View Full Version : VX on TV

10/24/2003, 05:32 AM
Not a big deal, but I caught a quick glimpse of a VX on the premiere of Fox networks new series 'Skin'. About 3-5 minutes into the show, you see a Porsche Boxster tear off and just a second later, a silver VX with some big chrome wheels drives by. The episode reruns sometime tonite...

10/24/2003, 08:58 AM
Originally posted by grober02
Not a big deal, but I caught a quick glimpse of a VX on the premiere of Fox networks new series 'Skin'. About 3-5 minutes into the show, you see a Porsche Boxster tear off and just a second later, a silver VX with some big chrome wheels drives by. The episode reruns sometime tonite...

Grober02, would that happen to be your VX in the tv series, by any chance?

10/24/2003, 09:23 AM
grober02, Sweet wheels!

10/24/2003, 09:50 PM
Watched it tonight - you aren't kidding... VERY fleeting glimpse, but still pretty cool. Actually it goes by as the Porsche tears off.... if you look for it after you may just miss it. Best I've seen so far is in the movie "Unconditional Love". Haven't seen it on Mutant X yet but apparently an ebony shows up there pretty regularly.

10/24/2003, 09:59 PM
I watched the first 5 minutes of Skin on Monday and I must have blinked because I missed the VX. But I had to change the channel when they started comparing something (life? dating? sex? I forgot) to the anticipation of opening a new CD. I must be getting old because that dialog was just soooo insipid that even the cool special effects of the car keys being tossed around wasn't enough to keep me interested and I LOVE special effects.

10/24/2003, 10:06 PM
It's a very quick glimpse in low light... my wife taped it and I've seen it twice. I still need another look to be able to tell it has big chrome wheels.

11/20/2004, 01:23 PM
On the tv series Mutant X, episode "Altered Ego" at about 23 minutes into it, 2 ebony vx's appear for a brief amount of time as the "bad guys" are making their get away.


It was sheer luck I caught this, I was just sitting down to take a break from tileing my bathroom and as I was flipping channels, I caught a glimpse of a vx, I flip it back and there they are, two beutiful ebony's in action.

BTW, I'm hoping I have the episode information correct since I'm not actually watching the show I just looked it up on tv-guide to find out which episode was supposed to be playing today.

11/20/2004, 04:12 PM
Thanks! I've suffered through a few episodes of that show before because of people saying one or more VX's were in them regularly. Never seen one yet. I checked the Yahoo TV listings and came up with "Altered Ego" too. CBS late tonight for me, so I'll set a tape for 2:00 am and see what I get. :-)

11/21/2004, 11:53 AM
In Mutant X the bad guys drive the VX. I guess the reason they drive the VX is because it's the meanest looking SUV on the street. Every time the bad guys are in an outside scene the VX is there. I know that their is aleast 4 different episodes where you see the VX. Their is 1 where they show 4 VX's drive up and leave skid marks.

11/21/2004, 12:36 PM
That's funny, just last night (sat nov 20) I was channel surfing when what did I see, a couple of black beauties on MutantX. they weren't on the screen long, but my how good they looked on the little screen.;) Have to agree with Heraclid, that show is unwatchable.

11/21/2004, 08:14 PM
Taped it last night - they show up in the very beginning too, and it looks like an Astral or Ironman makes a cameo too. There's a part where a guy gets shoved into a car by someone else, then you see a guy get in a black VX (you see just a door). Right before that, there's the side of what I believe is another VX, but it ain't black. You can see the A-pillar, some of the roofline, a steering wheel.

11/22/2004, 12:27 PM
Can anyone post any interesting screenshots?

11/22/2004, 01:43 PM

11/22/2004, 01:53 PM
Bazo B4 22inch rims with 285/30/22 Dunlops... SWEET