View Full Version : screen names

09/10/2012, 12:50 PM
this has probably been done before but i thought it might be kinda fun to know what your screen name on this site means (if anything) because some are really unusual...

i guess i'll start since most people probably think evillecutter means im emo and cut myself or that im evil or something (which maybe i am a little bit) but it really became my screen name from back when i was a machinist and operated different metal sawing and milling equipment - i live in evansville so 1+1=2 - im no longer in that field but the name stuck and im ok with that

...so thats my story whats yours?

09/10/2012, 01:23 PM
I'm a Colorado native and own a Vehicross, hence VXorado.

Recently, I've been liking the shortened version, 'Rado. Have to give credit to V because he started using it in thread replies. :thumbup:

09/10/2012, 01:42 PM
First and middle names, and I first used it as an email addy back in 2000...

09/10/2012, 02:10 PM
Here is the old thread (http://vehicross.info/forums/showthread.php?t=6221&highlight=screen)

And my screen name is...
...because I are one :)
15 Ironmans and counting, racing about 20 years and have over 250 races under my belt.

09/10/2012, 04:15 PM
First two letters in my first and middle name. KE-HE followed by cross

09/10/2012, 05:56 PM
First name stars with a C and last names starts with a W = Cdub

09/10/2012, 06:36 PM
First name initial J and last name initial M....and when I registered 10 years ago I lived in NY...although I no longer live in NY.

09/10/2012, 08:09 PM
I'm a Colorado native and own a Vehicross, hence VXorado.

Recently, I've been liking the shortened version, 'Rado. Have to give credit to V because he started using it in thread replies. :thumbup:

Hat tip to my friend 'Rado... cheers, bud. I'm honored you remembered.

Greetings, everyone! I trust you all are well? It's been a long time, and I've missed the community. I'll address that elsewhere to not jack this cool thread - but all is well in my world.

My screen name is a vestige of my sympatico with the protagonist of a certain illustrated novel of the same name. While not murderous or bent on dismantling authority - at least not in such violent ways - I do hold dear that individuals are unique and entitled to their God-given rights and freedoms to express themselves in nearly any peaceful way, and are not to be trampled upon by oppressive governments or other misguided institutions.

Among the ways I do that these days are by driving a bad-*** rig we call the VX, and doing so anywhere I darn well please.

Cheers gang,

Bob Barker
09/10/2012, 08:20 PM
Because I'm very concerned with pet over population...

09/10/2012, 09:20 PM
well, its simple. I have had several early model amigo's over the years. Those are convertable too, the Amigo later became the Rodeo Sport (convertable rodeo).

So I decided to make a convertable VX, hense the two names came togethor. VXsport was born.

I do remember reading this thread or like it many years ago. Love to hear the reasons.

09/10/2012, 09:31 PM
Gussie2000 adopted back in 2000 when i meet my now wife started calling me GUSSIE That stand for little GUSTAVO which is my real name.....

Scott Larson
09/10/2012, 09:39 PM
Oh hell, that's easy, I'm too simple to conjure up a cool screen name; so let's just go with my real name! How do you do folks, I'm Scott Larson (one of thousands) nice to meet you...:cool!: :_beer:

09/10/2012, 10:17 PM
The REAL name is Lawrence, but Y'all can call me Dub... the last name begins w/ [B]W[B]...:yesgray:

Those who have met me, know the rest of the letters after W...it's SO close to being an anagram...:uhohgray:
It also involves "S-S", which I proudly proclaim as meaning "Site Supporter"...:yesgray:($twenny bucks a yr???...SRSLY???)...DO IT!!!

L (Larry)-W(as in DUB)...you figg'r out the rest...:yes:

Scott Larson
09/10/2012, 10:34 PM

09/10/2012, 11:52 PM
well, let's see.....um....I like cats...all 6 of mine.....and 4 dogs and a lizard....:rollo:

At least since college in the 80s, I've used "topkat"...but I don't recall why :_confused....
and I don't even remember the cartoon character named that (but many have since told me about it).
I've had topkat or "kat" incorporated into my license plates in several States now as well as license plate frames, and key tags.

Now with the internet with forum screen names or user names...it was just a natural :goof:.....VX KAT, Beretta Kat, Lex Kat, FJ Kat, Runner Kat, RZR Kat, Nikon Kat, Lizard Kat....see a pattern here maybe?? :goof:


09/11/2012, 06:15 AM
Got my name from driving a car at a slightly different yaw angle then most poeple. When I had my rx7 it was in a couple autox's that I got that nickname. Not the fastest way around a corner but to me the most fun. Before all the drifting stuff started I was always into rally the crazy slides they would do.

In the vx it's mostly on gravel, but even with its short wheelbase it can hang it out there. TOD does a good job of keeping me from looping it too. Since the scca banned the vx from competition I'm building a 1990 Audi coupe Quattro to take its place rallyxing.

09/11/2012, 08:20 AM
i came up with mine because im Native American (TribalVX)

09/11/2012, 09:38 AM
Noctis means 'of night'

I'm a nightowl and Noctis has been my online gamer handle since the nineties.

My VX is all black with black/grey interior.

I'm not terribly mysterious lol

VX MileHigh
09/11/2012, 12:04 PM
It is very boring. I have a VX and live in Denver, hence mile high. I have different names on different sites. One is Y2KNavy for my other baby a 2000 Navy metallic Corvette convertible.

09/11/2012, 12:49 PM
Mike in my mind's eye I see you and MileHigh VX eventually engaging in some Neo vs. Agent Smith epic cyberspace battle for supreme domination of the MileHigh moniker.

09/11/2012, 01:06 PM
Wow, Mav. If you hadn't pointed it out, I wouldn't have realized that VX MileHigh isn't MileHigh VX!

There can be... only one.

09/11/2012, 01:27 PM
Wow, Mav. If you hadn't pointed it out, I wouldn't have realized that VX MileHigh isn't MileHigh VX!

There can be... only one.

To the thunderdome! :)

Scott Larson
09/11/2012, 05:13 PM
Sounds to me like the screen name "Highlander" needs to be invoked...or is that "evoked"?:_confused

09/11/2012, 07:22 PM
First name is Rick and I live in Oklahoma City. (I am NOT related to Ric Ocasek of The Cars as was suggested in Moab! ;Dy;) OKC is the most popular abbreviation for Oklahoma City and I chose it include it in my name in hopes that other VX owners in the area would notice it and contact me.

Quick trivia: While a "rick" and a "peck" are both units of measurement, I'd much rather be referred to as a Rick of Wood than a Peck-a-wood. (Yes, it's my birthday and I'm drinking.) :slap:

It is very boring. I have a VX and live in Denver, hence mile high. I have different names on different sites. One is Y2KNavy for my other baby a 2000 Navy metallic Corvette convertible.I LOVE that color - had it on my 99 Firebird.

09/11/2012, 07:34 PM
First name is Rick and I live in Oklahoma City. (I am NOT related to Ric Ocasek of The Cars as was suggested in Moab! ;Dy;) OKC is the most popular abbreviation for Oklahoma City and I chose it include it in my name in hopes that other VX owners in the area would notice it and contact me.

Quick trivia: While a "rick" and a "peck" are both units of measurement, I'd much rather be referred to as a Rick of Wood than a Peck-a-wood. (Yes, it's my birthday and I'm drinking.) :slap:

I LOVE that color - had it on my 99 Firebird.

Happy Birthday Rick.

Two tall trees, a birch and a beech, are growing in the woods. A small tree begins to grow between them and the beech says to the birch:

"Is that a son of a beech or a son of a birch?"

The birch says she cannot tell. They argue all afternoon whether it is a son of a birch or a son of a beech Just then a woodpecker lands on the sapling. The birch says:

"Hey Woody, you're a tree expert. Can you end this argument and tell us if that is a son of a beech or a son of a birch?"

The woodpecker takes a taste of the small tree. He replies:

"It is neither a son of a beech nor a son of a birch. It is, however, the best piece of ash I have ever put my pecker into."

Scott Larson
09/11/2012, 07:34 PM
Happy Birthday "Peck-a-wood"!! :rotate: :bday: