View Full Version : Rock Bumper...AND...Hood scoop...and REAL interest / people wanting??

05/29/2013, 08:00 PM
I've had several enquiries about the Hood Scoop and Rock Bumper the ORW is sporting...
...where to get them...will you make me one..etc.

So...If there are enough people REALLY interested..like a deposit and Pink slip (:p) as good faith...

I may well produce a limited number of both.

Excuse the vagueness please...just fishing to see if this is worth pursuing :cool:

Hood Scoop...
http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/Hood_scoop.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=23819)
Rock Bumper ( with brush guard..will offer rock bumper ONLY) :-
http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/ORW2.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=23820).


Hood Scoop is non functional..but easily made to extract hot air if you so desire.
Fashioned from a cut down Camaro Scoop ( props to VXFocus!).
I'd suggest sending me your insert, I mold it on, fill , fair and primer...and send it back.
( Line-X finish or satin black available as option).
Scoop drains through holes in "Horn" ends..and has mesh over opening.

Price ( given I get 3 or more orders) will be $435 plus p&p.


Rock Bumper...is expensive...but in line with similar "Off the shelf" bumpers ( see shrockworks.com)
I'll produce it without the brush guard add on....too many different styles to suit all tastes...plus the one I used it tough to find/expensive.

Bumper fits to a custom plate welded to/across front of frame rails, with 5/8ths bolts welded to it..will come ready to weld to frame.
This plate matches up to a custom plate welded to bumper with holes for bolts.
10 mins on/off..SUPER STRONG.
Outer 'wings' of Bumper will be cut/welded/filled & modified to fit line of Cladding as per my pics.

You will need to ...cut down your existing cladding and remove OEM crash bar to fit.

## side note...buy a damaged cladding cheap...sell your good one for $250-300...AND...sell your good OEM crash bar for $300.... recouping $500 plus on cost of Rock Bumper.##

OEM Turn signals will fit Rock Bumper...you will not have the round "Fog lights" anymore....harness can be used for optional lights you want to fit to Bumper.

Winch will fit if you cut down your grill...I chose not to..I welded in a receiver for a plate mounted winch I can use fore & aft!...this will be an option ( plus $65)

Sent to you either Line-x'ed or primer....Line-X will add $120 ( sprayed inside and out!)

Price ( given I get 3 or more orders) will be $1440 plus p&p for primered Bumper, no receiver.

(So..about $1000 if ya cash in cladding and OEM crash bar :thumbup:)


Please understand that this is a somewhat off the cuff response...
....to enquiries I've had.

Input/thoughts....and of course ORDERS/REAL INTEREST...welcome.

I reserve the right to adjust prices up or down by 10% PRIOR to final orders...if there are enough orders...I am still negotiating with suppliers!

I realize this style isnt for everyone.... but if its to your taste..hit me up :dance:


05/29/2013, 09:45 PM
They both look sweet bro.

05/30/2013, 01:26 AM
Sincere interest in scoop.


05/30/2013, 08:42 AM
If I could Afford the Bumper right now, I'd definitely jump on that!

05/30/2013, 01:00 PM
The only thing missing is a front skidplate!! That is one badass design and I applaud your sharing as you know most of us envy that front end!!! Just wish I had $1500 sitting around looking for a new home!!

05/30/2013, 07:30 PM
Would love the bumper, but not sure if I can justify the cost. Plus I would probably have to modify it further to make it work with the receiver and bar I already have. So despite my extreme interest in Moab, dont think its in the cards for me. Sorry Jo, best of luck with them. Looks awesome on your rig!

05/31/2013, 01:56 PM
Thanks guys...glad ya like...

....no worries if ya cant swing it right now...just happy I got to build it..
....and it came out looking good :dance:

(The whole ORW re-build was my "lets celebrate divorce/55th birthday" gift to myself :p :thumbup: )

I did get several "one off " custom quotes before deciding to modify existing stuff myself...

...those quotes were INSANE!

I'm trying to get the cost down , but buying parts in 3's doesnt impress the big suppliers!!
(Ya dont want to know what the actual cost of mine was....:eek: )

I do think selling the redundant cladding and crash bar helps with actual out of pocket....LOTS!
If, over the next months/year...enough people want the Bumper.....
....I can still do a limited run.



05/31/2013, 04:21 PM
Id be in for both but i forgot about the shipping when we talked in moab ...... holy nuts that would be alot for just shipping. If you get some more orders and help me figure out the shipping, Id probably be up for it. also can I mount a winch on the inside?

05/31/2013, 04:31 PM
Well I say you really know how to celebrate!! LOL!!! I was also wondering could you fit a winch inside there? Great fit and finish!!

05/31/2013, 05:08 PM
Shipping of Bumper would be a Road cargo deal....

....its about 150lbs .. the insert can go Greyhound pretty cheap.

The unmodified bumper is made for a winch...and YES , you can fit one..
.....if I know about it beforehand.

essentially you can either mount it a bit lower than I have ..
....OR cut some off the bottom of the grill insert....for clearance.

I chose to put a receiver in instead and leave Grill as is...cause I want a
winch on a plate, for use fore & aft.

