06/05/2012, 06:26 PM
Been awhile since I've been on here (or any forum really for that matter). Between working at the shop and helping make it into a true "big deal" around here and family etc I haven't had a whole lot of chill time, and when I do I'm usually doing stuff around the house, with the family or out on the boat. Been looking into getting another VX soon so thought I'd say hey and check in. Been doing alot of boat stuff lately, fixing and selling mostly but have a fun little toy I keep for myself:
1982 Hydrostream Ventura
http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/305530_4015662115657_1404466228_33738566_170956826 7_n.jpg
Also been getting my garage at the house all fixed up:
By the way, if any of ya'll are down this way and need any custom fabrication, mechanical work, truck accessories etc, give me a shout. If you want it or can dream it, we can get it or do it :)
1982 Hydrostream Ventura
http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/305530_4015662115657_1404466228_33738566_170956826 7_n.jpg
Also been getting my garage at the house all fixed up:
By the way, if any of ya'll are down this way and need any custom fabrication, mechanical work, truck accessories etc, give me a shout. If you want it or can dream it, we can get it or do it :)