View Full Version : LUCAS OIL TRANNY FIX ADDITITVEL feedbak please!!!

10/03/2012, 12:33 AM
I have a laptop downstars running, with a full bottle of Lucas Oil Trasnmission Fix ready to put in the morning; it's sitting on the AC adapter which is VERY VERY HOT to pre-warm the solution as I undertstand it is thick. my 2nd/3rd gear bands/clutch packs are tour up; no metal was found in the pain, typical tiny priece at the magmet, what was in the pain was brown burnt smalling, very nasty, I washed it alll out and let ATF drip our for over a week, lots more came out; filled with 2 gallons and fired it up, ATF came pouring out of the DRIERS side of the radiator, the radiator's intercooler had let go, I knoew it wasn't the hoses, had to be a core; figired this would flush lines anyways; so not fitted up with new lines and radiator; variety of salvage yads in the area witht his commoin GM tranny, cheap and guaranteed; but first, what will LUCAS OIL TRANSMISSSION additive do? give me some temporary normal shifting? can it make things worse? Thanks, Erik

Scott Larson
10/03/2012, 12:01 PM
I just gotta ask Erik, do you realize that you're double posting? You asked this question at 2AM this morning and got several replies on that thread. I'm not trying to start anything, I was just thinking that maybe you were not aware of it...Best of luck with your trans rehab. :thumbup:

10/03/2012, 12:28 PM
My connection was acting up last nite, I didn't see that I double posted; I didn't think my post even went thru, connection crashedl sorry VXers!

Scott Larson
10/03/2012, 01:09 PM
No apologies necessary, we've all been there before...