View Full Version : Power Steering Problem

10/18/2012, 06:22 PM
2001 had a leak in in the pressure line from the power steering pump. During replacement of the line I took off the green fitting that goes directly to the power steering pump (that the bolt to the line goes into) and a silver piece and a spring fell out. Does anyone know how this is supposed to go back in?

10/18/2012, 07:18 PM
OK the thing that flew out is the valve I think number 24 on the diagram that seems to be floating around with the breakdown of the Power Steering pump. Anyway i doesn't look like the one in the picture. It has a needle end and flat end. No retaining ring came out only a spring and that "valve". Anyways still wondering how it goes in

10/18/2012, 10:56 PM
Ok well in case anyone was wondering the valve goes in as follows. 1. The spring goes into the pump. 2. the valve goes in with the needle end facing outboard. 3. if you don't get it in there just right it will prevent your steering pump from working at all as well as if you put it in the with needle end facing inward. 4. Hand tighten the green fitting until it is flush. If it doesn't go flush then the valve is not seated properly so it is best to start over.