View Full Version : Transmission Shifting issue: need help please

09/15/2012, 10:04 PM
I have an issue with my shifting, and want to confirm that it is the "Transmission mode switch", or if it is something else.

What I am experiencing seems to happen at around 26/27mph, almost always on level or near-level ground. I will be driving along, not accelerating too aggressively, and right around 26 mph, it seems like the transmission misses a shift to the next gear. I end up revving the engine in order to keep accelerating.

I then have to back off the gas so that the car drops back down in speed below 26 mph. Then, I can usually accelerate again past 26 and it will shift into the next gear that it missed the first time.

Is this the "Transmission mode switch", or something else?

Any suggestions are appreciated.

Thank you.

09/15/2012, 10:14 PM
When the trans mode switch goes bad the USUAL symthoms are hard shifting and the gear lights on the dash go crazy.

09/16/2012, 02:11 AM
Well this sounds very famillar. It happened to us several years ago, right after I purchased our VX used and mildly abused (not maintained). The bad thing is.... i can't tell you at all what the problem is or was. I drained out as much atf fluid out of the trans and replaced with new and added Lucas Trans slip (don't remember the full name) atf additive.
I only remember it doing it twice ever, and it hasn't done it in 20K since.

How many miles on VX? last atf filter change?

couple of ideas..... keep us all informed... good luck

09/16/2012, 10:36 PM
don't drive that car, draink that transmission, main pan, secondard pan, drain the intercooler, install a new filter; I let mine drip out fluid for a week on news paper, I changed the paper daily; used air to force out more; filled with 2 gallons of ATF fluid! That Lucas Slip fix does work if the clutchs aren't totalled! phonograph everything, see my photos for tips; also other procedures and PDF files on here for this;

09/18/2012, 11:51 PM
thanks everyone-

I will get it to the mechanic in about 2 weeks (my girls car is in the shop now).

I will keep you posted.


09/19/2012, 07:00 AM
mine has never missed a gear but i do find that sometimes that the shift point of 30mph in this vehicle makes me have to go a little faster just so i can get into the higher gear - in other words, if i drive at 26 mph it will never upshift unless i go faster - if i go 30mph it will upshift and then i can drive 26mph as long as i want in that same gear

09/19/2012, 09:39 AM
thanks Evillecutter-
Mine is quite a bit more pronounced than that, but it sounds like its in the same ballpark.
I just end up being in the lower gear, unable to shift up correctly- the engine revs to try to make the car faster and will continue into the red if I would let it.

09/20/2012, 09:17 AM
Mine just started doing the exact same thing....at about 105k miles. Has anyone with this problem ever taken it to a mechanic and diagnosed the problem?

09/20/2012, 03:50 PM
Mine just started doing the exact same thing....at about 105k miles. Has anyone with this problem ever taken it to a mechanic and diagnosed the problem?

Check out this thread, as it MAY resolve your issue


09/26/2012, 02:10 PM
Check out this thread, as it MAY resolve your issue


Did it solve the issue for you? Thanks for the link, I will try and do it this weekend. Seems like something I can handle with my limited mechanical skills....

10/04/2012, 11:34 AM
The mechanic thinks its a stuck valve in the transmission. They were driving it with a diagnostic plugged in, and were finally able to reproduce the issue (they were having a hard time reproducing it previously).

So they are going to add some cleaning fluid to the transmission, I will drive it for a couple weeks, and then they will flush it out.

Hopefully this works!

10/04/2012, 12:35 PM
If there is a prob with the shift mode selector switch the ECM will but the transmission in a "limp mode" You'll have banging shifts, aparently this is to keep the transmission clutches from being damaged or make sure the transmission doesnt get thrown in reverse when its going 20mph? Youll usually get a hint if the selector switch is going out as your putting the transmission in gear and the P-R-N-D-3-2-L lights on the dash may dance around for just a split second. Typically it will make you raise an eyebrow and if youre like me shrug a shoulder and drive off. long story short i had a shift selector switch go out due to the "shift selector switch shaft seal" (say the 10 times!) gave out. no damage to the transmission but shortly after i got the banging shifts i noticed smoke behind me certainly not a good thing. a quick crawl under the car and noticed the exhaust pipe that goes right next to the selector shift was smoking with tranny oil... The mechanic said that the shift selector usually fails because it gets too hot from being so close to the exhaust or gets too wet from years of splashing water...
just figured id throw out a "this happened to me" story for anyone that could use the info. hope the lines get cleaned out. When you flush & fill use mobile1 synthetic ATF. Its worth the extra $40 just for piece of mind knowing your running the best stuff you can through the tranny...

10/04/2012, 09:21 PM
thanks Jason-
sounds like I do NOT have the shift mode selector switch issue then. Thank you for clarifying!

01/24/2014, 11:27 AM
Took car in to have the mode selector switch cleaned out, as per this thread

The problem is that it looks like my mode selector switch is sealed with rivets instead of spring steel fasteners. This is what the Transmission place told me
They want me to see if I can find a replacement switch.

Also, I talked to a different guy at the transmission place this morning, and he suspects it MAY be a bad solenoid; of which there are about 6 of them (I cant remember the exact number he mentioned; maybe 8?). The way he was talking, it sounded like it would be guesswork as to which one to replace to fix the issue, and replacing all of them sounded expensive (no exact $ amount given).

So he suggested that I see if I can locate a new Mode Selector Switch to replace the riveted one I have before we start replacing solenoids.

Also, I have been unable to get an error code for this issue, so that is of no help.


Mode Selector Switch:
1) Why the hell would that be riveted closed? Do I maybe have the mode selector switch from a non-Vehicross?
2) Is it easy to remove from the transmission so you can remove the rivets?
3) Where can I get a new one? I thought I read that Merlin no longer sells Vehicross parts, as well as that replacements are somewhat faulty.

1) If they have to replace solenoids, is there a way to narrow down which one it is based on the specific issues Im having? IE: it sporadically misses the shift at 27-28 MPH and stays in the lower gear.
2) Do the solenoids sound like a possible issue, or does anyone think this is not the issue?

I had started a different thread about finding another shop in Los Angeles, and am going to try Westside Transmission instead of Western Transmission to see if another doctor has a different opinion.

All comments, suggestions are appreciated.
Thanks everyone.

01/24/2014, 12:35 PM
creeg, the mode selector switch shouldn't be riveted together. It should be held together with little star screws. I have a spare selector switch at home that I got form another member here. I took it apart and cleaned it out in my garage so your shop should be able to do it. I'm keeping the switch for when mine might go out, but I would be happy to take pictures of the one that I have (both together and apart) if you need me to.

01/24/2014, 12:38 PM
Thanks MSHardeman

Yes, please take a picture. That would be appreciated!


01/24/2014, 01:46 PM

I found some photos of it here


Is this right?

01/24/2014, 02:52 PM
Yep, that's it. I can still take a picture of the switch assembled, with close-ups of the screws that hold it together so you and your shop can see what is going on.

01/24/2014, 02:59 PM
Sure thing, MSHardeman

Any details would be appreciated.

Thanks again.

01/24/2014, 05:09 PM
These are on Ebay all the time for around $30 + Shipping...

01/24/2014, 06:08 PM
Thanks Lfen-

Looks like there is a brand new one on there $60.
Im going to try having the current one cleaned, then if that doesnt work, buy new.


01/24/2014, 09:22 PM
I PROMISE that I will post up pictures of the mode selector switch.......as soon as I find it. It's in my garage somewhere.:_confused

01/24/2014, 09:45 PM
Don't wanna jack...

But i dunno if similar.
I started having issues getting out of first when it is very cold. When the car warms up, its fine after about 15 minutes. Were talking 0-20 deg F weather.


It feels like the power output on mine is diminished, i was thinking it could just be the ice...

01/27/2014, 03:21 PM
I Had To Change My Transmission Sincro's - Shifting Problem Solved !

01/27/2014, 09:33 PM
Found it!!:dance:

Finally dug through enough boxes in the garage to find the extra Mode Selector Switch.

One side of the switch.

The other side of the switch.

Close-up of the torx screws.

This is the torx wrench that I used to take it apart and put it back together. The T-15 is a little small, but it worked just fine. The torx screws might be a T-16, but I didn't have a wrench that size.

Hope this helps some. Let me know if you need more pictures. I can always take it apart and take pictures if you need me to.

01/28/2014, 10:45 AM
Thanks MS!

03/18/2014, 06:48 PM
Ok, so I think we have a solution!

About a month ago, I took my VX in to get the mode selector switch cleaned out at a transmission shop. They claimed that the switch was riveted shut, and not bolted. I think they were looking at the wrong part.

Yesterday, I took my VX to a DIFFERENT transmission shop to get the Mode Selector Switch replaced with a new one I got from Ebay . This second shop called me to tell me that when they went to replace it, one of the bolts holding the switch was BROKEN. They have to extract that bolt and put in a new one.

That would explain the strange and intermittent missed shift at 27 mph!
Ive been driving with this issue since 2010. I am VERY excited to see if this fixes the problem that it took 3 shops to notice. JESUS

I should have it back tomorrow, will post an update.
Photo of broken bolt below.


03/18/2014, 11:08 PM
So obvious! It was there all along. Just ask Courtney Love!

Really? Nothing? I was laughing my *** off and patting myself on the back for that one.

04/15/2014, 05:10 PM

Not fixed yet.

So I replaced the mode selector switch, and its still missing a shift.
The only thing that I can think of is that I have the aftermarket offroad plates under the car, and its not letting enough heat dissipate from the area. Since the exhaust is pretty close to the transmission, it may be throwing too much heat at the trans.

If that is not the issue, my only option may be to have them start replacing solenoids in the transmission as one of them may have gone bad (according to the transmission shop).

Anybody have any suggestions?
Also, anyone know which solenoid controls the shift that happens around 27 MPH?


04/15/2014, 06:54 PM
mine has never missed a gear but i do find that sometimes that the shift point of 30mph in this vehicle makes me have to go a little faster just so i can get into the higher gear - in other words, if i drive at 26 mph it will never upshift unless i go faster - if i go 30mph it will upshift and then i can drive 26mph as long as i want in that same gear

mine does the same. I just back off ever so slightly and it will upshift. Acts like it is a vacuum problem but I checked the book and no reference to vacuum mentioned.

04/16/2014, 09:55 AM
Yep, that sounds like the problem Im having.
I was able to catch it in action- but its a very shaky video (sorry about that)

It even trips the "check trans" light. You can see how it misses the shift at 27 mph, then revs up to trip the check trans. It usually doesnt go as far as tripping the check trans light, but you get the idea of what is going on.

If it was just a sporadic thing, I would not care as much. But it happens multiple times, EVERY time I drive my car. Its very frustrating, and Im worried Im causing damage to my transmission.

If anyone has any suggestions, Im open to ideas.

04/20/2014, 07:48 AM
Does it make any difference if you change the current position of the Power Mode switch? (Didn't see it's indicator light on the dash so assuming you're running full time with it off?)

04/21/2014, 08:50 AM
i believe this trans should never have been put in this vehicle - or any vehicle for that matter

04/21/2014, 02:17 PM
Thanks Y33TREKker, I will turn on the power mode on the way home tonight, and see what happens.

More to come.

04/21/2014, 06:41 PM
Still getting the missed shift in power mode.

04/23/2014, 09:00 AM
Did your current mechanics have any other suggestions for where you might be able to go to get an actual diagnostic code for the "Check Trans" light you're getting when this happens?

I know you said they had a diagnostic hooked up while driving earlier in the thread, but it seems that actually having a specific code to work with would be the next best logical step to take as opposed to just starting to throw parts at the problem.

04/25/2014, 12:33 PM
Thanks Y33TREKker-

I have had the codes checked out with 2 different code readers at 2 different shops. The first shop was unable to get a reading off it, so I took it to a different shop (at the recommendation of the first shop) and they were able to get a code, but it was a non-descript code (Im still looking to see if I have that code written down somewhere) that was not much help.

05/07/2014, 09:18 AM
Ok, new development in the ongoing saga of my stupid transmission:

The other day, I started up my VX, and was shifting into drive. I went a little too far and accidentally put it into 3, realized what I did, and then shifted into D. The thing is, I had already started giving it gas as I was shifting, so I think it did something weird. I didnt notice anything strange, but when I looked at the instrument panel, the D light was not lit.

I drove it for a bit, then stopped and turned off the car. I restarted, shifted into all gears while stopped, and checked the dash lights. All shift lights come on when appropriate, except for D.
I have driven it a couple times since then, and the D light still will not come back on.

Does this give anyone any ideas as to what I need to have replaced next in my quest to fix this issue?

As a recap (to those that have not been following:

I have an intermittent missed shift at 27/28 MPH. It wont shift into the next highest gear somethings.
I have tried to get error codes, but it doesnt throw any.
I have replaced the Mode Selector Switch with a new one. That did not fix the problem.

05/07/2014, 12:19 PM
shifting from 3 to D whilst moving shouldn't cause any damage. Tranny's are made to be able to do that.

05/07/2014, 12:46 PM
Maybe it's just a horrible coincidence and your Drive indicator bulb decided to burn out at just the right (wrong) time. :_confused

If you're driving it then it is obviously in gear. Have you gotten it up to highway speed to see if it drops into overdrive? Other than pulling the instrument cluster to see if the Drive bulb is burned out, I would think highway speed would be the only way to see if it is getting/can get out of third gear.

05/07/2014, 03:13 PM
Under the drivers side of the dash to the left of where your brake pedal hinges there's a small cluster of what looks to be from three to five electrical connectors.

The very top connector on the left only has one wire in it.

The vertically-aligned rectangular-shaped connector to the right of the other connectors is for the Automatic Trans Shift Indicator Control Unit.

You might try unplugging that connector on the right and plugging it back in just to make sure it's seated properly. Given it's location, maybe it got hit by your foot at some point and something happened? And if you're going to check it out anyway, no harm in giving it a good once over just to make sure all the wires going into it are seated properly too.

Wouldn't be the first time an electrical gremlin issue has been solved on one of these VX's by just re-seating a connector anyway.

05/07/2014, 09:10 PM
Thanks Y33TREKker-

I checked, and reseated that plug. No gremlins present, still have an unlit D light.

05/07/2014, 09:11 PM
Are there any other cars that have this transmission? Its a GM tranny, wouldnt they put it in anything else?

05/08/2014, 08:35 AM
This is what the Wikipedia says:


05/08/2014, 08:45 AM
That wiki is interesting. I didn't realize the Rodeos used the same trans. That mean there should be a lot more junk yard parts than I would have thought. Not that it matters for me. Hehe :bgwb:

05/08/2014, 10:53 AM
I know you said you replaced the Model Selector Switch, but were all of the pins in the electrical connector clean/straight/etc? There's also a connector in the same general area of the one I suggested last time that you could check. It's a blue one and is straight to the left among a few other connectors, and it serves as a connection between the A/T Shift Indicator Control Unit and the Meter Assembly

Those two connectors would be about the last common denominators as far as electrical connections go before you have to start looking at the solid state A/T Shift Indicator Control Unit and the Meter Assembly in the dash that actually contains the indicator bulbs.

05/08/2014, 09:06 PM
Thanks Y33TREKker

I will look at the other plug you mention tomorrow.

Regarding the Mode Selector Switch: I had that installed by a transmission shop here in Los Angeles. They were the ones that noticed that one of the bolts that was holding the old Mode Selector Switch was broken (and they extracted and replaced that bolt). My hope is that they were thorough enough to check the pins when installing it. They seemed like a reputable shop.

05/08/2014, 09:08 PM
Thanks MSHardeman

Since the GM transmission is in other vehicles, Im going to do a search to see if there is mention of those other vehicles having the missing shift issue.

05/19/2014, 04:40 PM
Been doing some reasearch on the transmissions, and found some articles



***This one talks about a "transmission range-mode sensor"

Anyone know what that is?


05/19/2014, 04:58 PM
***This one talks about a "transmission range-mode sensor"

Anyone know what that is?

Seems like they were just talking about the Mode Selector switch by another name. I found another thread where someone was talking about cleaning their "range-mode" sensor, and the picture they linked to in the first post was of the same basic kind of switch.


05/19/2014, 05:10 PM
It's the technical word for the neutral safety switch. It tells the computer what gear it's in.

05/20/2014, 04:15 PM
Creeg this is Marcus VXobession's husband. We own a transmission shop in Arkansas. I've built many 4l30e's. I would like to help you get to the bottom of your transmission problems. If you can give me a call at 501-860-5567. I have many questions and things for you to do so we can solve this problem. To address some of the previous posts, the range mode sensor, mode selector switch, mlp, prdl switch, neutral safety switch, ect, they are all the same thing. Different shops/people call it different names. The 4l30e has 5 solenoids. An Epc (electronic pressure control). This affects all shifts and engagement into drive and reverse. It controls line pressure. A lock up solenoid. This is for the torque converter clutch. 99 to 2000 use an on/off switch 2001 use a pwm (pulse width modulation) type. Two shift solenoids an A &B. These are on/off type. It use a combination of these to shift the transmission through the 4 gears. Last of all is a band apply solenoid (2/3). This is a pwm type. It uses this solenoid to control the forward band. It controls the band's apply when you put the transmission in drive and it controls the band release as the transmission shifts from 2nd gear to 3rd. The mode selector switch has 2 bolts holding it on, the one broke would not affect anything (needed fixed but for sure not the problem). This switch does give many problem with this transmission, but won't make it skip a gear. Also the vx transmission is different in 2001 from the other 2 years. A 99-00 will not work correctly in a 2001 and will fail. They look the same but are different. I do not like the way shops treat VX owners. They see our rides and they instantly see $. Mechanically a VX is nothing more than a trooper. Before everyone gets mad, yes its does have some special parts on it. But, the motor, transmission and transfer case are all trooper.

05/21/2014, 11:02 AM

Thanks Marcus-

I just left you a voicemail, cant wait to talk to you for more details.

Mine is a 2001 VX.
It sounds like it may be the Band Apply Solenoid, based on your description.

What I have is a missed shift at 27 mph when accelerating. Its intermittent, and doesnt happen every single time, but it happens on almost every drive.
It will start to rev up as it misses the shift into the next gear, at which point I back off the gas. Most of the time, it will shift into the next gear and I can continue on my way.
Sometimes, it will not and I will have to rev it a bit, which seems to get it into the next gear.
Additionally, that shift at 27 mph seems to be a bit clunky sometimes.

I also have a new symptom as of about 2 weeks ago, that may or may not be related: the shift light in the dash for "D" no longer works. All other gears are fine, but the "D" light does not come on. Dont know if that is due to some wiring or if the bulb in the dash has actually gone out.

Thanks, and looking forward to talking with you!


05/21/2014, 06:27 PM
Oh great.
My "ABS" light just came on too.
Stupid Vehicross.

05/21/2014, 06:31 PM
Tried to call you back....
And for the record, how many in here have an ABS light on?? Please raise your hand....mine is up...

05/21/2014, 06:45 PM
Hand raised

05/21/2014, 11:29 PM
Ok, so what does the ABS light mean? I need to have my brakes checked?

I just had the "D" light go out in my dash about 2 weeks ago, so Im concerned that there is something wrong with my computer or something: along with the fun times with my transmission....

05/22/2014, 06:51 AM
My ABS light was on for years, so I eventually just took the bulb out.

06/25/2014, 02:28 PM
Finally getting around to taking my car in to get the A, B, and Band Apply Solenoid replaced (I was getting married, so I had to put the repairs on hold for a couple weeks).
Taking it in tomorrow, thanks to Marcus VXobession's advice.
Hopefully this fixes my issues, and I am back on the road with no more missed shifts soon!

06/25/2014, 02:44 PM
My ABS light was on for years, so I eventually just took the bulb out.


06/28/2014, 10:12 AM

I am so F****ING happy right now. My transmission issues are GONE!

I have been driving it for a day now after the repair, and have had no missed shifts, and no thunking on deceleration.
I replaced the A, B and Band Apply Solenoids, and that seems to have fixed everything.

I am so relieved that this is no longer an issue. This was the last attempt; if I didnt figure it out with this fix, I was going to sell it. Now I can keep driving it. Whew!

Thanks to everyone who helped me narrow it down, especially MSHardeman and Y33TREKker and super-special thanks to VXobsession!!!

You guys have no idea what a relief this!

Thanks again!


06/28/2014, 04:03 PM
Nice! Glad to hear a success story for a change. Seems like it's been awhile for some reason.

So replacing the solenoids also took care of the malfunctioning indicator lights on the dash?

And you're welcome, even though my suggestions turned out to just be a little of this :_thinking and a little of that :bla: .


06/29/2014, 12:29 AM
I still have the dash issues:
The ABS light is on, and the "D" light does not come on. But it seems they are unrelated items and I need to take care of them separately.

06/29/2014, 12:33 PM
Ok, new development in the ongoing saga of my stupid transmission:

The other day, I started up my VX, and was shifting into drive. I went a little too far and accidentally put it into 3, realized what I did, and then shifted into D. The thing is, I had already started giving it gas as I was shifting, so I think it did something weird. I didnt notice anything strange, but when I looked at the instrument panel, the D light was not lit.

I drove it for a bit, then stopped and turned off the car. I restarted, shifted into all gears while stopped, and checked the dash lights. All shift lights come on when appropriate, except for D.

I have driven it a couple times since then, and the D light still will not come back on.

Does this give anyone any ideas as to what I need to have replaced next in my quest to fix this issue?


I still have the dash issues:
The ABS light is on, and the "D" light does not come on. But it seems they are unrelated items and I need to take care of them separately.
Since all the other indicator lights on the dash work ok, I would still have to go back to the wiring/connector associated with the Mode Selector Switch for the "D" not illuminating on the dash.

It could be something as simple as corrosion on the electrical connector for the switch (although even though the switch has been replaced with a "new" one, that doesn't necessarily rule out the switch itself as having an issue), and it appears as if it would either be the Pink or the Blue/Black wire specifically in the connector. Maybe just disconnecting, cleaning, and reconnecting would be worth a try?

06/29/2014, 03:21 PM
I still have the dash issues:
The ABS light is on, and the "D" light does not come on. But it seems they are unrelated items and I need to take care of them separately.

I had an issue with the shifter lights on the dash displaying incorrectly. Turned out to be a module/box of sorts, under the steering column that had come uncoupled from the bracket that secures it to the firewall. It was dangling by it's wire harness. After placing it back on the bracket and reseating the harness plug, I have yet to have anymore problems with it.

10/12/2014, 12:29 PM
IM SO GLAD i found this. the exact same story is happening with me. im going to start with those A and B solenoids and work down from their. i love this site. thanks creeg for the info and process

10/12/2014, 11:04 PM
same here, are the solenoids more or less expensive than the mode selector switch?

10/16/2014, 03:21 PM
the solenoids are pretty cheap, but the install is the hard part. I would say the Mode switch is cheaper. Im not sure why that is relevant though: either the solenoids need to be replaced or the mode switch needs to be replaced if you are having the issue.

I replace my mode select switch when I was having this problem, and it didnt help. It turned out to be the solenoids in my instance.

10/20/2014, 10:58 AM
ouch.... so i thought is put it in the shop today.. but i took the vehicross out for a long stroll this weekend.... high speeds it was working great.. still does.. but as son as the tranny heats up, more in california stop and go traffic, it just diez... itle hit 20mph and it the rpms go higher tan 2000 it just spins and acts like its in neutral. after that t has to cool down for it to go back into gear. FML......

im getting the tranny fluid changed tom, bought the solenoids and the mode switch JIC. i hope this solves the issue bufor i need a new tranny. wish me luck

10/21/2014, 01:40 PM
Does it pop into neutral, or does it miss a shift, stay in a lower gear (when it should have shifted to a higher one), and still have power to the wheels?

If its popping into neutral, that may be the trans mode switch, Im not sure if that is the solenoids. Someone with more knowledge than me on this, please chime in....

10/21/2014, 08:23 PM
well im getting the tranny fluid replaced. hoses cheked and all the solenoids/ mode switched. it works fine till it hits traffic. then it just stays in the lower 2 gears till it decides not to even go hajaha. gears are good it just decides to go newtral. itle be back friday roaring im sure.

10/21/2014, 08:25 PM
well im getting the tranny fluid replaced. hoses cheked and all the solenoids/ mode switched. it works fine till it hits traffic. then it just stays in the lower 2 gears till it decides not to even go hajaha. gears are good it just decides to go newtral. itle be back friday roaring im sure.

it started to miss 3rd i think. they the upper gears went. Noticed it more when i tried putting in my 4X4. but as stated above, the mech said the gears were good, i guess the comp was just ignoring them due to faulty solenoids.......... mabe :p

01/12/2015, 01:10 PM

I am so F****ING happy right now. My transmission issues are GONE!

I have been driving it for a day now after the repair, and have had no missed shifts, and no thunking on deceleration.
I replaced the A, B and Band Apply Solenoids, and that seems to have fixed everything.

I am so relieved that this is no longer an issue. This was the last attempt; if I didnt figure it out with this fix, I was going to sell it. Now I can keep driving it. Whew!

Thanks to everyone who helped me narrow it down, especially MSHardeman and Y33TREKker and super-special thanks to VXobsession!!!

You guys have no idea what a relief this!

Thanks again!


Putting my shopping list together to do this on the Proton. I've been getting the bad shift as well for a couple of weeks (not very consistently yet - just once or twice a day).

Looks like total bill for the job will be less than $200 (all 5 solenoids, both pan gaskets, filter, fluid).

I'll try to take pix & write the How2 in case anyone else needs to follow suit.

01/12/2015, 02:24 PM
Looks like total bill for the job will be less than $200 (all 5 solenoids, both pan gaskets, filter, fluid).


Hell of a deal

01/12/2015, 03:32 PM
Just to let you know, my D light was out after I lifted the vx. I messed with the linkage and it came back on. You might want to check there. Glad to see this fixed. Great work people...:yesy:

01/12/2015, 07:44 PM
Did it affect cruse control on yours as well?

01/13/2015, 05:12 AM
Did it affect cruse control on yours as well?

Actually, I haven't tried the cruise control since the tranny started the wonky shifting. I'm guessing not since my wonky shift is between 1 and 2, not 2 and 3 like creeg.

01/13/2015, 10:12 AM
Hell of a deal

I found a kit that has 4 out of the 5 solenoids for $129. www.electricaladvantage.net/4130esolenoidkit.aspx.

The EPC solenoid is sold seperate for $41.65. www.electricaladvantage.net/4160eepsolenoidalsofits4180e.aspx

The pan gasket is $3.61 and the overdrive adapter pan gasket is $2.12 from www.transmissionpartsusa.com/4L30E_transmission_gaskets_s/11031.htm

The transmission filter is $6.23 from www.transmissionpartsusa.com/4L30E_Transmission_Filters_s/21012.htm

I spoke with VXobsession's husban Marcus. He indicated that it's a fairly simple job that I could do myself. He echoed what creeg had earlier said that probably only the 3 solenoids needed to be replaced but if I'm pulling the pan anyway, may as well do them all.

So reworking my math indicates that I'll end up spending a little over $200 to get'r done (mebbe $220-230 after picking up the tranny fluid)

01/15/2015, 10:44 AM
Kind of wondering if a simple fluid and filter change would solve some of these problems. How long has it been that these items have been changed on the vehicles exhibiting these shifting issues?

01/15/2015, 09:12 PM
I changed my fluids a couple times while trying to fix mine- it didnt help. Replacing the solenoids worked in my case.

Bird Dog 36
01/17/2015, 06:34 AM
My 01 ironman is doing the same thing. It "slips" into neutral in between 2nd and 3rd, sometimes seems to stay in a gear too long, and also has the " D" light out on the dash.

Tom, I'll be following your solenoid install, I thought that you said that you were going to do the install yourself. I will be doing the same,so let me know if you come across anything tricky.

Has there been any general consensus about what causes the D light to go out, seemingly at the same time? Creeg, did you ever fix your D indicator?

01/17/2015, 10:31 PM
Bird Dog 36, it sounds like you are having the solenoid issue- as Im sure you have read through this long post, and seen the symptoms and what fixed it.

My D light has not come back on, I havent looked into fixing it: it may be a shorted out bulb that needs to be replaced, or it should be something else entirely, not exactly sure. Im not much help. :grino:

Bird Dog 36
01/18/2015, 07:20 AM
If I get some time, I'll yank the gauge cover and see if it is just the bulb, I'll let you know. Maybe the same for you.
I will also use Tom's list and start to get the solenoid parts together as well.
If I remember, you had a tranny shop fix yours. What was the final cost?

01/18/2015, 03:12 PM
I have done two full solenoid swaps on my VX and I can tell you that the '01 transmission takes almost all the solenoids from the new kit 2000+ Isuzu's except one solenoid in the smaller pan requires a solenoid from the Kit for Isuzu's made before 2000, I think it is the 97-99 solenoid kit. You can easily see which one is the odd one out by visual comparison. Be careful though because you can install the wrong solenoid, it will "fit" in there, but it is the wrong solenoid. The body looks similar but the "head" that is not visible once installed is not the same, and functions differently. Not sure about the 99 and 00 trans solenoids, isuzu changed a lot around that time with the solenoids and torque converters and I found a lot of confusion from people that had not personally opened up the trans in a VX.
Aamco rebuilt my trans with the incorrect torque converter and one incorrect solenoid and it only lasted 1 year after the rebuild and then they did some type of repair after that and it lasted another 5 years but burned out again. I only know this because I personally removed and replaced the transmission with an untouched stock transmission myself and documented the process. I just haven't uploaded any photos here sorry :-)

Also I would like to mention that the bolts to resecure the pan to the tranny once you have put the new gasket on, only need to be hand tighten. Be careful, it is very easy to strip them out.

01/22/2015, 09:51 PM
I think the shop charged me around $800-900

Bird Dog 36
01/27/2015, 08:33 AM
So I tore into the dash this weekend to get to the stereo's sub output; and while I was at it I took out the gauge pod. It turns out that my "D" light bulb was burned out. So obviously we can't say that this would be the answer to D light out issues, but it was mine. I don't ever remember coming across those type of bulbs at the parts store, so I just swapped it with the "L" bulb and now my "D" works great, and I figure when and if I go to into 1st gear, I'll know anyway.

Bird Dog 36
02/22/2015, 12:47 PM
tom, have you installed the solenoids yet? And if so, how was the install? What year is your VX, and the solenoid "kit" did it have what you needed?

Now my '00 is having the "same" issues as my '01. Looks like I'll get to do it twice. :upsetgray

02/23/2015, 06:01 AM
Sorry, no I haven't done the repair yet. Life has gotten in the way in some fairly major ways. It'll probably be late spring before I'll be able to get to it.

Bird Dog 36
02/23/2015, 02:16 PM
Thanks for the reply; I hope all is well. I'll start gathering the parts in the next few weeks.

03/08/2015, 07:53 AM
does anyone still have part numbers for these solenoids - links above don't work anymore - Thanks, Larry

03/09/2015, 05:17 AM



I'm not sure what the difference is between the first two kits (except price).

03/27/2015, 08:54 PM
Gents, I've been reading your posts trying to find the possible solution to my problem. Here we go.....I've left my house ( errands to the store)and the tranny shifts hard between 2nd & 3rd. It happens Up shifting and down shifting. This is the catch, when I return home, there are NO hard down or up shifting and none the the issues you are guys are having; like flickering lights or slippage. This only happen on the first drive of the day. FYI. I had the transmission serviced last week. They cleaned the screen , flushed the system and retop the fluids. I revisited the shop today and talked to the manger about my problem. He insured me that the service they did was text book. He even said that it had been serviced not to long ago and the insides look great. Any idea?

03/27/2015, 09:36 PM

Might be far fetched but look and see if you have an AutoTrans Interceptor electronic shift modulator, (shift kit), installed.


Good Luck

03/27/2015, 10:31 PM
Will do. Thanks

Mile High VX
03/28/2015, 06:56 AM
A word of caution and something to watch for depending on your mileage if the POs did not flush the system and you have now done so it could be an issue.

Several members have experienced transmission failure after flushing a system that had not previously been flushed.

Hope all goes well for you on this one.

03/29/2015, 08:33 AM
Also, make sure that the shop topped off the the trans fluid correctly. Our transmissions have a very specific way that they need to be filled. They need to be brought up to temperature, topped off, shifted through the gears, topped off, etc. If all of that wasn't done then you may be low on fluid which might be causing the hard shifts.