View Full Version : Personalized plates

10/10/2003, 04:17 PM
"Holy Rusted Metal Batman"

Personalized plates in CO take 6 months to get in from the time you request them. I remember in NC that it took one week.

Think we need to work on our prision system out here, we got plenty of them.

10/10/2003, 04:31 PM
Up here they told me that it would take 6weeks to 3 months and they arrived in 1 month, so I wouldn't believe what they say.

10/10/2003, 09:53 PM
Here they only process orders once a year. So, depending on when you order it could be upwards of a year before you get them.

10/13/2003, 08:23 AM
I got plates back in 95 and they took about 3 weeks. Now I'm waiting over 6 months!

10/13/2003, 08:44 AM
Zoom, think they are going slack with all the prisons here. Guess prisoners have rights too. So they unionized

10/13/2003, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by IsuZOOM
I got plates back in 95 and they took about 3 weeks. Now I'm waiting over 6 months!

Don't you already have some????

Mine only took about 2 months.

10/13/2003, 02:08 PM
I ordered a personalized plate here in AZ about two weeks ago. Last week they called to confirm the spelling, and I was told I'd have the plate next week! We'll see....

10/13/2003, 02:17 PM
Ya, recently I looked on www.marylandmva.com and they have a downloadable form all ready to fill out, print out, and mail in for them. They state it takes about 4-6 weeks. Just wish they would let me use W0RMG0D. The use of the word GOD is prohibited though. So much for the seperation of church and state. :p

Perhaps "H2 EATR"? http://wormgod.8m.com/Images/Misc/rockon.gif


10/13/2003, 02:24 PM
What about WORMGD

I vote for Fluffy

10/13/2003, 03:50 PM
Fluffy??? Why not replace the O with the number zero oh WormGod?

10/13/2003, 04:18 PM
They probably don't allow any obvious variations on banned words, else that would make the ban ineffective. I'm curious if other diety names are ok, like Kali, Zeus, Yahweh or Bob.

I think wormdog would be funny, for all kinds of reasons. At the least it would make a great conversation starter as to why god wasn't allowed.

10/14/2003, 07:18 AM
Thats what my first request was, to use 0 instead of O. It was the "appearance" of the word GOD that they steered me from. No matter. I have been brainstorming for something different since then.

Any use of WormGod might not work out well anyways. Even the use of WORM might give the impression that I am "one to be pushed around".

I might check to see if anyone has plugged "SKYNET" yet. ;)

10/14/2003, 09:09 AM
Colorado's application has you write out what the plate's letters mean. You could figure out some tricky explanation for W O R M G 0 D

10/14/2003, 10:27 AM
Heh, well, easily put, they wouldnt get it anyways.

Nicknames are handed out for multiplayer gaming. I suck so bad at everything I play (Starcraft, Quake, AvP, etc) with friends that I was given 2 names. WORMGOD (I am dead so much in games that I spend more time as worm food), and CHEWTOY (not a hard one to figure out).

All in good fun and nicknames stick. Thing is, explaining that to some elderly jerk at the MVA would get only a crooked glance. Then again, we dont have to explain the tag meaning here.

No matter, there is always plan B.

10/14/2003, 04:36 PM
I still vote for Fluffy

10/14/2003, 08:45 PM
I had to do the dance with Ohio's bmv as well. Nice online ordering system, quick turn around, but Jeez, the censorship is a bit ridiculous. I tried "I H8 U" They said nothing with any reference to hate could be used. "Expired" was already taken. "STOLEN" was right out. "PHREAK" was too provacative. What a joke. I finally settled on "HORUS". Although, I had to give the 90 year old woman a full egyptology course over the phone before she okayed that one. "ANUBIS" was taken already, or it would be on my Nissan. Vanity plates used to be simple, as long as there were no swears, they were fine. I actually got by with "BLOME" on an '86 buick century. AH, the good old days. I just told them it was my mother's maiden name. Hee hee.

10/28/2003, 03:45 PM
My new plate arrived yesterday, just shy of a month from ordering. I guess they keep the inmates busy here in AZ! ;eekp;


My friends nicknamed my truck. I didn't like it at first, but I guess it kinda grew on me.

10/28/2003, 03:52 PM
Thats dangerous posting that on this site ;eeko; but I think its funny :bgwb:

I actually got by with "BLOME" on an '86 buick century.
Thats comedy, one of my old buddies had that for a last name, ohhhh what crap we gave him.... good times

10/29/2003, 07:38 AM
Too funny Caver, but man, you just fueled the fire for motorist heckling, heh. I guess he who can admit that his redheaded stepchild is ugly, is one with wisdom, hahahaha. :D

I tried "ANUBIS" here in MD also! Taken. I am still brainstorming. One of my buddies said I should use "MOONBUS" since I am always the one driving the crew around, heh.

10/29/2003, 09:47 AM
Originally posted by WormGod
I tried "ANUBIS" here in MD also! Taken. I am still brainstorming. One of my buddies said I should use "MOONBUS" since I am always the one driving the crew around, heh.

I thought you were gonna use "SPYHNTER"

11/03/2003, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by IsuZOOM
Colorado's application has you write out what the plate's letters mean. You could figure out some tricky explanation for W O R M G 0 D

Yep, they wrote back 3 times wanting to know what the heck MONCHA meant..

11/03/2003, 10:44 PM
Had this plate originally on my Grand Prix .. and then on my Intrepid.
Wasnt about to ditch it when I got the VX. Although I briefly considered changing to SpikeVX

Cant quite see them, but the plate holder is black metal with chrome 1/2 " spikes sticking out.

11/03/2003, 10:50 PM

11/03/2003, 11:13 PM
I guess cali isnt as bad as Colorado for the plates.....i saw an aztek with the plates fugly....took me a while to reading it beforei got it
Paxil side effect (http://www.classactionsettlements.org/lawsuit/paxil/)