View Full Version : Anyone Else???

11/04/2003, 10:19 AM
Okay...the only thing so far to go wrong with my VX was my passenger side window getting replaced.....

So now, I've noticed a NOISE...like when your tire is low....or your tire isn't QUITE ROUND.....so got it rotated as usual and got an alignment....still have the noise....oh and I can also feel it through the floor too. SO when I went to get my window checked out I told them about it,,,and asked them to make sure nothing was bent corroded etc. Well they fixed the window and said nothing was wrong with the wheels...meanwhile that damng noise is still there....and I am convinced it's something....anyone else have this??


11/04/2003, 10:29 AM
Is it a "hopping" type of noise? Sounds like you may need to have your tires balanced.

11/04/2003, 04:09 PM
Yep, already did that..

11/04/2003, 05:25 PM
there's a good chance that the tire is already worn to the point that it has a "flat spot" on it and will not go away. Another possible and more rare occurrance could be a slipped belt. I basic terms it maens the tire is degrading within itself. Go to a tire shop to see if they can help or someone that deals with more of this type of problem to get better info then, if it turns into a warranty issue you can take the diagonosis to the dealer.. In writing of course.

11/04/2003, 07:34 PM
I may have the same feeling. It feels like an inner control arm bushing loose, or tire out of balance.

replaced shocks..nope

swapped wheels/tires...nope

replaced front whee; bearings... nope

I'm thinking it may be CV jount wear causing CV shaft to ride off center, but I don't know how to check CV's for wear.

John C.

11/05/2003, 09:36 PM
Im having this same problem too. Ive also replaced the front bearings, and was thinking possibly ball joints..... Its weird because at times it soundls like a flat tire. Ive also noticed it becomes somewhat intermittent while turning especially at high speeds. Anyone know about checking the CV's for this type of issue???