View Full Version : Plasticoat

01/03/2013, 01:07 PM
Has anyone messed around with this stuff. My husband's co-worker is coating his entire car, he said it's pretty cool stuff. Evidently you can just peel it off the the places you don't want it after spraying. IE gaskets, lights, etc. I want to debadge my VX completely and thought this might be a good option for the center hubs on the wheels or the entire wheel. Would be a neat option for the cladding too, but I'd be way scared to take that plunge! Any thoughts?

01/03/2013, 01:19 PM
Might ask VXorado about it. He used it for his door jams. I believe he said it was kind of soft and thought it would scratch easily.

01/03/2013, 02:07 PM
Plasti-dip is awesome stuff. I've used the aerosol can plasti-dip for lots of little project and as Billy said, my door jams after the vinyl wrap. The finish is pretty soft and it tends to tear if scratched. I would be worried that tree branches would easily ruin the finish. If you keep your VX on pavement, frequent scratching would be less of a concern.

The aerosol plasti-dip does not work on the cladding. I sprayed the cladding and it looked great for a couple days before peeling off. Maybe the pro kit would work better?


01/03/2013, 04:02 PM
I am going with tintable bed liner...should hold up to the branches! :)

01/03/2013, 04:11 PM
I have no experience with the stuff. I have read about people painting their rims black with it. If you want them silver again you just peel it off. I think that is pretty cool.

01/03/2013, 05:22 PM
Yup, bedliner/monsterLiner etc...

I am going with tintable bed liner...should hold up to the branches! :)

...much more 'betterer' idea for whole vehicle IMO.


01/03/2013, 06:39 PM
Yeah, plastidip not plasticoat...my bad. ;)
Well darn on the cladding. I might try the rims this weekend and see how it goes.

01/03/2013, 09:51 PM
I have plastidipped my tail lights.

01/03/2013, 10:11 PM
Plasti dip is amazing, just be sure you put it on a smooth surface.. Putting it on the cladding would be a pain to get off... But if you put it on smooth metal it comes off like a charm, holds up on wheels very well and doesn't hurt the paint.

01/04/2013, 01:13 AM
With some of my over spray I found that a micro fiber cloth pulled it away form the cladding pretty easily.

01/04/2013, 03:29 AM
the great part about plasti-dip is that you can easily recover what peels and its great if you want to maintain the nice unscratched paint surface. I friend uses it to cover his roof of his FJ and it still is on there and has been about a year.

01/04/2013, 07:02 AM
Yup, just like others said, works really well.

We just plasti dipped my best friends 2012 4Runner's wheels and they turned out great, we also added 2 or 3 coats of nightshades to his headlights and tail lights. Truck really stands out now

01/04/2013, 07:04 AM
i think plastidipped wheels look pretty good:


i think this is member tribalvx

01/04/2013, 07:38 AM
Oh yeah! Looks great. Now I'm excited. I have the aerosol can. I hope that's what I should use.

01/04/2013, 12:10 PM
Hmmm...off the topic of using it on your car, but I wonder if this would work as a firearm finish. For that price it is worth a shot.

01/04/2013, 12:52 PM
What do you do to prep surface of wheels? Just clean 'em?

01/04/2013, 01:05 PM
What do you do to prep surface of wheels? Just clean 'em?

You need to spray them with primer first.

--- that's a joke. :winkgray:

01/04/2013, 01:55 PM
I hope so! LOL! My jaw dropped at first. :-)

01/04/2013, 05:05 PM
We cleaned the wheels on the Runner with rubbing alcohol to get all the brake dust and road grime off.

01/04/2013, 07:41 PM
Hmmm...off the topic of using it on your car, but I wonder if this would work as a firearm finish. For that price it is worth a shot.

I kinda doubt it...:_confused

In my exrerience...Plasti-Dip spray on aluminium wheels, scuffed with a 3-M pad, & cleaned with 91% rubbing alcohol, was a lot like spraying on sunburn.

After it cured, it would peel off fairly easily, can't imagine it would stand up to any type of actual firearm usage...:(

I prolly shoulda used an adhesion promoter, but...:_brickwal
I'm kinda impatient...:rolleyesg

However, there is hope...:yesgray:

https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&cad=rja&ved=0CE4QFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.shootingillustrated.com%2Find ex.php%2F21042%2Fhow-to-paint-your-rifle%2F&ei=L5_nULT0MdPcqAGPp4CAAQ&usg=AFQjCNEXhvYS09s84xZxPd1oPsu2BGRkiw&sig2=F-kLpEj7nspG_r6koWWPqQ&bvm=bv.1355534169,d.aWM

OP...check this stuff as well...:yes:
Supposed to be tough enough for weapons grade usage.


01/09/2013, 11:49 PM
i covered the clads in tough bed liner, it looks great and ruggid. but just make sure you do it right or elce itle peel off on you.

01/13/2013, 05:47 AM
Looked great last night! So I removed two rims yesterday and sprayed on 4 thin coats over 3 hours time. Looked AWESOME...until this morning. I had them sit overnight and went to take a look-see this morning and one of them, only one, the plasti-dip had bubbled/peeled around the edge of the rim. That grooved area where the rims countours next to the edge. Allison not a happy camper. Not sure if I can just cut the bad part away or if I need to peel it off and start all over. Any suggestions?

02/02/2013, 10:29 AM
I finally finished the plastidipped rims. I likey. Whatcha think yawl?

Stock Chrome:


After plastidip:



I'm going to see if I can blacken the 3.5L and the VX badges next.

02/02/2013, 12:15 PM
Looks Awesome!

02/02/2013, 09:20 PM
Plastidip is very popular among the Volvo crowd apparently, they all talk about it. They use it alot for lower cladding, bumper inserts, grill, wheels, and occasionally for racing stripes. When it gets messed up they just scrub it off and redo it.

02/03/2013, 04:57 PM
Plastidip is very popular among the Volvo crowd apparently, they all talk about it. They use it alot for lower cladding, bumper inserts, grill, wheels, and occasionally for racing stripes. When it gets messed up they just scrub it off and redo it.

Yeah, I don't get that. It peels of easy when ya want it to. Why doesn't it peel off when ya don't want it to? Pretty awesome stuff though. I'm afraid to try it on the cladding.

02/03/2013, 05:24 PM
OK, So, I learned a lot doing this and I thought I would share.

First of all, Plastidip comes in many different colors. Home Depot only stocks the Black, but you can order the white or other colors on line. It's $6 a can. You can plan on using about a can a wheel. The first time I did it, they bubbled and peeled. So I pulled it off and tried again. My rims are chrome. I first cleaned them with soapy water, dried them and then rubbed them down with rubbing alcohol and let it dry completely. Humidity in the air is a factor too. Be sure to do this on a nice day. You don't need to sand, or prep anything. My chrome was peeling on the back side. I yanked off the big pieces and rubbed em down with alcohol and they were ready to roll.

The first time I didn't mask them because it is generally really easy to peel over spray when it's dry. But, peeling rubber off rubber is not too easy. Especially when it's sprayed on thin around the edges. The thicker your spray, the easier to peel. The second time, I learned an swesome trick on youtube. As shown in the images, put index cards all around the edges. No overspray and easy to place in the edges of the rims.

The second image shows after the first coat, a real thin base. Wait at least 30 minutes in between coats. My second coat was a lot heavier, as each coat went on, I got a little heavier. I put on 5 coats and it looked great.

In one afternoon, I got all black rims and it only cost less than $30 to do it!

Prepped and ready


After the base coat


All done


02/06/2013, 10:13 PM
It will take a can per wheel.. just to be safe

02/07/2013, 07:52 AM
i want to do mine but leave the isuzu center cap chrome - it can be taken out right? - ive had my wheels off a few time but never popped the cap out - anyone how how or if its hard to do

02/07/2013, 08:10 AM
i want to do mine but leave the isuzu center cap chrome - it can be taken out right? - ive had my wheels off a few time but never popped the cap out - anyone how how or if its hard to do

Yes, they come out. I've never had OEM rims since I've owned the Proton so I can't tell you how they are attached (prolly just a lip holds them against the rim, but may have a cupla screws or a clip ring). It should be real easy though.

02/07/2013, 08:56 AM
thanks - ive always thought the proton would look good on black rims but i might try to leave that center cap chrome jsut to be different and i think it might look good - ive blacked out what badges i didnt take off and the lights when i got the vx - the wheels are the last piece - you're sure this stuff comes off later?

02/07/2013, 09:34 AM
... ive always thought the proton would look good on black rims ...

Nah, rims with lotsa offset ... the dish is so deep that the brushed finish is always in shadow - looks like it's blacked out!

I've never plasticoated anything so can't guide you on the peel-off aspects.

02/07/2013, 04:11 PM
three small bolts hold the center cap onto the rim, no big deal at all to remove them so you can spray the wheels and later reattach the caps.

02/07/2013, 05:24 PM
There is a groove were the cap seats. That's the beauty of this stuff. You don't have to take that cap off if you don't want to. Just peel it off. It will break itself off at the groove!

02/07/2013, 07:04 PM
i want to do mine but leave the isuzu center cap chrome - it can be taken out right? - ive had my wheels off a few time but never popped the cap out - anyone how how or if its hard to do

Yeh...it'd be purdy hard to change tires otherwise...:smilewink

Yes, they come out. I've never had OEM rims since I've owned the Proton so I can't tell you how they are attached (prolly just a lip holds them against the rim, but may have a cupla screws or a clip ring). It should be real easy though.

Yep 00's & 01's...screw on from tha back

99's screw on from tha front