10/03/2012, 01:33 AM
I have a laptop downstars running, with a full bottle of Lucas Oil Trasnmission Fix ready to put in the morning; it's sitting on the AC adapter which is VERY VERY HOT to pre-warm the solution as I undertstand it is thick. my 2nd/3rd gear bands/clutch packs are tour up; no metal was found in the pain, typical tiny priece at the magmet, what was in the pain was brown burnt smalling, very nasty, I washed it alll out and let ATF drip our for over a week, lots more came out; filled with 2 gallons and fired it up, ATF came pouring out of the DRIERS side of the radiator, the radiator's intercooler had let go, I knoew it wasn't the hoses, had to be a core; figired this would flush lines anyways; so not fitted up with new lines and radiator; variety of salvage yads in the area witht his commoin GM tranny, cheap and guaranteed; but first, what will LUCAS OIL TRANSMISSSION additive do? give me some temporary normal shifting? can it make things worse? Thanks, Erik