View Full Version : Shop Manual

11/06/2012, 05:02 AM
For those of you that have seen the 151MB shop manual file named US.RV, you know what an indispensable tool it can be. The only problem with it is it's size. It's too big to post or email. We set up a mega upload transfer in the past but it only stays online for a short time.

I was able to convert the file to a more standard pdf format & turn off the security features but it's still 132MB. What this allows me to do however is chunk it up into sections. For instance, I just got through saving the 92 pages of the SRS section to a seperate file that is only 500KB (which can be posted).

If you need specific sections of the manual pulled out for any reason, just lemme know. I'd be happy to post them to the site as needed.

BTW, even zipped, the US.RV file is 126MB.

11/06/2012, 06:39 AM
Good on ya for doing that bro

11/06/2012, 05:20 PM
you could put it in a "dropbox" then post here to anyone who wants it.. send an invite to DropBox.com.... no? I dropbox huge stuff all the time. I suppose it would be a pain, if doing invites to all vx'ers.. lol.. maybe to just my mechanic who thought my proton was a 2013 rodeo.. ugh..

11/06/2012, 05:43 PM
Could something that big be posted to Photobucket or other hosting website?

Seems like I have a huge amount of space on Photobucket now. Hard to imagine my ever filling it up.

11/07/2012, 06:44 AM
DropBox won't work. Requires you to DL software that I'm not allowed to do at work. I could do it from home but you'll have to bump sump'n off of wifey's honeydo list. Let me know how THAT works out for ya.:)

Ifn you need a copy of the whole thing, lemme know. I can find another site to post it to ... one more time.:)

11/07/2012, 09:03 AM
I just uploaded it to:


The password is VehiCross2000

It's a 30 day free trial so I assume that you'll need to download it before 7 Dec when it disappears.

11/07/2012, 11:34 AM
I just uploaded it to:


The password is VehiCross2000

It's a 30 day free trial so I assume that you'll need to download it before 7 Dec when it disappears.

I can upload it to the download section of myvehicross.com if you like, the file size is no problem.

11/07/2012, 11:40 AM
I can upload it to the download section of myvehicross.com if you like, the file size is no problem.

OK. You just do that little thing. Download it from where I posted it. Upload it to your FTP. Others can DL from your URL (convolution - thou art an evil bitch).:)

Actually, many thanks. A permanent residence for the file would be fantastic since somebody asks for it about once every 6 months or so.

BTW, this is NOT the file that I converted. I'll post the other file as well so that you can chose which copy you want to post.


Both copies now posted.

11/07/2012, 11:56 AM
LoL, right.:bgwo:

Only thing, The link goes to a login page, and my account doesn't work to log in to your sharefile.

11/07/2012, 12:04 PM
Try putting my email addy in the first box:

thomas dot g dot becker2 dot civ at mail dot mil

Then put the password I posted above in the second box

11/07/2012, 12:07 PM
Got it, downloading now, I'll post the link once I have them loaded on my site. :yeso: Thank you! :yeso:

Update: Links
Shop Manual - Full (http://myvehicross.com/index.php?option=com_phocadownload&view=category&id=2:shop-manuals&Itemid=22)

11/07/2012, 02:40 PM
Great. U Da Man!!!!

Offer still stands though. Lemme know if anyone needs any of it chunked apart.

11/07/2012, 05:35 PM
Great. U Da Man!!!!

Offer still stands though. Lemme know if anyone needs any of it chunked apart.

No problem at all, anything I can do to give back. Also, if you want to break them down by sections, I can also store them in a sub category with the full manual. Which would make it easier for someone that just needs a quick look at a specific section as you mentioned.

Scott Larson
11/07/2012, 05:56 PM
Ah yes, a "quick" look...nothin' beats having the hardcopy manual in hand. Good on you guys for posting it up though!! :_beer: :thumbup:

11/07/2012, 06:44 PM
Thank u. Got it on my laptop now.

11/08/2012, 08:30 AM
Just wondering, is this a different manual then the one Uncle Asa sent me that I had posted here under downloads??

11/08/2012, 05:20 PM
Ah yes, a "quick" look...nothin' beats having the hardcopy manual in hand. Good on you guys for posting it up though!! :_beer: :thumbup:

Do you have an actual copy of the manual or a printed version? I'm currently working on printing the sections out, but my heart skipped when I saw how many pages it was per section!

Just wondering, is this a different manual then the one Uncle Asa sent me that I had posted here under downloads??

If you are talking about the one that refers to the 2000 model and has the green "home" button on the top right, that is just a section of the full manual posted above. The full manual actually has info for the '99 and '00 models including the Rodeo, but not the 2001 VX which you would just refer to the '00 model one.