View Full Version : Back In The Day versus Now...

Scott Larson
07/27/2012, 08:08 PM
Alot of us old timers can remember when 60's and early 70's muscle cars were selling for next to nothing, much like our beloved VX's today. I can recall when I could have bought a '69 Shelby GT 350 in good shape for $2500 bucks all day long and man do I regret not knowing what the future held in store back then. I keep looking now for the next "affordable future collector car" and I really think the VX is just such a vehicle. I had a '81 Ford EXP way back when and I wonder where the value of that car will end up in the future. I still have a '69 Bronco Sport in rust-free condition and I have seen where the value of that truck has gone. It's a gamble, you buy a unique or obscure car cuz you like it and the price is right and you hope that the next generation will appreciate it and drive the value up. I realize that most people on this forum use their VX's as everyday transport, but I wonder how many secretly hope that the value of these little beasts someday soon goes through the roof...just the ramblings of an old duffers mind. :rotate:

07/27/2012, 09:17 PM
The part that many people forget is how much money is invested into those high-dollar restorations. The ones that transcend the amount spent seem [to me] to be the ones that were coveted throughout their life.

There always seems to be a reason why you can't shouldn't pay "that much" money for a specialty car.

Considering the VX's: configuration, purpose, and use, I think we see that same kind of dynamic with sales. And, it's hindered even more thru lack of big-money advertising. I fear....too few will ever discover it's appeal.

From that same era!

07/27/2012, 10:06 PM
It had big money advertising in its day. Just look on Youtube.

The Wall Street Journal last summer said it's a winner, as did Motor Trend five years ago.

Just sit back and wait it will come to you.

Mile High VX
07/28/2012, 09:59 AM
My car in high school was a '69 Z28 that I picked up for a grand! Wish I had it back. My second was a '70 Z28 that I paid $2800 for.

I'm going to keep enjoying my VX and if it appreciates then all the better...:bwgy::smilewink:bgwo::bgwb:

Scott Harness
07/28/2012, 10:34 AM
I've been a car nut before I could drive.I think I have had 40ish cars since I was 16, now 53 You do the math LOL
Sometimes 2or3 at a time!
68 Shelby Mustang,71 Dodge Charger,72 Olds 442,seven sweet VW GTI's
Corrado,Scirroco,1960 Chevy Panel truck(station wagon with no windows)still on the Hotrod circuit today!! My senior year car was a mint 71 Lincoln Continental Mark III
"on the other side" I bought some for $500 drove them for 6 months and left them on the side of the road:bgwo:

07/28/2012, 02:22 PM
It had big money advertising in its day. Just look on Youtube.

I don't see how YouTube proves anything...but I knew how Isuzu was positioning the VehiCross -- to strengthen the brand in the US.

By comparison, Chevy and Ford were already here, more well know and had less to overcome. Plus, I'm not sure the off-road phenom -- especially at the time, was anywhere nearly as sought after as the Chevy/Ford/Honda/Toyota stuff.

It's when Hondo/Toyota were gaining from the reliability/mileage aspect. Isuzu didn't go after that.

The best way to prove my point is to ask the average person if they've heard of Corvette/Cobra/Mustang/Camaro/Firebird/etc... vs. the Vehicross.

07/28/2012, 02:23 PM
I liked the video AFTER the Steven Hawking portion quite a bit though!


BTW...I'm all for figuring out a way to help the VX reach a $100k/unit value by the end of this year though! :-)

Scott Larson
07/28/2012, 05:46 PM
When you've figured that out, please let us in on the secret...I am confident that the value will increase, but will it be in my lifetime? No matter what, I enjoy the hell out of my VX... :_steering

07/28/2012, 09:45 PM
BTW...I'm all for figuring out a way to help the VX reach a $100k/unit value by the end of this year though! :-)

No matter what, I enjoy the hell out of my VX... :_steering

I'm w/you Mr Larson...:thumbup:

& I'm not hack'n on yur post Vette...:flower:

But, with regard to VX valuation, &/or perceived worth...:_confused...:laughing:

My real name is Jimmy...:yesgray:

I occasionally crack corn...:yesgray:

And I don't care about much any more...:_confused

I know...it'z a s*1++* attitude, but...:slap:

Mine's my D-D, & shall be for a VERY long time, I enjoy driving such a dented up old "future truck", &... believe it or don't...

I still enjoy the questions from the masses...:yesgray:

And, RARELY (:angel:) tell rampant B-S accounts of how the VX won the 2000 Baja race to Hawaii...:yesgray:
(i read it on the internet)

07/28/2012, 10:07 PM
but I wonder how many secretly hope that the value of these little beasts someday soon goes through the roof...

Haha, that is why I call mine the "Little-Beast" :bwgy:

07/29/2012, 01:11 PM
And I don't care about much any more...:_confused

I know...it'z a s*1++* attitude, but...:slap:

I here you, but that's irrelevant to the topic. And, as such, not worthy of posting.

I'm just saying.

Get a thoughtful reason and I'll be the first in line to read your theory.

Doesn't have to be right...just well-though-out.


08/05/2012, 07:49 AM

08/05/2012, 08:49 AM
I here you, but that's irrelevant to the topic. And, as such, not worthy of posting.

I'm just saying.

Get a thoughtful reason and I'll be the first in line to read your theory.

Doesn't have to be right...just well-though-out.



Nobody told me that you got promoted up to moderator.

That's VERY unusual.

I mean, all things considered...:laughing:

Oh, & BTW HERE is spelled H-E-A-R...you know, when you're talking about ears & stuff...:yesgray:

08/05/2012, 10:03 PM

Nobody told me that you got promoted up to moderator.

That's VERY unusual.

I mean, all things considered...:laughing:

Put down the beer (make it 12-pack) and take a deep breath. I'm not claiming to moderate. Only expressing my opinion (of your lack of opinion) colorfully -- like you so frequently do.

08/05/2012, 10:07 PM
What I said in post #8 of this (http://blogs.wsj.com/drivers-seat/2011/06/18/will-the-isuzu-vehicross-become-collectible/) thread would be relevant to this topic.

08/06/2012, 04:53 PM
Put down the beer (make it 12-pack) and take a deep breath. I'm not claiming to moderate. Only expressing my opinion (of your lack of opinion) colorfully -- like you so frequently do.

Hmmmmmm....tha's TWICE in one thread that you've decided that you know best what I should do or say...:_thinking

A few control issues with your personality profile perhaps...:confused:

Tell ya what...if I can't decide what to think, do, say, or post some day...I'll shootcha a pm...:yesgray:

Till then, mind yer own rudder, & steer your own flower class (http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&ved=0CHEQjBAwAg&url=http%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FFlower_ class_corvette&ei=0VUgUOvlD8y2qQHP0YDgCQ&usg=AFQjCNEoEcrisOmuqckSNmdiiWFOLaCRFQ&sig2=-jV2MPoR4XpGWqQjlPVZAw)...:yesgray:.:rotate:.:laugh ing:

Being neither frigate nor sloop, I'm sure it rhymes with one of them...:laughing:

BTW, & :fyi:...I haven't had the urge to drink beer since...:_thinking
Well, I guess since I was a youngster...& still thought corvettes were cool...:yesgray:

Now THAT is some well thought out shtuph...:yesgray:

Everyone eventually gets what they asked for, and you are welcome..:thumbup:

If you decide to send me a congratulatory bottle, Jack (http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CGwQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.jackdaniels.com%2F&ei=LVggUIruNMm8rQHQ1oAI&usg=AFQjCNGGcmzGt8jYhm0RoyFsPHYcydbNkg&sig2=W7N1XJf4PErUiSmkDxlLYw) will be fine.

08/06/2012, 04:56 PM
What I said in post #8 of this (http://blogs.wsj.com/drivers-seat/2011/06/18/will-the-isuzu-vehicross-become-collectible/) thread would be relevant to this topic.

That's not a thread, that's an article...:_thinking

Which part did you write, I'll be sure to read it with due diligence...:yesgray:

08/06/2012, 05:03 PM
I here you,

Oh, & BTW HERE is spelled H-E-A-R...you know, like when you're talking about what ears do & stuff...:yesgray:

Sorry, forgot to tell ya, since you're all knowing of what I should think, do, & post, I thought you could stand a little help too...:smilewink

Yeh...I already know what's coming..."dad...he's pick'n on me again"...:(

08/06/2012, 09:03 PM
Yeh...I already know what's coming..."dad...he's pick'n on me again"...:(

Save it pal. It's not worth the effort. You're don't give a crap attitude is just not worth goating. I'm happy (for you) that you have a few fans.

One thing I can tell for sure. You can dish it out WAY better than you can take it. Some day....you'll figure it out.

Really, you remind me of the "funny boy" back in school". The one who's more interested in attention and getting laughs, but never wants to grow up.

08/06/2012, 09:17 PM
Here's another recent example...

And, just to be clear...I said I didn't think your first post in this thread was well-thought-out (or good). That's an opinion. Check with a moderator to learn the difference. Editorial = opinion. Handing out rules/stepping in = moderation.

08/07/2012, 12:52 AM
One thing I can tell for sure. You can dish it out WAY better than you can take it


Some day....you'll figure it out

I don't think so:nob:

but you can always hope:yesb:

08/07/2012, 05:26 AM
I here you, but that's irrelevant to the topic. And, as such, not worthy of posting.

I'm just saying.

Get a thoughtful reason and I'll be the first in line to read your theory.

Doesn't have to be right...just well-though-out.


I've some experience in translating the Dubster's colorful posts :flower: into thought bits that my grey matter can easily digest. So here's what he was trying to get across:

Most members here (not all ... but most) purchased their VX for the sole purpose of feeding their addiction. They love the look, feel, & performance of the VX and find driving it to be the most fun they can have with their clothes on. They did not purchase it as a financial investment so the current resale value really doesn't cause them to lose sleep.

I paid too much for mine & will never recoup what I've invested in it. That matters not a bit to me. I love my VX & will keep it till I'm just too decrepid to climb up into it.

I actually feel sorry for any who did purchase the VX as a financial investment because unless they put it in storage for the next 10 years and bring it out in pristine condition when the economy recovers, they've just made an expensive mistake.

OK - Y'all can go back to giving each other yellow shoe laces now.:)

08/07/2012, 06:03 AM
I actually feel sorry for any who did purchase the VX as a financial investment because unless they put it in storage for the next 10 years and bring it out in pristine condition when the economy recovers, they've just made an expensive mistake.

You're probably right. Don't remember who said it, but it was mentioned that Toyo Cruiser's didn't increase in value for quite some time. OTOH, I can't remember seeing those priced anywhere near what Camaros, Corvette's, and Mustangs sell for -- when really valueable.

Correct me if I'm wrong

Even then, it's a really old car (that takes thousands to restore) and/or it's a special car/model -- to get $50k, $100k, or more. The Cobra 500 models would be a good example.

08/07/2012, 06:23 AM
One of my all time favorite quotes from this illustrious forum pertains to VX modifications: "Beauty is in the eye of the keyholder".

It's apropo here as well:

Value is in the mind of the keyholder.

As with any sale, the price can ONLY reflect what the market will bear. A bone stock VX in pristine condition today COULD sell for $25K if you found the right buyer (someone who didn't want to shop around for a more reasonable deal or someone who just got a $50K settlement from somewhere & always wanted a VX & happened across yours). On the other hand, we've seen VXs parted out because it had a blown engine & couldn't be sold as a whole ... at any price.

Scott Larson
08/07/2012, 03:25 PM
Nice to see this thread get back on topic, thanks guys! I love that line, "Beauty is in the eye of the keyholder", it really does say it all! We all would like to think that we've made a great investment in no matter what we buy, seldom does the value of said things go up. If it's what you want and you enjoy it to it's fullest, what more could you ask for? Ok, maybe to not have it BLOW UP, unless of course it's bombs or fireworks, in which case I suppose then it's OK...But that's a completely different thread! :rotate: :_steering

08/07/2012, 03:47 PM
Save it pal. It's not worth the effort. You're don't give a crap attitude is just not worth goating. I'm happy (for you) that you have a few fans.

Not EVEN sure what you mean by "goating"...the first result I got with a goog search was kinda disturbing...(DON'T l00k) (http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CFwQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.urbandictionary.com%2Fdefine. php%3Fterm%3Dgoating&ei=eZUhUPaTJZO2qAH69YHwBA&usg=AFQjCNFx6FCoy7Uz3W4B3x5uQUs0WGqnlA&sig2=NONFObrUZEd5BRJWHBdS4A)
I'll assume for now, that you meant #7.

Perhaps you meant goading (http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=6&ved=0CIUBEBYwBQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.urbandictionary.com%2Fdefine. php%3Fterm%3DGoading&ei=uJchUPO2BYLVqAHc64DgAg&usg=AFQjCNEkeVuTXbTjeWjQuKOZW1lWVJABEA&sig2=IPa3p7IKWzn22XMGO-Z0SQ)?

I have no fans that I'm aware of, I DO have friends...:yesgray:
People I've met, & enjoy spending time with, & for the most part, enjoy spending time with me.

Really not sure why you continue whining, you got exactly what you asked for...a well thought out reply, with included links to explain the parts that were most likely beyond your comprehension.

One thing I can tell for sure. You can dish it out WAY better than you can take it. Some day....you'll figure it out.

Well DUH...:rolleyesg

Show me someone who can take it better than they can dish it, & I'll show you a door mat...:smilewink
I have "it" figured out, as well as you & the little boy that likes to "pile on"...oh wait...here he comes...http://www.vehicross.info/forums/showpost.php?p=262715&postcount=21

WoW...didn't see that comin'...:laughing:

Really, you remind me of the "funny boy" back in school". The one who's more interested in attention and getting laughs, but never wants to grow up.

Considering the source, I'll take that as a MAJOR compliment...:thanx:.:flower:.:heart:

As an exit comment, I'll tell you that I'm currently finishing up my online doctorate in "grumpy old man-ology", & routinely turn in our exchanges as homework.

:fyi:...I'm getting EXTRAORDINARILY high marks...:rotate:

P-L-E-A-S-E keep smack'n the hive boys...you shall achieve enlightenment eventually...:yes:

08/07/2012, 03:50 PM
Here's another recent example...

Now that right there was funny...:laughing:

Thanks for the re-laugh...:laughing:

08/07/2012, 03:54 PM
I've some experience in translating the Dubster's colorful posts :flower: into thought bits that my grey matter can easily digest. So here's what he was trying to get across:

Most members here (not all ... but most) purchased their VX for the sole purpose of feeding their addiction. They love the look, feel, & performance of the VX and find driving it to be the most fun they can have with their clothes on. They did not purchase it as a financial investment so the current resale value really doesn't cause them to lose sleep.

I paid too much for mine & will never recoup what I've invested in it. That matters not a bit to me. I love my VX & will keep it till I'm just too decrepid to climb up into it.

B-I-N-G-O !!!

Thanks Tom, as soon as I get the next batch of "dub decoder rings" outta the molds, you KNOW who I'm gonna send em' to...:rolleyesg...:laughing:

08/07/2012, 04:02 PM
If it's what you want and you enjoy it to it's fullest, what more could you ask for?


One of life's "truths"...:yes:

Sorry for responding, or letting myself be "goaded" into responding, to those who decided to take your thread O-T...:flower:

Scott Larson
08/07/2012, 06:55 PM
Or maybe you were just "goated", raced any GTO's lately?? :_confused :_steering

08/07/2012, 07:18 PM
Who's goating!? Can I get some of that fancy unpasteurized milk the feds wanna ban? I hear that stuff ain't half ba-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaad.

Scott Larson
08/07/2012, 07:32 PM
No you can't have any, I need it to make goat cheese for my lefsa...it's a Norwegian thing, ya know?

08/07/2012, 09:06 PM
When the object of one's goading get's old and cranky, you "goat"!


Now...If only you put as much constructive thoughts into these kinds of topics....You sure spend a lot of time TRYING to be cute.

Good luck with that edjumakaashun!

08/07/2012, 09:25 PM
Or maybe you were just "goated", raced any GTO's lately?? :_confused :_steering

wonder if anybody under 30-35 got this??;)

No you can't have any, I need it to make goat cheese for my lefsa...it's a Norwegian thing, ya know?

lefsa!! betcha didn't know my last name ends in STROM!:thumbup:

08/08/2012, 07:00 AM
... as soon as I get the next batch of "dub decoder rings" outta the molds, you KNOW who I'm gonna send em' to...:rolleyesg...:laughing:

Not needed. I even figured out your instructions for cutting compound angles on crown moulding without one:)

Dub: Cut it upside down

t4b: WTF???

Dub: It works ... just try it.

t4b: OK, ifn you can build coffins for baby dolls, you must know what you're talkin-bout!!!

Dang if he didn't know what he was talkin-bout (I only messed up one of the 6 corners that I cut).

08/08/2012, 08:37 AM
Alot of us old timers can remember when 60's and early 70's muscle cars were selling for next to nothing, much like our beloved VX's today. I can recall when I could have bought a '69 Shelby GT 350 in good shape for $2500 bucks all day long and man do I regret not knowing what the future held in store back then. I keep looking now for the next "affordable future collector car" and I really think the VX is just such a vehicle. I had a '81 Ford EXP way back when and I wonder where the value of that car will end up in the future. I still have a '69 Bronco Sport in rust-free condition and I have seen where the value of that truck has gone. It's a gamble, you buy a unique or obscure car cuz you like it and the price is right and you hope that the next generation will appreciate it and drive the value up. I realize that most people on this forum use their VX's as everyday transport, but I wonder how many secretly hope that the value of these little beasts someday soon goes through the roof...just the ramblings of an old duffers mind. :rotate:

Back to the OP. What I think is lost on a lot of people who see the headlines or watch fifteen minutes of the Barron's Auto Action. Most if not all of the vehicles breaking records are pedigreed. They are 1st, 2nd or 6th off the line. The owners are pedigreed OCD car guys. And the linage of owners are pedigreed. They store and car for these cars in a very specific manner. It generally not just some guy who thought it would be a good Idea to buy one and park it. Or someone who bought a low mileage unit and restored it. When you are in the market for this level collected car. OCD is for beginners. Of course there are exceptions to every rule. But those are few and far between.

I believe the VX's for sale in the high end of the bracket need be pedigreed to some extent. If I were paying for example 10k for one with low mileage. I would expect records of service, Branded oil changes ect. That is barely the tip of the iceberg for the Barron's buyer.

08/08/2012, 09:25 AM
like i said before (i think it was my first thread i ever made on here): with the low number of vx's left we COULD form a union and charge whatever we want for them - but like i was told before: it would be like herding cats

the reason old muscle cars are worth a ton now (i sold a 68 firebird with 52k original miles on it in awesome shape before i bought the vx) is because everyone tore the crap out of them, switched the motors/trans/everything else, and very few people bought the high output models to begin with: i.e. low numbers = high value... IF the car is cool - i dont think there are very many yugos left but who cares?

my firebird was a lower model 350 automatic with a vinly hardtop (one of the most common for that year) - everyone wanted a 350 h.o. or the 400 models but they are all gone now so eventually the value of mine went up

being stock with all original parts was what made it much more rare and valuable

Scott Larson
08/08/2012, 10:17 AM
Good points on all but one, "pedigreed owners"? Unless you're talking about a person of some fame or notoriety, I don't understand that point. Sure, If Carroll Shelby or Dan Gurney owned said muscle car the value would increase exponentially as was witnessed when Carroll's personal Shelby Cobra sold at auction for FIVE MILLION DOLLARS! Those circumstances are extremely rare and have little bearing on the value of the remaining masses of muscle cars. Originality, options list, overall condition and even color are all important when it comes to the value of the vast amount of muscle cars bought and sold. :_confused

08/08/2012, 11:06 AM
By pedigreed owners I mean known collectors. people who's reputation has some value in the rare car world. Similar to what I mentioned in my "Want to buy" post. That I would rather pay a little more from someone at this site. Where I can evaluate their post and history to make assumptions on the care of the car. Would you rather buy a gun at a pawn shop or a gunsmith. Most serious collectors have some knowledge of the others within their world. This speaks to storage, Care, or whether the are likely to use a marker pen to cover small scratches or to fix professionally.

While we all desire that 66 Shelby that grandma has covered in the barn since her son died in the war. And she just wants to clean the barn. Those stories are extremely rare..

My dad over the years has used these perceptions as a selling point (Incorrectly I might add) "This vehicle was owned by the preacher of a church", or someone else in a position of respect. Of course to you and I know that does not mean jack. But there are applications that it would.

Scott Larson
08/08/2012, 03:03 PM
Gotcha, now it all makes sense. Sometimes I just need 'splainin'...:rotate:

Scott Larson
08/08/2012, 03:25 PM
wonder if anybody under 30-35 got this??;)

lefsa!! betcha didn't know my last name ends in STROM!:thumbup:

From one "old" Norský to another, Hyggelig å møte deg Sue Strom! :_beer:

don moore
08/08/2012, 04:43 PM
my first was a 65 rambler marlin..got it used for 500. now it worth around 500. lol