View Full Version : facebook parenting

frakkin toaster
04/07/2012, 12:16 AM


04/07/2012, 02:21 AM
Hilarious! Makes me glad I have no kids!

04/07/2012, 03:00 AM
Hilarious! Makes me glad I have no kids!

Makes me glad I don't facebook:yesb:

04/07/2012, 07:13 AM
Thats great. I'm gonna be a dad this July and man, I'm having day dreams already of what the heck am I gonna do when my kid/s when they'll be in their teens.

Check this video out, from response to the top video. WARNING, to much BLEEPS. But I was raised like these two guys in these video except the bad language. And I sure was glad I was raised that way. BTW, they are little to full of them selfs, but its still kinda funny.


04/09/2012, 07:16 AM
When parents stand up to their kids? GOOD!

Tired of parents who let their kids step all over them. They reward their kids just for staying out of their hair. BULL!@#$!

Kudos country dad! Set an example for those who probably shouldn't have kids at all, cause the rest of society is tired of babysitting them for you.

04/09/2012, 08:39 AM
So the guys' daughter made a public rant, he considered it unacceptable, but he then turned around and basically did the very same thing himself? I wouldn't necessarily say that he was setting an example for anyone.

Wouldn't a more appropriate/adult response have been for him as the parent to speak with her privately one on one about making such information public? That's just my opinion though because communicating via grape-vine as it were ( in this case responding via Facebook/Youtube videos) is one of my personal pet peeves as it becomes less like actual communication and more like a public relations contest where both people are trying to prove they are right by rallying whoever may be listening to their "side".

What happened in this case is simply not adult-like communication in my opinion and the father should have known that. There's more to being considered an adult than just age. I don't even have children and I know that.

04/09/2012, 08:02 PM
He tried adult conversation the first time she went on a rant on Facebook. That didn't work so he went with an approach she couldn't ignore. I say kudos to him. Kids get away with murder these days and any form of discipline is frowned on by an ignorant public that knows nothing about childcare. You can't so much as breathe without some office chair quarterback going online and telling you how you did it wrong these days.

04/09/2012, 08:54 PM
Where was the first "adult" conversation mentioned? All I heard was that she had done something similar in the past and been grounded for it.

The whole thing just seems destined to a no win situation with all parents against all children about who is being less respectful to who, and I simply don't see how parents like him are going to come out on top as being more "adult" about such situations and as supposedly setting the example by also airing their dirty laundry for all to throw their two-cents in on. Some parents can be ignorant too, and just as likely to deny that they're being ignorant.

04/09/2012, 11:42 PM
Makes me glad I don't facebook:yesb:

x1,000! :thumbup:
I hate FB!!!!

04/14/2012, 03:59 AM
x1,000! :thumbup:
I hate FB!!!!

I wonder how many agree but are too afraid to admit it...

04/15/2012, 05:20 PM
I am a FB fan, but when things get a little boring, dramatic, or just plain ugly on there, I just hit the delete button and start changing the company. Also, if it weren't for places like FB, most of my family would never communicate with each other or with me....for some reason, people just don't know how to write a letter, send an email, or dial a phone number anymore.