View Full Version : Generation Progress

05/29/2013, 01:07 PM

Hello fellow VXers,

It had literally been years since I last posted on this forum. However, I still have my Proton going on 9 years now. She's at 121K and hums like she is still a couple years old. She has never seen a mechanic shop other than your normal inspections, oil changes, tire changes/rotations.

I STILL get compliments and people are still curious. Throughout the years, my daughter has heard me talked to people about the Vehicross and she's picked up on the normal stats...ie production number, history etc.

She has grown up with the Vehicross since she was 7 years old...soccer games, road trips, tennis matches, beer runs haha! It has now come to the point where I will hand over the Vehicross for my daughter to drive. She got her permit in March. She knows the history and talks it up with strangers and her friends. It's almost bittersweet that my daughter will become her main driver.

Yes, I'm feeling a little nostalgic but I think it's normal. I've never had a vehicle to where I would say 'no way am I selling her'. The Vehicross is a main fiber of my family and now it's time for her to be my daughter's trusted vehicle.

Take care out there.

- Misterdallas

05/29/2013, 01:20 PM
Good stuff!!!

05/29/2013, 01:21 PM
I love hearing stories like this, and wish you, your family, and your VX many years of good times.

05/29/2013, 01:30 PM
wooow, that is so awesome to hear... i feel the same..

i almost teared up lol


05/29/2013, 05:14 PM
Awesome to hear!
I lived in Plano for 12 yrs, until '07, how'd I miss you? I lived at Park & Ohio basically. Only one I ever saw was the Astral with burnt orange Line-X cladding.

Scott Larson
05/29/2013, 07:17 PM
Now there's a "feel good"...thanks for posting MD! Best of luck to your daughter in her new adventures with your trusted mount, may it bring her many more years of joy and safe travels, motor on...:_steering :thumbup:

05/29/2013, 08:53 PM
Thanks everyone. It's really cool when I hear her talk about it when prompted. I know she'll be safer with the Vehicross...popping curbs will never be a problem. haha!

05/29/2013, 08:59 PM
@ Vx Kat...We lived in East Plano until 2011 at Park and Shiloh. We're now in the Murphy/Plano area. My office was around 15th and Park until 2010. Now I use Park to go all the way to the Dallas Tollway at my current office. So I certainly pass Park and Ohio everyday. :)

Mile High VX
05/30/2013, 06:39 AM
What a great family story...and a great heirloom. Beats the coffee table I got in the basement...:bwgy::smilewink:bgwo::bgwb: