View Full Version : Doing headgaskets, anything else i should do why im in there?

12/30/2012, 09:06 AM
Well the title says it, im doing head gsakets, should i do anything else why im in there? Ive already doing the normal stuff, all gaskets, hoses, timming, waterpump! Anything else i should change on this weird engine? My dad is doing a valve job and stem seals!

12/30/2012, 09:15 AM
Oil pump? Updated pistons? Are you using Isuzu head gaskets?

12/30/2012, 10:02 AM
I wasnt hoping to go that deep

Mile High VX
12/30/2012, 11:43 AM

12/30/2012, 04:27 PM
Already have a new stat, thought that was my problem in the first place

12/30/2012, 04:41 PM
Is he regrinding the valve seats and lapping the valves to the seats?

12/30/2012, 05:28 PM
Decided not to touch the heads, just putting it back together with new gaskets and then putting it up for sale, owned for less than a month and ive had enough of isuzu

12/30/2012, 06:04 PM
Awwwwww, I hate to hear that. The previous owner probably knew the problem and dumped it, unfortunately you got taken. You shouldn't blame it on the car. If you bought it from a dealer you might have some recourse if there was a warranty period.

12/30/2012, 07:30 PM
No warranty, i figured thats why the previous owner dumped it, couldnt figure out the problem! Ive been reading on here and it sounds like there are tons of problems with these vx's, and they seem a real pain to work on!

12/31/2012, 08:03 AM
Sorry to hear about your problems and end result. Don't blame the Isuzu just the previous owner. I have a original 3.5L VX w/ 146K, no problems for 75K of daily driver.

No warranty, i figured thats why the previous owner dumped it, couldnt figure out the problem! Ive been reading on here and it sounds like there are tons of problems with these vx's, and they seem a real pain to work on!

Keep us informed as to the listing prices and your progress.
and good luck

12/31/2012, 08:26 AM
No warranty, i figured thats why the previous owner dumped it, couldnt figure out the problem! Ive been reading on here and it sounds like there are tons of problems with these vx's, and they seem a real pain to work on!
Any car made after the introduction of smog requirements became a pain to work on, then an electronic age was introduced to automobiles and that caused another pain while actuallly eliminating a lot of others.
All of the issues that you see in here are a multiple of all the members problems of course. Not to be construed as all occuring with each and every vehicle. I would keep driving it after the head gasket is fixed and give it a chance. I personally haven't experienced any unusual problems with the VX that couldn't occur on any other car. So my advice, hang in there.

12/31/2012, 10:00 AM
No warranty, i figured thats why the previous owner dumped it, couldnt figure out the problem! Ive been reading on here and it sounds like there are tons of problems with these vx's, and they seem a real pain to work on!
As Maddawg said regarding what you're likely to read on automotive websites like this, most of what you read is going to be people posting about the problems they're currently having, and not as much about the positives of owning such a unique vehicle. It's simple human nature, and along the lines in business of one dissatisfied customer telling 10 people about their perceived bad experience while the greater number of individual satisfied customers MIGHT be telling ONE person each of their GOOD experience.

It's obviously your vehicle and you'll do with it what you want, but for what my personal opinion is worth, the positive aspects of driving a Vehicross have far outweighed the vehicle issues and other various annoyances that have also been a part of ownership, and it might be worth giving it a little time once your repairs are made and you've actually had a chance to enjoy it while not dealing with any operational problems.

If you just want rid of it though, don't let the problems you've had drive you to dump it on Craigslist dirt cheap. As you can see in the following thread, it's possible that demand and values might be on the verge of an upswing.


12/31/2012, 10:11 AM
X3! I've had a ton of problems with my VX during my 11+years and 136K miles of ownership. Thing's like tires wearing out and batteries going dead. CEL's were self-induced by the over-oiling of the K&N filter (long gone now.) My VX is the most reliable vehicle I have ever owned. My engine runs smooth (just drove to Florida and back from Virginia for Christmas,) the transmission shifts perfectly, no problems with windows or ABS... even the CD player still works. TONS OF PROBLEMS!! (No, you can't trade.)

01/02/2013, 10:04 AM
WARNING: once you get it fixed you might just keep it - every time something goes wrong with mine i say im done and im selling it but then i fix it and drive it and i love the damn thing again

01/02/2013, 10:56 AM
WARNING: once you get it fixed you might just keep it - every time something goes wrong with mine i say im done and im selling it but then i fix it and drive it and i love the damn thing again

Hahahah, ain't it da troot!