Can't speak highly enough of these rigs,
I love it!

99 VX on 36"ers

11/04/2003, 03:01 PM
56,000 miles give or take a few, and it is a daily driver for me as well - typically gets 30 miles on it a day. A couple of recent trips to NC (Uwharrie, then Asheville/Blue Ridge Parkway) recently put about 2,000 on it in about two weeks though.

11/06/2003, 03:02 PM
Thanks guys for all the positive replys!!

I love my new VX and tell everyone I will be burried in it!!

I'm glad to hear that after 3 trannies, 2 engines and 2 CV's
its still KICKING BUTT!!!

Now to plan my new mods!!!!!

11/06/2003, 05:25 PM
I have driven my VX every single day since I got it on April 24th 2001....that is except the 2 months it was getting fixed after rolling it.

I have no complaints and it has never been unreliable or broke on me to where I was stranded somewhere in BFE. It seems always to know just when to act up and that is near home or somewhere reasonable.

I have driven it to work everyday, offroad every weekend, vacation trips from San Diego to Colorado then to Tucson and back to San Diego, driven to Mexico several dozen times, to South Central and Compton at least a hundred times, has pulled a '68 Mustang several hundred miles, and has hauled over a ton from San Diego to Idaho(my new home) with no problems ....well at least none that were not fixable or solved to some extent that is..... and it is still going.
I just need to get all the ash out of it from the fires in Cali..
serious....it keeps spitting out ash and soot.....air filter looked like straight mud washing out from it, exhaust spits out ash, and inside is just now starting to get rid of the smoke smell.

11/06/2003, 08:17 PM
youll never get rid of the smoke smell completely