View Full Version : My friggin' head is ready to explode...

09/17/2012, 01:27 PM
Not on the engine...the one on my shoulders...

Jesus-H-Christ...I never in my life have encountered so much difficulty trying to obtain an authoritative answer to a simple question...

I realize that we are living in a world drowning in incompetence, but the arrogance and ignorance that accompanies it is mind-boggling at best.

I've been trying to get an answer to the following question:

Is it possible to obtain a copy of the original window sticker that was shipped with the vehicle from the Fujisawa assembly plant?

If so, what is the protocol to do so?

Well...let me tell you my friends...forget part two of the question...I can't get part one sorted out.

I've called several dealerships, a laundry list of Isuzu divisions, departments, and facilities throughout the world, the state DMV where the vehicle reached its original destination after manufacture, Barret-Jackson Auctions, Classic Auto Restoring businesses, etc, etc. It's been a nightmare of phone shuffling over a week at this point...with only ONE individual having any clue as to what I am trying to accomplish. I feel bad for this poor thing...she has taken it upon herself to try to help me in my obsessive-compulsive, anal-retentive mission to track down this document...assuming it even exists in an archive or database somewhere over the friggin' rainbow.

If anyone can speak Japanese, please contact me...it would help considerably.

Man...anybody have any rope?

Seriously...if anyone here has an idea of whether this is possible, please feel free to chime in. If I am successful before December 21 arrives, I'll be sure to let everyone know the answer.

Until then...stay thirsty, my friends...

09/17/2012, 01:48 PM
Trust me, I get the OCD thing. But I doubt getting the factory window sticker is worth losing your head. Or the blasphemy. ;-) Just sayin.

Good luck though,

09/17/2012, 02:05 PM
Maybe trade your VX for one that has the paperwork? ;)

Or I'm sure you could get a copy shop to do a really nice fake sticker based on a scan of someone's real sticker. Not that hard since all non-Ironman VX's came with all the same options. You just need to Photoshop in your VIN and maybe the dealership where it was purchased.

But of course you would always know.

09/17/2012, 03:12 PM
Is it possible to obtain a copy of the original window sticker that was shipped with the vehicle from the Fujisawa assembly plant?

I seriously doubt that you'd be able to get it. I'm sure that Isuzu never even considered that anyone would ever need it.

However, all of the info on your sticker should be the same as everyone else's. There may be a difference between the 99 & the others though.

Contact this guy:


He's selling and indicated that he still has his.


09/17/2012, 06:53 PM
A couple of times I bought new cars and asked that the window sticker be included not ripped and barely folded. I keep a book with every time I get gas, oil changes,etc. My VX did not come with the sticker from the seller - but I did ask for it.
And - if you somehow find a way to get the copy of the sticker - I would want to know how you did it and get mine as well.

09/17/2012, 06:56 PM

Best I could find.

09/17/2012, 07:44 PM
I have mine, and I'm the third owner. Thank you Mr Donovan Bailey for keeping all the documents.

09/17/2012, 09:33 PM
I think Vendetta has given you what you need. Basically, all VX's came with same equiptment.

(Not go off here, but this could be construed as furthere evidence that Isuzu never conceived of selling more than 4K examples, due to the one size fits all menu of features. Makers looking for sales volume provide options, not like it or lump it service.)

09/18/2012, 02:53 AM
Don't use the Lords name in vein. It will not end up good for you. Just sayin.

09/18/2012, 03:14 AM
That's actually my window sticker above...
I have that and the other docs posted here:

-- John

09/18/2012, 08:25 AM
(Not go off here, but this could be construed as furthere evidence that Isuzu never conceived of selling more than 4K examples, due to the one size fits all menu of features. Makers looking for sales volume provide options, not like it or lump it service.)

I know for me this was never the debate; by using ceramic dyes they clearly intended it for limited production and there is plenty of press coverage from 98/99 to back that up. The argument as I see it is over whether they would have manufactured new dyes if sales had really taken off.

09/18/2012, 08:26 AM
Don't use the Lords name in vein. It will not end up good for you. Just sayin.

Dude your post count is going to go way up if you start patrolling the forums for blasphemy and four-letter words. Just sayin. ;)

Also vain not vein.

09/18/2012, 08:59 AM
OK gang...here is the deal...FINALLY...from the Isuzu SUV guy himself at Isuzu Motors America...which only took a week of persistent phone calls to locate:

These window stickers - the so called "Monroney Sticker" are a US legal requirement, and were produced by Isuzu America for these vehicles once delivered from the mother country. Because the VX is long out of production, and Isuzu has stopped selling all SUVs in the US four years ago, all of the printing machinery and related marketing tools needed to reproduce such stickers for those vehicles no longer exist at the company. So, Isuzu can not reproduce the sticker.

As far as the "Build Sheet" from the Fujisawa assembly plant, even if the information does exist, this guy had no clue where to begin to look, and if it could be found, Isuzu would most likely refuse to release it citing IP protection of proprietary information.

I think working a reproduction from an existing sticker is the most viable option, as most of you proposed. I have a beat-up copy from a former VX owner, and that was always plan B. I just thought it might be "fun" to see if obtaining the vehicle-specific sticker was possible. Jesus...what a twisted concept of "fun" I had...what the hell was I thinking?

So...thanx everyone for your comments, suggestions, and even the templates...

Finally, a word regarding my usage of a few colloquial terms involving religious figures. I could really give a lengthy lecture here, but I am intentionally making it brief for everyone's sake. I guess the best reply to the criticism here is the following: It's only blasphemy if you believe in such silly notions as "the afterlife", "supreme beings", and the like. Otherwise, to me, it's the same as saying "John Q Public", "Thomas P Smith" or "James J Jones"...

Please don't misinterpret this...I am a HUGE supporter of mainstream religions, in fact, because it is also my contention that if you think the planet is in bad shape now, just imagine what it would be like if religion did not exist acting as the Sword of Damocles dangling over the heads of most misguided Homo sapiens.

Th, th, th, th, th, th, that's all folks...

09/18/2012, 09:28 AM
I just thought it might be "fun" ...

I'm glad you clarified that ... or we'd really start to wonder 'bout you!!!

BTW, I printed a copy of the sticker in this thread. It's a good quality scan and prints on a standard printer just fine.

09/18/2012, 10:42 AM
can i ask why you would want this in the first place?

09/18/2012, 11:27 AM
'Cause it'd be about as much fun as a colonoscopy to try & track one down:)

09/18/2012, 11:38 AM
can i ask why you would want this in the first place?

Took the words right out of my mouth...

Whats the point? Seems like a lot of long winded posts just for proof that a vehicle was made. Of course it was, it exists now, and it has the same features as every other VX that year.

09/18/2012, 11:39 AM
...obsessive-compulsive, anal retentive personality disorders...Mom...I gotta' blame you on this one.

09/18/2012, 12:40 PM
I'm glad you clarified that ... or we'd really start to wonder 'bout you!!!

BTW, I printed a copy of the sticker in this thread. It's a good quality scan and prints on a standard printer just fine.

That window sticker would be perfect IF I owned a 2001 Proton VX...

(Wait... I DO...It's perfect!! [except the VIN])

09/18/2012, 01:00 PM
That window sticker would be perfect IF I owned a 2001 Proton VX...

(Wait... I DO...It's perfect!! [except the VIN])

& barcode

& shipped to

& dealer code

Just rattlin yer cage Dude!!!

09/20/2012, 06:09 PM
& barcode

& shipped to

& dealer code

Just rattlin yer cage Dude!!!

I doubt my car was actually shipped to the dealership that I bought it from, so I wouldn't care much about that. But, the barcode would be an issue, what with all those critics running around with barcode readers in their pockets! :p